Barbara: Val

Lucas: Jimmy

Kendall: Tracy

Script One:Aunty Joan is not sure about getting her test done

SFX: interior of home, cooking sounds, radio and young person’s voice in background

Narrator (warm female voice):

“Oh, hello! Nice to see you!

“It’s good of you to come by. I’ve just arrived myself, and by the smell of it, I came at the right time!

“It looks like Tracy and Aunty Joan are cooking up some chicken for dinner – that’s if Tracy’s son Jimmy doesn’t eat it all before it gets to the dinner table!

“Anyway – let’s hear what they’re yarning about…”

Aunty Joan (older female):

“That’s the way, Tracy, put a bit more water in those veggies and then turn the heat down…”
Tracy (female, late 30s):

“Okay Mum. It’s looking really good!”
Jimmy (teenager):

“Smells good too! Can I have some now? Just a bit?”
Aunty Joan (laughing):

“Hey – get your dirty fingers outta there, young Jimmy! Don’t make your old nanna chase you out the door…”
(Radio SFX changes from a song to a breast screening ad)

“There’s that breast screening ad again. Which reminds me – I’ve been wanting to ask if you’ve had one of those lately…”
Aunty Joan:

“Oh, look – I’m supposed to. But I don’t know, I’m sort of worried about going and getting it done…”

“Why? What are you worried about?”
Aunty Joan:

“I don’t know – I guess it’s the thought of people I don’t know seeing me, you know, undressed or what have you. And poking and prodding me. And what if it’s a man?

“I’m not even sure what they’ll be doing to me – what if it hurts?”

“Well, I know they’ll look after you, and I know it’s all done in private. There’s a female health worker who helps you, so you’d don’t need to worry about feeling shame. She’ll treat you well and make sure you feel comfortable.

“But you should really get it done, Mum, it’s important! We want to make sure you’re around to keep guarding the dinner from Jimmy for as long as possible!”
Aunty Joan (laughs):

“True, but that boy’s already too big and too clever for me to handle…”

“Look, why don’t you have a yarn with your cousin Val? She had a breast screen a while back – remember? Ask her some questions if you’re worried about it…”
Aunty Joan:

“Okay, yeah. That’s a good idea. I’m seeing her tomorrow at the shop…”
(SFX of clatter and splashing and running feet)

“Hey, Jimmy, you come back here with that chicken leg!”
Aunty Joan:

“You better run, young fella – I’m coming after you…”
Narrator (laughing):

“Wow – Aunty Joan sure can run quick when she wants to! Jimmy better eat that chicken leg before she catches him!

“But look, I’m really glad Tracy and Aunty Joan had that yarn. Tracy’s right when she says breast screening is important.

“Did you know that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer for women in Australia, and the second most common cause of cancer related deaths?

“So having a free BreastScreen test every two years is the best way to detect breast cancer early, which could save your life.

“And breast screening is free for all women aged 50 to 74.

“So don’t put it off any longer – call 13 20 50 to make an appointment at your nearest BreastScreen Australia clinic, or visit one of the mobile clinics when it comes to your community.

“I’m really hoping Aunty Joan does the same, or at least has a bit more of yarn about it to her cousin Val when they catch up tomorrow.

“Why don’t we go along too – I’m keen on a look around the shops myself. So I’ll see you then, okay?”