Expressions of Interest - Creative Arts

Do you: Sing? Make Music? Spin? Sew? Craft? Paint? Sculpt? Make Films? Take Photographs? Write Poems/Plays/Stories? Tell Stories? Perform? Dance?

You are invited to share your creative skills with others at the Australian College of Midwives 20th Biennial Conference in Adelaide.

The theme of the conference is ‘Calling all Midwives: The truth is out there!’

Creative arts are powerful media to explore issues and meaning relating to birth and the lives and experiences of midwives and women, their families and communities. There is also the potential for creative expression to:

  • provide a platform for cultural exchange
  • highlight innovative ways of working with women and each other
  • demonstrate creative approaches to education and educational resources
  • enable participation by those who may otherwise be excluded
  • have an impact that reaches beyond the traditional format of a conference presentation.

In recognition of the importance of creative arts – and in response to the overwhelming appreciation of the Creative Arts Festival previous Australian College of Midwives conferences in Sydney – there will be an exhibition of creative art and contributions will be woven throughout the Conference program.

Proposals can be submitted for art and craft-work, displays, installations, workshops, performance, films, creative writing, poetry, story-telling, music, singing, dance and other expressions of creativity that will contribute to our understanding and celebration of the Conference theme.

An Expression of Interest is no guarantee that your work will be accepted. The Conference Organising Committee reserves the right to make a final selection which is likely not to include all submissions due to space limitations.

Dates and Deadlines

Call for Expressions of Interest opens
Call for Expressions of Interest closes / 14 March 2017
Authors notified of results / 22 May 2017
Presenter registration deadline / 5 July 2017

Guidelines for writing your Expression of Interest

When submitting your Expression of Interest for the Creative Arts program, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Name, email, postal address and phone details for the main contact:
  • Names of any other contributors:
  • Biographies for each contributor
  • Short summary of the creative art work/performance/workshop (not more than 300 words). This summary will be used in the Conference Book of Abstracts and should identify:
  • The aim or rationale of your work
  • A clear account of the media to be employed and the content of your work
  • Why your work is important
  • The relevance of your work to the conference and its theme
  • The space and/or time required to exhibit or perform the work
  • If the work is a performance, a DVD needs to be submitted (by post) that shows the work (this does not need to be in a professional format – it needs to be enough for the Creative Arts Working Group to know what is in the performance and to assess the appropriateness and relevance).


Within your submission you will also need to let us know about your practical requirements and you will need to address each of the following considerations that apply to your submission. Please note that most items will need to be provided by yourself and can only be supplied by the Conference if deemed critical by the Creative Arts Working Group.

Requirements may include:

  • Audio/visual/equipment/art/craft
  • Size of room/space
  • Whether a limit on number of participants who can attend
  • Sound proofing issues
  • The length of your performance/workshop/presentation/film/other

Exhibitors’ requirements may include:

  • Dimensions of art work/display/installation
  • Total floor space to include seating room for exhibitors
  • Number and size of table/s and chairs
  • Wall space to include display/hanging method and dimensions/weight of objects being displayed/hung
  • Mounting if floor sculpture
  • Any audio/visual requirements or other equipment

Please note:registration and attendance will be required, as there is no ability to set up or care for anyone else’s art work.

Review of Creative Arts Expressions of Interest

These are the elements we will be looking for in your work and they will need to tie in with the Conference theme. Thank you for your contribution.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
Aim or rationale / Aim or rationale / Some detail / Detailed and appropriate
Clear account of media to be used / Absent / Some clarity / Clear account
Explanation of why work is important / Absent / Some explanation / Clear explanation
Relevance to conference theme / Not very relevant / Relevant
Requirements described / Absent / Comprehensive description
Grand Total