Katie Green
By E-Mail:


Our ref: JG/108166

Please ask for: Julie Griffiths

Direct Dial: 01536 464162

Direct Fax:01536 464076


DX address: DX12915 Corby

9 June, 2015

Dear Madam

Re: Freedom of Information Request (Ref: 108166)

Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, relating toERP/Finance Systems, which we received on 9 June 2015.

I can confirm that Corby Borough Council has reviewed all relevant files and thatthe following information is given in response to your request:

1. What ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) or Finance system is currently used at the council? Civica Financials

2. When does your contract expire? No expiry date as such.There is a notice period if we should decide to change supplier.

3. Do you have any planned upgrades of the software? If so, when? The only upgrade planned is to the next version of the software this autumn.

4. Are you planning to go to market for a different ERP/ Finance system? If so, when? No

5. How many users / licenses of the system do you have at the council? 250

6. Who is the person responsible for your ERP / Finance system? Please provide full name, title and contact information if possible. David Bayliss, Group Accountant, 01536 464108

I trust that this provides all the information you were requesting. However, if you are not happy about the response which the Council has provided or you are not satisfied with how your request has been handled, then you can follow the procedure as explained in ‘How to Complain, Comment or Compliment about Council Services in Corby’.

If after going through this process, the matter is unresolved, you have the right of appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office using the contacts below:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




08456 30 60 60

Please note that although this information has been released to you, this does not automatically give you the right to reuse the information. Reuse is defined as ‘the use by a person (or company) of information held by the Council for a purpose other than the initial purpose for which it was produced’. With the exception of non commercial research and private study, any other reuse of information (including the posting of material on a website or distributing printed copies at a meeting) may require a license from the Council, which will be subject to a fee. For more information, or to apply for a ‘Reuse of Public Sector Information’ license you can visit or telephone 01536 464 038.

Yours sincerely,

Julie Griffiths

FOI Assistant

JG / 108166 / 205546 / Page 1