Expanded Comparison Matrix

Anne Ohakosim

Ground Canyon University


Your paper meets the minimum requirements for the assignment, however, there are still APA formatting issues with your margins -- they change throughout the paper and this must be consistent. The literature review and conclusions were very vague and will need more focus with future assignments. / 87.00/100 (87%) View Rubrics


Part One: Expanded Comparison Matrix

The goal for doctoral learners is to write a very solidempirical research paper for his or her DPI project. The doctoral student will read various empirical article to learn and gain

knowledge of the study, thereby breaking them down into sections that will focus on the parts of Empirical study questions, sample populations, limitations of the study and a conclusion. Three empirical articles were used to compare the quality of what the study lacks in these empirical studies. The first article topicpertains to relationship among structural empowerment, psychological empowerment and burn out in Registered Staff Nurses’ working in outpatient Dialysis Center by O’Brien (2011)., the 2nd article Analyzing Student Complaints Against Nursing Programs: Taxonomies’ of complaints and outcomes by Wolf& Czekanski (2011) and the third section, the changes in clot microstructure in patients with ischaemic stroke and the effects therapeutic intervention: a prospective observational study Stanford et al.(2015).

In the study, “Relationships Among Structural Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment, And Burnout in Registered Staff Nurses Working in Outpatient Dialysis Centers,” O’Brien (2011), The Author offered overview of relationships between the burnout in registered Staff nurses working in outpatient hemodialysis settings psychology empowerment and structural empowerment.The next study is to find out and how viable assistance provided to nursing programs in terms of accomplishing continuous improvement, changing practice approaches reducing the number of future complaint by implementing early intervention program that will help in improving outcomes and the last article is evaluation of some specific novel clotting biomarkers in ischaemic stroke and changes of clot structure following therapeutic intervention. All the three-article concentrated on improvement or better outcome for each case scenario.

Research Question

This Study looked at the following hypothesis in the 1ststudy, that there is inverse relationship between structural empowerment and burnout, there is also inverse relationship between psychological empowerment and burnoutrelationship between structural empowerment and psychological empowerment. The 2nd study seeks to answer the following research question. How intervening early with complaints and how by ushering positive practice to help the program administrators and the 3rd study seeks to answer the following question if patient with ischaemic have denser and stronger clot structure and If the effect of thrombolysis on clot microstructure more prominent than antiplatelet therapy. All three-research question is similar because they focused in improvement and better outcome.

Literature Review

All the three research studies begin with literature review, which gives definition or explanation about the main topic of the research, the researcher started to look deeply into the research questions that are presented for instance article one of this research talked about relationships among structural empowered psychological empowerment. And burnout in registered staff nurses working in outpatient dialysis centers.the next research discuses analyzing student complaint against nursing programs: taxonomies of complaintand outcomes and the final research is about the changes in clot microstructure in patient with ischaemic stroke and effects of therapeutic intervention: a prospective observational study. All three article are similar because they talked about improving for better outcome.

Sample Population

In the study completed by O’Brian (2011)., 500 registered nurses working in dialysis centers in United States of America, in the 2nd study conducted by Wolf & Czekanski (2011)., students focused complaint (N=98) that were recorded on 2007 excel database of a university nursing program and on the final study by Stanford et al. (2015). The author recruited 75 patients with ischaemic stroke and out of them 32 were thrombolysis with t-PA and 43 were loaded with 300mg of aspirin.

Limitation of the study

One limitation the study has is the average age of the respondent was 49. Years which are mainly nurses who are Caucasian and full time, the 2nd study limitations convenience sampling the approach and lack of control over data collected and the final study limitations is all the patient in the study that were Caucasians hence the result from the study will not be generalized.

The hasbeen successful in drawing a conclusion relevant to the study’s subject matter and finding. The conclusion answers the proposed research question, and it befits the methodology used in the studies in an appropriate manner. At the end, in conclusion, O’Brien (2011) has conclusively answered the proposed research question by stating the fact that, there is a significant relationship between structured empowerment and burnout in respect of those nurses who have been considered as subjects to the study and who are registered staff nurses working in outpatient hemodialysis settings.

The researcher has linked the conclusion correctly to the research methodology, and this can be argued by citing the fact that at the end the researcher has not forgotten to mention how the conclusion was drawn with the help of the Emotional Exhaustion Subscale of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (O’Brien, 2011). Hence, considering these facts it must be said that, in the study, “Relationships Among Structural Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment, And Burnout in Registered Staff Nurses Working in Outpatient Dialysis Centers,” O’Brien (2011) has been successful in drawing a conclusion relevant to the study’s subject matter and finding.

In the study, “Analyzing Student Complaints Against Nursing Programs: Taxonomies of Complaints and Outcomes,” Wolf and Czekanski (2011) have link the conclusion effectively with the primary research study. The researchers have been successful in drawing a conclusion relevant to the study’s subject matter and finding. The conclusion answers the proposed research question, and it befits the methodology used in the studies in an appropriate manner.The researchers have shown in the conclusion how failure and dismissal from specific nursing programs can lead to an elevated level of complaint from the students’ end, and how effective intervention strategies for mitigating the problems can eventually help program administrators in alleviating the degree of criticism in the long run (Wolf & Czekanski, 2011). It is by stating so in the conclusion that the researchers have answered the research question in the concluding paragraph efficiently. Moreover, to relate the end to the research methodology used in the study, the researchers have not forgotten to mention how they established the taxonomic domains of type of complaints, complaint outcomes, and complainants after establishing interrater reliability of the coding system (Wolf & Czekanski, 2011). Hence, it can be saidthat the researchers have managed to drawing a conclusion relevant to the study’s subject matter and finding.

In the study, “The changes in clot microstructure in patients with ischaemic stroke and the effects of therapeutic intervention: a prospective observational study,” Stanford et al. (2015) have been successful in drawing a conclusion relevant to the study’s subject matter and finding. The conclusion answers the proposed research question, and it befits the methodology used in the studies in an appropriate manner.Relating the research findings with the conclusion, the researchers did confirm at the end that the effect of thrombolysis on clot microstructure was more prominent than the therapy called antiplatelet therapy (Stanford et al., 2015), and they also related the conclusion effectively to the research methodology (used for conducting and completing the research work) by stating in the end how they reached the conclusion. By mentioning the process of detection by dfand G’GP, Stanford et al. (2015) have been able to relate the implemented research methodology appropriately with the conclusion. Hence, it can be said that the researchers, Stanford et al. (2011), have been successful in drawing a conclusion relevant to the study’s subject matter and finding.


O’Brien, J.L. (2011). Relationships among structural empowerment, psychological empowerment, and burnout in registered staff nurses working in outpatient dialysis centers.Nephrology Nursing Journal: Journal of the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association, 38(6), 475-481.

Stanford, S.N., Sabra, A., D’Silva, L., Lawrence, M., Morris, R.H.K., Storton, S., Brown, M.R., Evans, V., Hawkins, K., Williams, P.R., Davidson, S.J., Wani, M., Potter, J.F., & Evans, P.A. (2015). The changes in clot microstructure in patients with ischaemic stroke and the effects of therapeutic intervention: a prospective observational study. BMC Neurology, 15, 35.

Wolf, Z.R. & Czekanski, K.E. (2011). Analyzing Student Complaints Against Nursing Programs: Taxonomies of Complaints and Outcomes.Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(5), 283-291.