All State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency Call Listening Session
March 12, 2013
Opening Comments – Nate Arnold
There have been some concerns about the status of the WIPA program. We have nothing to report on at this time, however we will report on anything we learn as soon as we have it.
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) workgroup will look at Cost Reimbursement issues specifically. Please let us know what topics are causing distress for your agency.
- Nineteen people volunteered to be on the workgroup, which is good representation among the regions and between General and Blind VR agencies. Once we have received ideas to discuss, I will send out invitations to workgroup members and we can work on scheduling meetings.
Dan O’Brien and Nate Arnold completed the general announcements and moved the call to a Listening Session for the purpose of identifying issues and concerns on operational and policy topics for the VR Work Group to address.
Question and Answer Session
Question/Comment: Eugenia Cox from Oregon Office of Vocational Rehabilitation: Can we send questions and topics via email to you?
Answer: Yes, you can send them, but you will likely be on the workgroup. There are a number of areas that people will want to look at. We want this to be a user-driven workgroup. We would like to hear from the people who do this work, and want to know what is causing trouble. iTOPSS will ultimately include Cost Reimbursement information. We still have to design how it will work but the goal is to automate processes.
Question/Comment: Eugenia Cox: Regarding the Vocational Earnings Alert Report (VEAR), how should we make resubmissions for denials based on incorrect information? How will information be verified? Can you discuss new report?
Answer: We are going to have a webinar or training session when the new report is released. We are not going to deny claims based on unverified information. The issue has been the VEAR may have given you hits that were not really hits, causing you to file something that should not have been filed. We will have a special session on the new report. Or by the time of the next month’s call we will deal with it in detail.
Question/Comment: Jason Pryce: I am assuming when the new system receives clearance the process will be a Web-based format and not snail mail?
Answer: Yes, that’s the plan.
Question/Comment: We have not received our Formula Package.
Answer:You should have. We will check that right after the call.
Question/Comment: Is there a Code for the ACH that could help us locate Cost Reimbursement deposits?
Answer: We do not know at this time, but will pass this question on.
Question/Comment:Regarding Timely Progress Review (TPR), beneficiaries are losing Continuing Disability Review (CDR) protection because they are not working but they are receiving services from the State VR agency. Is that something we can still work around?
Answer: You must meet the TPR requirements or you will lose CDR protection.
Question/Comment:Joyce Armstrong: I have a suggestion; if the time period of nine out of twelve months could be lengthened it could make a difference. Timely filing is an issue.
Answer: That would require a regulatory change with a new regulatory package. We know that timely filing is tight. We will consider relaxing the rules.
Question/Comment: Donna Osborne: I do have one thing to suggest for efficiency. I have a hard time tracking pending claims. If a case has been paid, I do not know if they have been paid or received.
Answer: When we get to the new system, you will get that information in real time. Maybe there’s something we can do in the meantime.
Question/Comment: Kathy Davis: Regarding deposit notification, it is difficult to locate in a large pool of money. Are we driving the web-based reimbursement process through the work group?
Answer: Yes, you will be kept in the loop. We will seek your guidance.
Question/Comment: I suggest that the future system be Menu driven, with Question/Comments that automatically fill out forms, similar to programs available for completing taxes.
Answer: We are trying to make this more of an automated system.
Question/Comment: We have trouble finding beneficiary wage information. Also export to Excel on Portal’s Earnings Inquiry Request (EIR) not working for me.
Answer: New report will be BQE Report. Often times there are pop-up blockers, or security features. Donna Osborne had this problem and has fixed it, and is willing to share her trouble shooting experience with others. If you are having issues exporting the EIR please call the Systems Help Desk at 866.949.3687 and hit option 2. You can also email at .
Question/Comment: Tom Scheurich: I am excited about the new system. Will it show us if a given Social Security Number will qualify for CR-based on another benefit status? Would we be able to indicate that people are self-employed?
Answer: These are good ideas; please bring them to the workgroup.
Question/Comment: Eugenia Cox: Is there a 3-month delay for CR claims?
Answer: Each region has a different window for different areas. Backlog has reduced and we are working on catching up.
Discussion from Online Chat function
Question/Comment: Eugenia Cox: Information with regards to VEAR or any other Vocational Rehabilitation information does not necessarily go out the VR folks that are the CR contact folks meaning that the administrators and other people get these things. When SSA sends out information, can they include the VR contracts?
Answer: Where appropriate, we will provide copies of communications to the Cost Reimbursement Coordinators.
Question/Comment: Steve Stewart: What does BQER stand for?
Answer:Beneficiary Quarterly Earnings Report
Question/Comment: Anita Barkley-Smith: Had another meeting trying to call in now. Will the notes be available electronically?
Question/Comment: I received an email from MAXIMUS to stop utilizing the EIR and VEAR report from November and September due to the issues with unverified wage data. I thought I heard Ana say that the EIR data now on the Portal is verified and can be used. Is that correct?
Answer: As of yesterday that data is verified. The Portal release for the BQER goes live tomorrow.
Question/Comment: Patti Rayner: What format will it be in?
Answer: You can export the file to Excel.