Date: April 28, 2005
To: Academic Senate
From: Academic Policy Committee
Re: Final Report of Committee Activities for 2004-2005 Academic Year
Committee Members:
Kent Bolton, College of Arts and Science
Kit Herlihy, Library (Fall Semester, 2004)
Mohammed Oskoorouchi, College of Business Administration
Michael Pass, At Large Member, College of Business Administration
Gilbert Valadez, College of Education, Chair
Ex-Officio Members:
David Barsky, AVP- Academic Programs
Elizabeth Sheets, Student Member
The Academic Policy Committee (APC) met 22 times during the 2004-2005 academic year on Monday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in Kellogg Library.
Summary of Committee Activities
For the 2004-2005 Academic Year the Academic Policy Committee worked on the following:
- APC edited and submitted a proposal for Graduation Requirements that was accepted and approved by the Academic Senate in Fall 2004.
- APC examined the feasibility of implementing University Hour at CSUSM
In regard to the University Hour the committee examined the impact on course schedules and classroom. APC interfaced with the ASI on the development of a survey to determine the degree to which students at CSUSM desired a University Hour. The APC eventually wrote a feasibility statement about the University Hour. Furthermore, the ASI is to be commended for all the work they put forth in regard to the University Hour. Our student representative, Elizabeth Sheets, attended the majority of our committee meetings and she demonstrated great maturity in her interactions with APC.
- APC prepared and presented a new policy for Credit by Examination. The policy
brought to the Senate floor in April for a first reading. The Senate will decide whether to approve the policy in May 2005.
- APC considered how best to codify catalog language for degree specializations, options; departments and program at CSUSM have multiple and conflicting nomenclatures for distinguishing emphases or specialized corpus of study, ranging from “track” to “emphasis” to “specialty” to others. APC believes the use of multiple argots is confusing to students, staff, and post-baccalaureate students.
- APC discussed the reconfiguration of the Academic Calendar. David Barsky completed a PowerPoint presentation highlighting APC’s numerous rationale for undertaking what APC believes is a badly needed re-consideration of the Academic Calendar. APC is well aware that issues related to the Academic Calendar are inherently problematic. APC therefore based its recommendation for reexamining the calendar on pedagogical, administrative, fairness, and other worthwhile principles. APC’s discussions and principles are highlighted in the appendix which articulates APC’s calendar principles. (Note: This agenda item will be forwarded to next year’s APC as a priority item: See Recommendation for next year’s APC)
- APC gave input and endorsement of the proposed Syllabus Guidelines to the General Education committee. The Syllabus Guidelines were accepted by the Academic Senate in Spring 2005.
Recommendations to next years Academic Policy Committee
The Academic Policy committee recommends that next year’s committee:
- Proceed with the proposed changes to the Academic Calendar to the Academic
- Continue work on unifying terminology for degree specializations, etc.
- Review AP and CLEP exams and the policies for these exams.
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