CV Karin Elena Källander
Address (work) / Personal InformationMalaria Consortium
Development House
56-64 Leonard Street
Mobile: +44 (0)7745966394
Email: / Nationality: Swedish
Current Position(s)
2014-presentSenior Research Advisor, Malaria Consortium
- Providing strategic and technical leadership to Malaria Consortium’s research portfolio, particularly in the areas of maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH), mHealth and health systems strengthening in the Africa and Asia regions.
- Coordinating the organisations’ two Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded research projectson integrated community case management of sick children and pneumonia diagnostics.
2013-presentAssociate Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- Participating in departmental teaching activities
- Supervising PhD and undergraduate students
- Coordinating research projects in the area of international child health policy and systems research, in particular integrated community based delivery systems
Previous Positions
Academic positions
2011-2013Assistant Professor, Div Global Health (IHCAR), Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- Participating in departmental activities such as teaching and coordinating MSc and PhD courses, supervising PhD and undergraduate students and coordinating research projects in the area of international child health policy and systems research, in particular with focus on integrated community based delivery system.
2007-2011Post Doctor, Div Global Health (IHCAR), Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- The PostDoctoral period was spent at Makerere University where I joined the Department of Epidemiology and biostatistics conducting research on integrated care of sick children, antibiotic resistance to pneumococci and the role of the pneumococcal vaccine.
2007-2009Visiting lecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda
- Participating in departmental activities such as teaching at MPH and PhD courses, supervising PhD and MPH students and participating in research projects.
2002-2006PhD student, Div Global Health (IHCAR), Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- My PhD was conducted at Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with Makerere University where I had my co-supervisor. The research was on community case management of malaria and pneumonia in Uganda.
- The work also included teaching at PhD and undergraduate courses, including Global Health courses for Swedish medical students in Havanna, Cuba, and administrating bilateral research projects between Karolinska Institutet and Muhimbili University in Tanzania.
Professional positions
2009-2013Regional Programme Coordinator, Malaria Consortium Africa
- Coordinating operational and implementation research with particular focus on community delivery systems, such as the US$10m 5-year project funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which aims to identify, test and evaluate innovative approaches to enhance scale up of integrated community case management of sick children in Uganda and Mozambique. The role involves technical coordination and management of staff, work plans and budgets, communication and advocacy, and collaboration with implementing partners, donors and ministry level stakeholders.
2007-2009Resident Senior Scientist, Iganga/Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS), Uganda
- Coordination of several research projects on management of sick children and provided technical support to a large research project on maternal and neonatal health.
- Quality control to the routine data collected, improving methods for collecting and analysing causes of and contributors to death (verbal and social autopsy) and supervising graduate and undergraduate students.
2006-2007Senior scientific advisor, Secretariat of the World Infection Fund (VIF), Sweden
- Provided scientific advice and content to documents and other communication material produced by VIF.
- Produced a brochure on the role of infectious diseases on global health which was disseminated to the media and general public, including schools.
2001-2002Research Assistant, Division of International Health, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- Participated in a project on community management of febrile children in Uganda. Coordinated an international seminar in Zambia on health sector reform and the role of hospitals.
2000-2001Research associate, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Canada
- Working with the development of a randomised controlled intervention trial for home and community management of malaria and pneumonia in children in low-income countries.
1999Biomedical analyst, Nova Medical AB,Kullbergska hospital, Sweden
- Registration, preparation and analysis of clinical specimen.
2008–2012Save the Children, Saving Newborn Lives, Iganga, Uganda
- Technical and M&E support to a randomised controlled trial on improved maternal and newborn health practices, funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2008UNICEF/MOH, Kampala, Uganda
- Lead implementer of a rapid assessment of community integrated case management of childhood malaria, pneumonia and diarrhea in the context of ACTs in Northern Uganda.
2005WHO/TDR, Geneva, Switzerland and Yaoundé, Cameroon
- Coordinator of a symposium on “Integrated community case management of sick children” during the 5th Multilateral Initiative for Malaria (MIM) conference
2005World Bank, Washington DC, USA
- Synthesised the findings of 11 Country Status Reports
- Produced a paper summarizing key findings and conclusions on service delivery effectiveness and health system performance issues for the Africa Region, to serve as resource material in a WB health MDGs course focusing on Health Systems Performance issues.
Year / Institution / Qualification2006 / Karolinska Institutet, Sweden / PhD (International Health)
2002 / Lund University, Sweden / MSc (Molecular Biology)
Other academic and professional qualifications
Year / Institution / Qualification2008 / African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) / Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
2000-2001 / Dept Epidemiology & Community Medicine, Ottawa University, Ottawa Canada / Scholarship student
1996-1997 / Dept Algebra & Dept Chemistry, Karlstad University, Sweden / Undergraduate student
Research experience:
- External research grants received as project leader in the past five years:
2016-2017 / PerformanceevaluationofAcuteRespiratoryInfectionDiagnosticAids (ARIDA)forchildrenunderfiveyearswhenusedbyfrontlinehealthworkersinEthiopia / $366,925
2016-2017 / Community Case Management of Chest Indrawing Pneumonia with oral amoxicillin in Children aged 2-59 months old by Community Oriented Resources Persons (CORPs) in Niger Stage, Nigeria. / $417,264
2016-2020 / Economics of scaling-up and sustaining health interventions targeting underserved populations: Integrated community case management of common childhood illnesses in Uganda and Mozambique. PhD salary support for student Frida Kasteng / SEK 1,128,282
2015-2016 / USAID through the University Research Council (URC)
Universal versus conditional three-day follow-up visit for
children with unclassified fever at the community level / $743,000
2014-2015 / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / $3,800,000
Use of improved tools for measuring respiratory rate and oxygen saturation among community health workers: Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia.
2012-2013 / Programme Partnership Agreement (PPA) funding from DfID / £62,821
Improving supervision of CHWs using mobile phone innovations
2012 / Karolinska Institutet research funds (KI fonder) / SEK 30,000
Controlling Pneumococcal Disease
2010-2012 / Strategic Research Program in Epidemiology Young Scholar Award / SEK 100,000
Controlling Pneumococcal Disease
2010 / Karolinska Institutet research funds (KI fonder) / SEK 34,500
Controlling Pneumococcal Disease
2008-2011 / Sida/SAREC / SEK 600,000
Controlling Pneumococcal Disease.
2008-2010 / Karolinska Institute Public and International Health Research Network. / SEK 250,000
Network grant for translational research on Pneumococcal Disease
2008 / INDEPTH network. / $25,000
Developing a standard tool for collection of social autopsy data for INDEPTH sites.
2008 / Karolinska Institutet research funds (KI fonder / SEK 130,000
Reaching sick children
2007-2011 / Karolinska Institutet (KI-D) / SEK 1,272,000
On the "pathway to survival"- Exploring local perceptions, community effectiveness of, and adherence to, malaria prevention and treatment strategies for under-five children.PhD salary support for student Netta Beer.
2007-2009 / Sida/SAREC / SEK 1,600,000
Reaching children with acute febrile illness. Support for a post-doc period at Makerere University for Karin Källander.
2004-2006 / Sida/SAREC / SEK 800,000
Towards improved home and community care for children with acute respiratory infections (ARI) and febrile illness - PhD salary support for student Karin Källander
2004-2006 / Sida/SAREC / SEK 200,000
Towards improved home and community care for children with acute respiratory infections (ARI) and febrile illness - Project application
2003-2004 / Sida/SAREC / SEK 300,000
Towards improved home and community care for children with acute respiratory infections (ARI) and febrile illness - Exploring household understanding in west Uganda.
b) External research grants received as joint applicant in the past five years:
2013-2014 / Programme Partnership Agreement (PPA) funding from DfID / £100,000The ICCM dissemination and advocacy initiative.
2009-2014 / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / $10,243,000
Integrated Community Case Management of Common Childhood Diseases: Mozambique and Uganda
2007-2009 / WHO/TDR / $800,000
Rapid Diagnostic Testing in the Context of Home Management of Malaria with ACTs in Uganda
2007-2008 / Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) / SEK 2,100,000
International Emergency Health Unit: Core support and research funding.
2007-2009 / WHO/TDR / $800,000
Home and community management of malaria and pneumonia in children under five: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an integrated approach.
2006 / WHO/HAC (Health Actions in Crisis) / SEK 560,000
Tsunami Impact Recovery and Monitoring System (TRIAMS).
2006-2007 / Co-funding from USAID, Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria, and Zanzibar Malaria Research Unit Karolinska Institutet / SEK 800,000
Malaria prevention and control strategies in Zanzibar: exploring community effectiveness, perceptions and health system response to febrile children under five.
2004-2008 / Sida/SAREC bilateral support(whereof 1/3 to Karolinska Institutet and 2/3 to Muhimbili,Tanzania) / SEK 10,800,000
Improving malaria case management in children under five years: a multicomponent and multidisciplinary approach
2004-2008 / Nationella forskarskolan i vård och omsorg / SEK 1,500,000
Towards improved home care for children with malaria and pneumonia in Uganda - A multidisciplinary project linking Karolinska Institutet and Dalarna University College with Makerere University in Uganda. Doctoral project for student Helena Hildenwall
2004-2005 / Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) / SEK 250,000
Improved preparedness for efforts for Swedish citizens in emergency situations in the world outside of Sweden.
Supervision of postgraduate students
a) PhD students / Ongoing / CompletedMain supervisor / 2(Frida Kasteng, Kevin Baker) / 3 (Agnes Nanyonjo, Netta Beer; David Mukanga)
Co-supervisor / 2 (Elizeus Rutebemberwa, Ann Lindstrand)
b) MSc and MPH students
Main supervisor / 1 / 10
Honorary positions/responsibilities
Year / Position / Institution2014-present / Member / Editorial board of the mHealth Journal
2016-present / Co-chair / iCCMoperationalresearchgroup (CCM.ORG)
2014-present / Member / Steering Committee, Centre for Malaria Research, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
2014-present / Member / Expert Group of the World Infection Fund, Sweden
2014-present / Member / WHO mHealth Evidence and Technical Review Group (mTERG), Geneva, Switzerland
2015-2016 / Member / UNICEF ARIDA Scientific Advisory Committee
2010-2016 / Honorary lecturer / Makerere School of Public Health, Uganda
2015-2016 / Member / Wellcome Trust/MRC/DfID Joint Global Health Trials Initiative Review Committee
2012-2016 / Member / Editorial board of the Malaria Journal
2007-2009 / Chair / Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) for WHO/TDR funded clinical trial on “Safety and efficacy of artemether-lumenfantrine (ATM-LUM) compared to Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (SP) for intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp) in Uganda”
2003-2006 / Treasurer, founder and member / Steering committee of the Junior Swedish Malaria Network (JrSMN)
2002-present / Frequent referee / The Lancet, Acta Tropica, WHO Bulletin, Arc Disease Childhood, Malaria Journal, TMIH, Trans Royal Soc Trop Med and Hygiene
2009-present / Reviewer of project grant applications / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust
Language skills
Language / LevelSwedish / Fluent (mother tongue)
English / Fluent
French / Moderate
Spanish / Moderate
Portuguese / Beginner
2017- D'Ambruoso L, Boerma T, Byass P, Fottrell E, Herbst K, Kallander K, Mullan Z: The case for verbal autopsy in health systems strengthening. Lancet Glob Health 2017, 5(1):e20-e21.
- Spence H, Baker K, Mucunguzi A, Matata L, Habte T, Sebsibe A, Morris O, Nanyumba D, Thany T, Wharton-Smith A, Källander K. Community health workers’ and national stakeholders’ perspectives on a range of pneumonia diagnostic aids: formative qualitative research in Cambodia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda using a pile sorting approach. Accepted J Global Health Action 2017
- Källander K, Alfvén T, Abebe A, Hailemariam A, Petzold M, Getachew D, Steinhardt LC, Gutman JR. Universal versus conditional three-day follow-up visit for children with unclassified fever at the community level in Ethiopia: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled non-inferiority trial. Under review J Trials 2017.
- Baker K, Mucunguzi A, Nanyumba D, Matata L, Okello S, Wharton-Smith A, Thany T, Habte T, Sebsibe A, Nicholson J, Marasciulo-Rice M, Petzold M, Källander K. Establishing the performance, acceptability and usability of respiratory rate timers and pulse oximeters to detect symptoms of pneumonia by community health workers and health facility workers in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia – a multi-centred, independent, single-blinded performance evaluation study.Under review Global Health Action 2017.
- Altaras R, Graham K, Senyonjo L, Montague M, Mubiru D, King R, Counihan H, Källander K, Tibenderana J, Meek S, Strachan C. Integrated community case management in a peri-urban setting: a community-based participatory evaluation in Wakiso District, Uganda. Under reivew. 2016.
- Graham K, Sinyangwe C, Nicholas S, King R, Mukupa S, Kallander K, Counihan H, Montague M, Tibenderana J, Hamade P: Rational use of antibiotics by community health workers and caregivers for children with suspected pneumonia in Zambia: a cross-sectional mixed methods study. BMC Public Health 2016, 16:897.
- Kasteng F, Settumba S, Kallander K, Vassall A, inSCALE Study Group: Valuing the work of unpaid community health workers and exploring the incentives to volunteering in rural Africa. Health Policy Plan 2016, 31(2):205-216.
- Lindstrand A, Kalyango J, Alfven T, Darenberg J, Kadobera D, Bwanga F, Peterson S, Henriques-Normark B, Kallander K: Pneumococcal Carriage in Children under Five Years in Uganda-Will Present Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Be Appropriate? PLoS One 2016, 11(11):e0166018.
- Sinyangwe C, Graham K, Nicholas S, King R, Mukupa S, Kallander K, Counihan H, Montague M, Tibenderana J, Hamade P: Assessing the Quality of Care for Pneumonia in Integrated Community Case Management: A Cross-Sectional Mixed Methods Study. PLoS One 2016, 11(3):e0152204.
- Agarwal S, LeFevre AE, Lee J, L'Engle K, Mehl G, Sinha C, Labrique A, WHO mHealth Technical Evidence Review Group: Guidelines for reporting of health interventions using mobile phones: mobile health (mHealth) evidence reporting and assessment (mERA) checklist. BMJ 2016, 352:i1174.
- Kallander K, Burgess DH, Qazi SA: Early identification and treatment of pneumonia: a call to action. Lancet Glob Health 2015.
- Nanyonjo A, Ssekitooleko J, Counihan H, Makumbi F, Tomson G, Kallander K. Impact of an integrated community case management programme on uptake of appropriate diarrhoea and pneumonia treatments in Uganda: A propensity score matching and equity analysis study. Int J Equity Health. 2015;14:74.
- Rutebemberwa E, Mpeka B, Pariyo G, Peterson S, Mworozi E, Bwanga F, Kallander K. High prevalence of antibiotic resistance in nasopharyngeal bacterial isolates from healthy children in rural Uganda: A cross-sectional study. Ups J Med Sci. 2015:1-8.
- Nanyonjo A, Bagorogoza B, Kasteng F, Ayebale G, Makumbi F, Tomson G, Kallander K, on behalf of inScale study group. Estimating the cost of referral and willingness to pay for referral to higher-level health facilities: a case series study from an integrated community case management programme in Uganda. BMC Health Serv Res. 2015;15:347.
- Thondoo M, Strachan DL, Nakirunda M, Ndima S, Muiambo A, Kallander K, et al. Potential Roles of Mhealth for Community Health Workers: Formative Research With End Users in Uganda and Mozambique. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2015;3:e76.
- Kasteng F, Settumba S, Kallander K, Vassall A, inScale Study Group. Valuing the work of unpaid community health workers and exploring the incentives to volunteering in rural Africa. Health Policy Plan. 2015.
- Strachan DL, Kallander K, Nakirunda M, Ndima S, Muiambo A, Hill Z, inScale study group: Using theory and formative research to design interventions to improve community health worker motivation, retention and performance in Mozambique and Uganda. Hum Resour Health 2015, 13:25.
- Waiswa P, Pariyo G, Kallander K, Akuze J, Namazzi G, Ekirapa-Kiracho E, Kerber K, Sengendo H, Aliganyira P, Lawn JE, et al: Effect of the Uganda Newborn Study on care-seeking and care practices: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Glob Health Action 2015, 8:24584.
- Kallander K, Strachan D, Soremekun S, Hill Z, Lingam R, Tibenderana J, Kasteng F, Vassall A, Meek S, Kirkwood B: Evaluating the effect of innovative motivation and supervision approaches on community health worker performance and retention in Uganda and Mozambique: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2015, 16:157.
- Wazny K, Sadruddin S, Zipursky A, Hamer D, Jacobs T, Kallander K, Pagnoni F, Peterson S, Qazi S, Raharison S, et al: Setting global research priorities for integrated community case management (iCCM): Results from a CHNRI (Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative) exercise.J Global Health 2014, 4.
- Kallander K, Young M, Qazi S: Universal access to pneumonia prevention and care: a call for action.The Lancet Respiratory medicine 2014, 2:950-952.
- Noordam AC, Barbera Lainez Y, Sadruddin S, van Heck PM, Chono AO, Acaye GL, Lara V, Nanyonjo A, Ocan C, Kallander K. The use of counting beads to improve the classification of fast breathing in low-resource settings: a multi-country review.Health Policy Plan 2014.10.1093/heapol/czu047
- Hill Z, Dumbaugh M, Benton L, Kallander K, Strachan D, ten Asbroek A, Tibenderana J, Kirkwood B, Meek S. Supervising community health workers in low-income countries--a review of impact and implementation issues.Glob Health Action 2014, 7:24085.
- Nanyonjo A, Makumbi F, Etou P, Tomson G, Kallander K, for the inSCALE study group. Perceived quality of care for common childhood illnesses: Facility versus community based providers in Uganda.Accepted PLoS One 2013.
- Beer N, Ali AS, Shakely D, Elfving K, Al-Mafazy AW, Msellem M, Petzold M, Bjorkman A, Kallander K. High effective coverage of vector control interventions in children after achieving low malaria transmission in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Malaria journal. 2013 Jan 29;12(1):38.
- Kallander K, Tibenderana JK, Akpogheneta OJ, Strachan DL, Hill Z, Ten Asbroek AH, Conteh L, Kirkwood BR, Meek SR. Mobile Health (mHealth) Approaches and Lessons for Increased Performance and Retention of Community Health Workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review. J Med Internet Res 2013;15(1):e17.
- Waiswa P, Peterson SS, Namazzi G, Ekirapa EK, Naikoba S, Byaruhanga R, Kiguli J, Kallander K, Tagoola A, Nakakeeto M, Pariyo G. The Uganda Newborn Study (UNEST): an effectiveness study on improving newborn health and survival in rural Uganda through a community-based intervention linked to health facilities - study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials 2012;13(1):213
- Strachan DL, Kallander K, Ten Asbroek AH, Kirkwood B, Meek SR, Benton L, Conteh L, Tibenderana J, Hill Z. Interventions to Improve Motivation and Retention of Community Health Workers Delivering Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM): Stakeholder Perceptions and Priorities. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012;87(5 Suppl):111-9.
- Nanyonjo A, Nakirunda M, Makumbi F, Tomson G, Kallander K. Community acceptability and adoption of integrated community case management in Uganda. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012;87(5 Suppl):97-104.
- Nalwadda Kayemba C, Naamala Sengendo H, Ssekitooleko J, Kerber K, Kallander K, Waiswa P, Aliganyira P, Guenther T, Gamache N, Strachan C, Ocan C, Magumba G, Counihan H, Mbonye AK, Marsh DR. Introduction of newborn care within integrated community case management in Uganda. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012;87(5 Suppl):46-53.
- Mukanga D, Tibenderana JK, Peterson S, Pariyo GW, Kiguli J, Waiswa P, Babirye R, Ojiambo G, Kasasa S, Pagnoni F, Kallander K. Access, acceptability and utilization of community health workers using diagnostics for case management of fever in Ugandan children: a cross-sectional study. Malar J 2012;11:121.
- Mukanga D, Tiono AB, Anyorigiya T, Kallander K, Konate AT, Oduro AR, Tibenderana JK, Amenga-Etego L, Sirima SB, Cousens S, Barnish G, Pagnoni F. Integrated community case management of fever in children under five using rapid diagnostic tests and respiratory rate counting: a multi-country cluster randomized trial. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012;87(5 Suppl):21-9.
- Beer N, Ali AS, Eskilsson H, Jansson A, Abdul-Kadir FM, Rotllant-Estelrich G, Abass AK, Wabwire-Mangen F, Bjorkman A, Kallander K. A qualitative study on caretakers' perceived need of bed-nets after reduced malaria transmission in Zanzibar, Tanzania. BMC public health. 2012;12:606.
- Mukanga D, Babirye R, Peterson S, Pariyo GW, Ojiambo G, Tibenderana JK, Nsubuga P, Kallander K. Can lay community health workers be trained to use diagnostics to distinguish and treat malaria and pneumonia in children? Lessons from rural Uganda. Trop Med Int Health 2011, 16(10):234–1242. PMID: 21752163
- Mubi M, Janson A, Warsame M, Martensson A, Kallander K, Petzold MG, Ngasala B, Maganga G, Gustafsson LL, Massele A, Tomson G, Premji Z, Bjorkman A. Malaria rapid testing by community health workers is effective and safe for targeting malaria treatment: randomised cross-over trial in Tanzania. PLoS One 2011, 6(7):e19753. PMID: 21750697
- Rudan, I., S. El Arifeen, Z. A. Bhutta, R. E. Black, A. Brooks, K. Y. Chan, M. Chopra, T. Duke, D. Marsh, A. Pio, E. A. Simoes, G. Tamburlini, E. Theodoratou, M. W. Weber, C. G. Whitney, H. Campbell, S. A. Qazi and WHO CHNRI Expert Group on Childhood Pneumonia (2011). "Setting research priorities to reduce global mortality from childhood pneumonia by 2015." PLoS Med 8(9): e1001099.
- Kallander K, Kadobera D, Williams TN, Nielsen RT, Yevoo L, Mutebi A, Akpakli J, Narh C, Gyapong M, Amu A, Waiswa P. Social autopsy: INDEPTH Network experiences of utility, process, practices, and challenges in investigating causes and contributors to mortality. Popul Health Metr 2011, 9(1):44. PMID: 21819604
- Waiswa P, Kallander K, Peterson S, Tomson G, Pariyo GW. Using the three delays model to understand why newborn babies die in eastern Uganda. Trop Med Int Health 2010, 15(8):964-972. PMID: 20636527
- Mukanga D, Tibenderana JK, Kiguli J, Pariyo GW, Waiswa P, Bajunirwe F, Mutamba B, Counihan H, Ojiambo G, Kallander K. Community acceptability of use of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria by community health workers in Uganda. Malar J 2010, 9:203. PMID: 20626863
- Hanfot E, Wladis A, Kallander K. [Mortality statistics--a vital challenge. "Verbal autopsy" can help poor countries develop better health care]. Lakartidningen 2010, 107(24-25):1623-1626. PMID: 20687424
- Beer N, Ali AS, de Savigny D, Al-Mafazy AW, Ramsan M, Abass AK, Omari RS, Bjorkman A, Kallander K. System effectiveness of a targeted free mass distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Malar J 2010, 9(1):173. PMID: 20565860
- Rutebemberwa E, Pariyo G, Peterson S, Tomson G, Kallander K. Utilization of public or private health care providers by febrile children after user fee removal in Uganda. Malar J 2009, 8:45. PMID: 19284673
- Rutebemberwa E, Nsabagasani X, Pariyo G, Tomson G, Peterson S, Kallander K. Use of drugs, perceived drug efficacy and preferred providers for febrile children: implications for home management of fever. Malar J 2009, 8(1):131. PMID: 19523220
- Rutebemberwa E, Kallander K, Tomson G, Peterson S, Pariyo G. Determinants of delay in care-seeking for febrile children in eastern Uganda. Trop Med Int Health 2009, 14(4):1-8. PMID: 19222823
- Kallander K, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J. Home-based management of malaria in the era of urbanisation. Lancet 2009, 373(9675):1582-1584. PMID: 19362362
- Fine PE, Williams TN, Aaby P, Kallander K, Moulton LH, Flanagan KL, Smith PG, Benn CS. Epidemiological studies of the 'non-specific effects' of vaccines: I--data collection in observational studies. Trop Med Int Health 2009, 14(9):969-976. PMID: 19531117
- Beer N, Ali AS, Rotllant G, Abass AK, Omari RS, Al-mafazy AW, Bjorkman A, Kallander K. Adherence to artesunate-amodiaquine combination therapy for uncomplicated malaria in children in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Trop Med Int Health 2009, 14(7):766-774. PMID: 19549001
- Kallander K, Hildenwall H, Waiswa P, Galiwango E, Peterson S, Pariyo G. Delayed care seeking for fatal pneumonia in children aged under five years in Uganda: a case-series study. Bull World Health Organ 2008, 86(5):332-338. PMID: 18545734
- Nsabagasani X, Nsungwa J, Kallander K, Peterson S, Pariyo G, Tomson G. Home based management of malaria in rural Uganda: Community perceptions and provider opinions. Malaria Journal 2007, 6(11):doi:10.1186/1475-2875-1186-1111. PMID: 17257396
- Kallander K, Tomson G, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Senyonjo Y, Pariyo G, Peterson S. Community referral in home management of malaria in western Uganda: a case series study. BMC Int Health Hum Rights 2006, 6:2. PMID: 16539744
- Kallander K, Tomson G, Nsabagasani X, Sabiiti JN, Pariyo G, Peterson S. Can community health workers and caretakers recognise pneumonia in children? Experiences from western Uganda. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2006, 100(10):956-963. PMID: 16455119
- Kallander K. Dilemmat med samtidig över- och underanvändning av mediciner för febersjuka barn. [The dilemma with concurrent over and underuse of medicines for febrile children]. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 2006, 83(4):286-295. PMID:
- Kallander K, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Balyeku A, Pariyo G, Tomson G, Peterson S. Home and community management of acute respiratory infections in children in eight Ugandan districts. Ann Trop Paediatr 2005, 25(4):283-291. PMID: 16297303
- Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Kallander K, Nsabagasani X, Namusisi K, Pariyo G, Johansson A, Tomson G, Peterson S.Local fever illness classifications: implications for home management of malaria strategies. Trop Med Int Health 2004, 9(11):1191-1199. PMID: 15548315
- Kallander K, Nsungwa-Sabiiti J, Peterson S. Symptom overlap for malaria and pneumonia--policy implications for home management strategies. Acta Trop 2004, 90(2):211-214. PMID: 15177148
Other publications: