MARCH16, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Butch Holmes. Board Members present wereButch Holmes, Sharon Sloan, Rick Lancaster and Katie Martin. Board Member absent wasCheri Herber. MSI representativein attendance was Candace Pickett.


A motion was made by Rick Lancaster and seconded by Katie Martin to approve the meeting agendaas submitted. Motion passed.


The following owners were invited by the Board of Directors to attend the March 16, 2016 Board Meeting to address the Board regarding violations and fines that they were requesting Management waive:

1)Kimberly Moore from 3754 Palazzo Grove. Kimberly Moore was not present.

2)Mo Sharifi from 4225 Apple Hill Court. Mo Sharifi was not present.


1)Appointment of Ad Hoc Committee Members

2)Covenant Violation Fine Waiver.


Motion was made by Sharon Sloan and seconded by Katie Martin to approve the January 26, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes. Motion passed.


Financial Report:Management presented the February 2016 financial highlights in Cheri’s absence.

In addition to the report the following decisions were before the Board of Directors:

1)A motion was made by Sharon Sloan and seconded by Katie Martin to transfer $5,000 of the Wildflower surplus funds from operating to the reserve account. The remainder of the surplus will remain in their operating account for projects the neighborhood would like to complete. Motion passed.

2)Request for Board write-off of uncollectible delinquent amount for prior owner of Unit 170 totaling $3,680.00. Motion was made by Katie Martin and seconded by Sharon Sloan to approve the write off. Motion passed.

3)Requests from accounting for Board consideration on waivers: Unit 1295 – motion was made by Sharon Sloan and seconded by Rick Lancaster to waive the $75.00 fee. Motion passed. Unit 1006 – motion was made by Sharon Sloan and seconded by Rick Lancaster to deny waiver of the $150.00 due to their still being active violations. Motion passed.


Grounds –Larry Anderson presented updates on planned projects for the 2016 season. A motion was made by Katie Martin and seconded by Sharon Sloan to remove David Farmer from the Grounds Committee due to work hour conflicts that create his being unable to attend any Grounds Committee Meetings. Motion passed.

Modifications –Tom Baltuskonis presented updates on the submittals to date received by the Modifications Committee.

Community Connections Committee –Sharon Sloan presented updates on community events, information and requests for Board and owner input for Did You Knows as well as Committee Members being needed. The CCC asked for Board approval on the purchase of information tags to be placed on the mailbox kiosks totaling $116.00. Motion was made by Katie Martin and seconded by Rick Lancaster to approve. Motion passed. Sharon discussed information that had been brought to the meeting by Ralph Anderson related to the removal of one of the two fire trucks from station #19 and how that will impact response to the Pine Creek area. The Board requested an email blast be sent out with the information so owners (and Board Members separately) can contact the fire marshal.


Management presented update(s) to the report included in the Board packet.


Item: La Bellezza Road Repairs - Agreement

  • Discussion/Summary: once weather permits Keller will be in touch regarding road repairs.
  • Board Decision: no decision necessary at this time.
  • Action: no action at this time.

Item: Wildflower Road Repairs

  • Discussion/Summary: Dan Bloom updated the Board on the sealing to be completed once weather allows and that no further payments are to be made until everything is complete.
  • Board Decision: no decision necessary at this time.
  • Action: no action at this time.


Item: Trash/Recycle Service Proposals

  • Discussion/Summary: discussion was held on the proposals submitted by Bestway, Springs Waste and Waste Management.
  • Board Decision: Motion was made by Sharon Sloan and seconded by Rick Lancaster to enter into contract with Waste Management for the proposed 5-year contract subject to a follow up meeting with Waste Management to address concerns for the neighborhood. Motion passed.
  • Action: Management to set up the requested meeting.

Item: Termination of Waste Connections Contract

  • Discussion/Summary: Pending outcome of the above meeting the existing contract would need to be terminated.
  • Board Decision: Motion was made by Rick Lancaster and seconded by Katie Martin to terminate (60-day notice) the Waste Connections contract after the meeting with Waste Management.
  • Action: Management to send termination notice as directed after meeting.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at6:58p.m.