
Latitude, Longitude and Topography Study Guide

Latitude and Longitude

  1. Lines that measure east or west from the Prime Meridian are called?
  1. Lines that measure north or south from the equator are called?
  1. If you cross over this line it will be a different day on each side.
  1. The Earth is divided in these halves called?
  1. This region is very cold with either mostly light for 24 hours or mostly dark for 24 hours.
  1. This region is warm most of the year in most places. It also has an equal amount of day and night.
  1. This region is an area with four seasons and a moderate climate.
  1. What directional quadrant/hemisphere do we live in???
  1. What is Trussville’s latitude coordinate?
  1. What is Trussville’s longitude coordinate?
  1. What REGION of the world do we live in?
  1. How are lines of latitude and longitude measured?
  1. What two hemispheres does the EQUATOR divide the world into?
  1. What two hemispheres does the PRIME MERIDIAN divide the world into?

Use the globe below to complete questions 15-18.

  1. Mark the EQUATOR blue
  1. Mark the PRIME


  1. Highlightthe lines of


  1. Highlight the lines of


Use the globe below to complete question19.

  1. Mark the following

coordinates on the globe.

  1. 15° S, 60°W
  2. 30° N, 90°E
  3. 30° S, 30°E
  4. 45° N, 120°W
  5. 0°, 15°E

Use the globe below to complete questions 20-23.

  1. Highlight the ARCTIC


  1. Highlight the ANTARCTIC


  1. Highlight the TROPIC OF

CANCER green.

  1. Highlight the TROPIC OF



  1. If the lines on a topo-map are close together, what does it mean?
  1. If the lines on a topo-map are farther apart, what does it mean?
  1. What is the term that describes how steep the landform is?
  1. What is the difference between a high point and a low point on a topo-map?
  1. How do we shorten Global Positioning System –a satellite navigation system used to determine a specific location anywhere on the globe?
  1. What do we call lines that show an area’s elevation, slope, and relief?
  1. What is the height above sea level of a land form called?
  1. What is the term that means the shape or features of the land?

Use the diagram below to complete questions 32-36.

  1. What is the highest elevation?
  1. What is the lowest elevation?
  1. What is the relief?
  1. What unit of measurement is used for the


  1. What is the contour interval?

Hint: Difference from on contour to the next.