
Page 1: Index

Page 2: Index Continued

Page 3: Welcome Note

Page 4: FDYS-Service Outline

Page 5: FDYS-Service Outline

Page 6: FDYS Youth Club Games Programme

Page 7: FDYS Youth Clubs Youth Factor Programme

Page 8: FDYS Youth Clubs Youth Factor Programme

Page 9: FDYS Youth Counselling Service

Page 10: Training Offered: “Volunteer Awareness”

Page 11: Training Offered: “Senior Members”

Page 12: Training Offered: “Child Protection Officer”

Page 13: Training Offered: “Introduction to Programme Planning”

Page 14: Training Offered: “First Aid Training”

Page 15: Training Offered: “First Aid Short Course”

Page 16: Training Offered: “Basic Drug Awareness”

Page 17: Training Offered: “Suicide Talk”

Page 18: Training Offered: “Bullying Work Shop”

Page 19: Youth Information Service

Page 20: Youth Information Service

Page 21: CBDI Service

Page 22: Training Offered: “Drama Workshop”

Page 23: Training Offered: “Art Na Craft Skill Workshop”

Page 24: Garda Youth Diversion Project Information

Page 25: Comhairlen Na nỐg Information

Page 26: The Cloister Youth Project

Page 27: The Coolcotts Community Youth Project

Page 28: "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender

Youth Support Wexford”

Page 29: Gorey Community Youth Project

Page 30: Enniscorthy Community Youth Project

Page 31: Youth Club Insurance Extra/Top Up Form

Page 32: Youth Club Insurance Extra/Top Up Form

Page 33: Volunteer Training Application

Page 34: Conclusion-Details of how to apply for training

Welcome Note:

While working as a volunteer can be very time consuming, well organized youth work can be very satisfying and rewarding, for both young people and adult volunteer leader.

To support Volunteers in their great work with young people. we in FDYS have the following courses on offer for 2015/16, it is our hope that this training will help expand and develop our youth clubs in Co.Wexford and enable adult leaders to pass on their knowledge and training to our young people,

We in FDYS will provide you with whatever help and assistance is necessary to make your commitment as a volunteer the most positive and successful as possible. Enclosed are details of all services offered to volunteers and young people in County Wexford.

For next years schedule 2016/2017 we ask clubs for new ideas and areas that they would like to see additional training in.

Yours in Youth Work,

Mark Carley/Gretta Quigley

Youth Work Activities Co-coordinators

Your local voluntary Youth Service

FDYS is your local voluntary youth service in County Wexford. We offer a range of services and supports for young people and the community throughout the region. Please feel free to contact us for further details on any of the following confidential supports.

Youth Café and Drop In

This model offers young people a safe and welcoming environment in their local community where they can visit, have fun, avail of youth services or just hang out. Generally, the café’s include pool tables, internet access, café areas, lounge areas, music facilities and games. There is no charge for these services and young people are encouraged to become involved in the running and development of the service.

FDYS have five Youth Centres around County Wexford: FDYS, Francis Street, Wexford; FDYS Island Road, Enniscorthy; The Hive Youth Café, Youth Centre, New Ross; Coolcotts Youth Project; Gorey Youth Project, Esmond Road, Gorey.

Youth Support Services

For a more structured support, young people and their families can contact free of charge any of our Youth Services. These include

Youth Counselling Services

Youth Information Service

Drugs Education and Prevention (CBDI)

Youth Clubs

With over thirty youth clubs around the county run by Volunteers there is always an opportunity to become involved in one of the club activities in your area. If you do not have a youth club in your Community and there is a team of volunteers interested in becoming involved we would be happy to help. We can provide club insurance, child protection training, club training, activities etc.

Youth clubs are an excellent way of building community spirit in your area and can provide fun through sport, drama, arts and crafts or games.

Youth Projects

We have youth projects in Cloisters, Coolcotts, Gorey, Enniscorthy and the Young Women’s project in Wexford.

Come along and join in the fun.

Community Childcare Services

We have Community Childcare Services in Junglebox, Wexford and Wonderland, Enniscorthy.

FDYS Programmes for Youth Clubs


FDYS organise an annual Sports Programme for affiliated Youth Clubs. The winners of each sports category U-15 U-18 level represent FDYS at the National Finals in June.

The categories are as follows, with (* ) denoting a mixed boys/girls team event, otherwise categories are either exclusively all male or all female.

Table Tennis(*)

5-A-Side Soccer

Table Quiz (*)

Chess (*)

Draughts (*)

Basketball (*)

Uni Hoc (*)

Sports Categories are at Under 15 years and Under 18 years respectively.

Under 12 are run at county level only .

The County Sports Programmes is divided into both Pre-Christmas Games and Post-Christmas Games.

Pool (run at county level only)

Darts (run at county level only)

Dodge Ball (run at county level only)

Tag Rugby (run at county level only)

FDYS Variety Show Programme

FDYS organise two Variety Shows annually; for Senior Youth Club “THE YOUTH FACTOR” (Under 10 & Under 19 years and the Junior Youth Club Variety Show (Under 12 years).


In common with the Sports Programme, “The Youth Factor” County Winners progress to the National Finals.

The Junior’s got Talent Show caters for participants who are Under 12 years of age. The Show is run by FDYS at county level only.

The categories for both Variety Shows are as follows;






Youth Counselling Service

FDYS Youth Counselling is available in Wexford town.

The service is available to teenagers up to the age of 25 years. It explores issues which young people are finding difficult or feeling anxious about such as bullying, relationship difficulties and parental separation amongst many others.

The service, which is free and confidential, operates from 9:00 – 5:30 with evening appointments negotiable.

To make an appointment with the service

Contact Mairead Duffy at 053 9123262 or 087 9351725.

Volunteer Awareness Training

Aim: To give participants basic training required to be a Youth Club Leader.


Introduction to Mainline Youth Work

FDYS Youth Club Structure

Role of a Youth Club Committee

Programme Planning/Activities


Child Protection Awareness

Course: This training is offered to Volunteers or Youth Workers

Interested in setting up a Youth Club in their local Community.

Tutors: Mark Carley/Gretta Quigley, FDYS-Youth Clubs

Date: Venue: Time: Duration

21-09-15 FDYS-Enniscorthy 7pm-10.30pm 3.5 hours

19-10-15 FDYS-Wexford 7pm-10.30pm 3.5 Hours

Senior Member Training

Aim: To promote the empowerment of Young People

Learning: To Challenge, Motivate and Support Community Based

Initiatives and Services, in their Endeavour to Promote Youth Development within the Youth Club Setting.

Course: This Course is offered to Youth Club Members over 14years old, within your local youth club/project, an have an interest in becoming Junior Leaders.

Tutors: Trish Dagg, Larry Kavangh,Mary Kenny FDYS-Youth Work Volunteers.

Date: Venue: Time: Duration

Tuesday13th October Tuesday 24th November FDYS -Enniscorthy 8pm-10pm 6 Week

Child Protection officer programme

Aim: To Provide Youth Club Leaders with Knowledge on good Child Protection practice, and reporting procedures for the Youth Club.

To promote good practice for the protection of children and workers

To assist the development of child protection policies which are compliant with the national guidelines.

Learning: Define what child protection is.

Identify Signs and Symptoms of child abuse

Have Guidelines on how to deal with a disclosure of abuse Confidentiality in a club setting

Recording and reporting Procedures

Course: Children First national Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of children (1999).

Tutor: Mark Carley

Places: Min 10

Date: Venue: Time: Duration

As Requested by clubs

Introduction to Programme Planning

Aim: This Brief introduction will give sample planning tools to youth club volunteers, to assist & guide them in setting out their annual club calendar.

Learning: To provide youth club volunteers with basic skills around programme planning. To review youth clubs yearly scheduling and how to meet activity commitments.

Course: The Course is offered to Volunteers, Leaders and

Senior Members who are implementing the overall

Planning functions in their own youth club.

Tutors: Kieran Donohue, FDYS.

Places: A Minimum of 10 Participants.

Date: Venue: Time: Duration

As Requested by clubs

First Aid Training

Aim: The object of this course is to provide Youth club Leaders with basic skills necessary to save life and maintain the patient’s condition

until they receive medical aid.

Learning : The control of Haemorrhage.

Carrying out of C.P.R.

Approach to and handling of an unconscious patient . Special emphasis will be placed on CHILD/INFANT care where necessary.

Course: All aspects of first aid will be covered from the general approach to the scene of an accident to the management of:








Places: Min 10 places

Instructor: Lt. David O’Grady of AIE EMFR (or one of our other qualified Instructors)

Date: Venue: Time: Duration















Time- 3 hrs

Cost- €30 per person

This is not a certified course and is not instead of the full course

It is the duty of the clubs to fund the total cost of this workshop

Basic Drug Awareness

Aim: To advise volunteers, in relation to substance misuse

Learning: Learning with a group of volunteers, drugs information

Course: Teaching Volunteers and Young People the Skills needed to enlighten their peers in drugs education,

Tutor: FDYS- Community Based Drugs Initiative

Places: Min 12

Date: Venue: Time: Duration

As Requested by clubs

Suicide Talk

Aim: To enhance participant’s awareness of suicide

Learning: Overview of Suicide

Risk factors

Warning Signs

General guidelines in responding to a suicidal person.

Services available

Course: The training is suitable for all volunteers,

Leaders and helpers.

Tutor: Agatha Lawless

Places: Min 10

Contact for training details.

Bullying Workshop

Aim: To provide Youth Club Leaders, Volunteers and

Youth Workers with an insight into issues surrounding


Learning: To gain an understanding of what bullying is:

To explore the effects of bullying

How to Deal With Bullying

How to support the Victim of bullying

Course: An overview of bullying issues for

Youth Clubs, Leaders, Volunteers

And Youth Workers.

Tutor: Mairead Duffy/Mark Carley

Places: Min 10

Date: Venue: Time: Duration

As Requested by clubs

Youth Information Centre

Youth Information provides a free confidential information service to young people and those who work with them on a wide range of subjects including

Leaflets on LGBT , Community Based Drugs Initiative, Counselling Services, Family Support Groups, Refugee Services, Racism, Health and Nutrition and College Prospectus.

We also offer:

A variety of outreach services bringing information to young people through Information Points Workshops and Schools.

One to one and internet support on




CVs, cover letters and job applications

Health/Social Services

Law and Justice

Social Welfare


Student travel cards at cost price (€12) or €10 for groups of 20 plus.


Youth Work

We also provide special services such as internet use, secretarial services and help with these.

If your club would like to avail of any of our services please contact

Siobhan McMahon or Carmel O Brien on:

Call 9123262

Text 083 1021807


County Wexford CBDI


Community Based Drugs Initiative

Our aim is to work with individuals, families and communities in County Wexford who are either directly or indirectly affected by substance misuse.

We provide a range of community based support services including Education, Prevention and Harm Reduction interventions which can be offered throughout the individual’s continuum of care.

Services offered:

Drugs Outreach

Assessment and Referral

Access to Treatment and Rehabilitation Facilities

Drug information and Awareness Programmes

Harm Reduction Information

Family/Concerned persons support

Client Advocacy

Health Promotion

Service Available Countywide

Gorey 087 935 1765, Enniscorthy 085 805 3978,

Wexford 087 2816231, New Ross 087 935 1754


An Introduction to Drama Workshop

Aim: To Give Youth Club Leaders & Young People the training in Stage performances which will enable them to participate in the Variety show, and stage youth club productions.

Learning: To familiarise young people in the proper use of

microphones and stage movement.

Course: To equip young people with the necessary skills and knowledge in order to enable

them to participate in a stage production.

Tutor: John Howlin/Liam Sharkey

Places: Min 10

As Requested by clubs

Arts & Crafts Skills Training

Aim: To provide volunteers with Art & Crafts skills which then in turn can be offered to the young members of their club.

Learning: To enable Volunteers to work productively with young people through Art s & Crafts.

Course: The Course is offered to Volunteers or Youth Workers interested in doing arts and crafts in a Youth club setting.

Tutor: FDYS Youth Worker (Carmel O Brien)

Places: Min 10

Date: ` Venue: Time: Duration:

As Requested by clubs

“Investing in your future”

Slaney GYDP

The Slaney Garda Youth Diversion Project in Enniscorthy town aims to divert young people between the ages of 12 and 17 yrs away from anti-social/criminal behaviour by providing a positive and rewarding focus for their errant energy.