) SS:
I, Kathy Stoops-Wright, duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor of aforesaid
County and State do hereby certify that the attached record is a true and complete
copy of the minutes of the special meeting of the Madison County Council held
on January 9, 2007.
Dated at Anderson, Indiana this 9th day of January, 2007.
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Madison County Auditor
The Madison County Council met in special session on January 9, 2007 with the following members present:
Scott Tischler
Buddy Patterson
John Bostic, Jr.
Larry Crenshaw
Gary Gustin
Jeff Hardin
Bill Savage
Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright and first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck.
The Auditor presented to the County Council an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Appropriating Money in the Youth Center School, ICJI, CAPTA Grant, Supplemental Adult Probation, Unified Probation Administration Fees, Highway Maint and Repairs, EPA Grant and the General Fund.”
WHEREAS, certain conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing annual budget that is necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the annual budget for the various functions of the County Government to meet such extraordinary emergencies.
SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Madison County Council of Madison County, Indiana for the expenses of the County Government and its institutions for the year ending December 2007, the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and set out of the several funds herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same, such sums appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures to be made during the year.
SECTION II. That for the fiscal period there is appropriated out of the various funds thereafter named; the following specified amount to be transferred or new money to meet such extraordinary emergencies, which are declared to exist.
January 9, 2007
Amount Amount
Requested Allowed
153-B Teacher-Title I ($17.52/hr) $42,550.00 42,550.00
150-000 Part time ($10.00-$15.00/hr) $120,000.00 120,000.00
150-000 Part time ($10.00-$15.00/hr) $31,040.00 31,040.00
390-000 Other Services and Charges $8,960.00 8,960.00
390-000 Other Services and Charges $685,000.00 685,000.00
116-011 Probation Officer $42,000.00 -0-
390-000 Other Services and Charges $28,699.00 28,699.00
168-000 Overtime $25,000.00 continued
111-000 Watershed Coordinator $53,499.36 53,499.36
150-000 Part time $15,781.07 15,781.07
January 9, 2007
Amount Amount
Requested Allowed
Soil and Water
111-000 Executive Director $8,040.00 continued
ORDINANCE NO 1 A was presented to the Madison County Council and read in full this 9th day of January, 2007.
____S/Jeffrey Hardin___
President County Council
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
Madison County Auditor
ORDINANCE NO 1A was presented to the Madison County Council read and adopted this 9th day of January 2007 by the following Aye or Nay vote:
______Bill Savage______
______Buddy Patterson______
______John Bostic ______
______Jeffrey Hardin______
______Gary Gustin______
______Scott Tischler ______
______Larry Crenshaw______
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
Madison County Auditor
The Auditor was directed to present the above emergency
appropriations to the State Board of Tax Commissioners
for approval as provided by law.
_S/Jeffrey Hardin
President County Council
) SS:
I, Kathy Stoops-Wright, duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor of
aforesaid County and State do hereby certify that the attached record is a
true and complete copy of the minutes of the special meeting of the Madison
County Council held on January 9, 2007.
Dated at Anderson, Indiana this 9th day of January, 2007.
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
Madison County Auditor
The Madison County Council met in special session on January 9, 2007 with the following members present:
Scott Tischler
Buddy Patterson
John Bostic, Jr.
Larry Crenshaw
Gary Gustin
Jeff Hardin
Bill Savage
Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright and first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck.
The Auditor presented to the County Council an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Transferring Money from the Health Fund and the Reassessment Fund.”
WHEREAS, certain conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing annual budget that is necessary to transfer more money than was appropriated.
SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Madison County Council of Madison County, Indiana for the expenses of the County Government and its institutions for the year ending December 2007, the following sums of money are hereby transferred.
January 9, 2007
Amount Amount
Requested Allowed
Health Dept.
114-000 Vital Records Clerk 1,500.00 1,500.00
Transfer from 150-000 Extra Help (1,500.00) (1,500.00)
160-161 FICA $5,707.80 5,707.80
160-162 PERF $2,152.80 2,152.80
Transfer from 113-000 And Twp Data Entry (7860.60) (7860.60)
ORDINANCE NO. 1B was presented to the Madison County Council and read in full this 9th day January, 2007.
S/Jeffrey Hardin
President County Council
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
Madison County Auditor
ORDINANCE NO. 1B was presented to the Madison County Council read and adopted this 9th day of January, 2007 by the following Aye or Nay vote:
______Bill Savage ______
______Buddy Patterson ______
______John Bostic ______
______Jeffrey Hardin ______
______Gary Gustin ______
______Scott Tischler ______
Larry Crenshaw ______
S/Kathy Stoops-Wright
Kathy Stoops-Wright
Madison County Auditor
The Auditor was directed to present the above emergency
appropriations to the State Board of Tax Commissioners
for approval as provided by law.
S/Jeffrey Hardin
President County Council
January 9, 2007
The Madison County Council was called to order by President Jeffrey Hardin. The following Council Members were present:
John Bostic, Jr
Larry Crenshaw
Jeffrey Hardin
Gary Gustin
Buddy Patterson
Bill Savage
Scott Tischler
Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright, First Deputy Auditor Patty Mauck and Council Attorney Jim Wilson.
Motion was made by John Bostic to nominate Jeff Hardin as Council President. Motion was seconded by Buddy Patterson. There were no further nominations.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Motion was made by Buddy Patterson to nominate John Bostic as Council Vice President. Motion was seconded by Bill Savage. There were no further nominations.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
President Hardin spoke about the Council working together in a non partisan way to serve Madison County Citizens.
Steve Ford, Health Department, requested a transfer of $1,500.00 from 150-000 Extra Help into 114-000 Vital Records Clerk. Motion to approve made by Gary Gustin and seconded by John Bostic.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Cheryl Heath, County Assessor, requested a transfer within the Reassessment 2006 Fund from 113-000 And Twp Data Entry. $5,707.80 into 160-161 FICA and $2,152.80 into 160-162 PERF. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson. 7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Mrs. Heath also requested to replace an employee that left her office. There is no pay out due to the employee just transferring to a different office. Motion to approve the replacement made by Scott Tischler and seconded by Larry Crenshaw.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Gary Williams, Youth Center Supervisor, requested new money within the Youth Center School Fund of $42,550.00 into 153-B Teacher-Title I ($17.52/hr). Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Also requested was new money within the ICJI Fund of $120,000.00 into 150-000 Part time ($10.00-$15.00/hr). Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
January 9, 2007
Also requested was new money within the CAPTA Grant of $31,040.00 into 150-000 Part time ($10.00-$15.00/hr) and $8,960.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Wayne Schaftner, Adult Probation Director, requested new money within the Supplemental Adult Probation Fund of $685,000.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges. Motion to approve made by Gary Gustin and seconded by John Bostic.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Also requested was new money in the same Department of $42,000.00 into the 116-011 Probation Officer. Motion was made by Gary Gustin and seconded by John Bostic to deny request. A roll call vote was taken:
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Also requested was new money within the Unified Probation Administration Fees of $28,699.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges. This money will then be distributed to the General Fund ($17,713.00) and Supplemental Probation ($10,986.00) to cover mandated payroll increases for probation officers. Motion to approve made by Gary Gustin and seconded by Scott Tischler.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
John Richwine, Commissioner, requested new money within the Highway Department of $25,000.00 into 168-000 Overtime. Motion was made by Scott Tischler to continue this request due to State not yet approving the County Budget but to go ahead and pay overtime if needed, motion seconded by John Bostic.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Chris Blassaras, Watershed Coordinator with the EPA Grant, requested new money within the EPA Grant of $53,499.36 into 111-000 Watershed Coordinator and $15,781.07 into 150-000 Part time. Motion to approve made by Scott Tischler and seconded by Larry Crenshaw.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Also requested was new money within the Co General Fund, Soil and Water Department, of $8,040.00 into 111-000 Executive Director. Motion was made by John Bostic to continue due to State not yet approving the County Budget but to go ahead and pay as needed, motion seconded by Bill Savage.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Auditor, Kathy Stoops-Wright wanted to let the County Council know that Ludy Watkins, Clerk, had accrued sick time when she worked in the Voters Registration Office in 2004 and when the new money can be approved by the State she was requesting this to be paid out. The amount is $9,955.77 ($13.973/hr x 712.50 hrs). Council is aware.
Also, the Auditor reported to the Council that the Indiana Bond Bank revised the amount the County is to borrow due to the anticipation of a late tax collection to a higher amount. The Council asked the Auditor to talk with the Indiana Bond Bank to see if that can stay at the lower amount instead of the revised amount. Motion was made by John Bostic and seconded by Larry Crenshaw for this request.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
January 9, 2007
Attorney, Jim Wilson, presented an Ordinance Establishing the Madison County Economic Development Commission, Ordinance No. 2007-1C. Motion was made by Scott Tischler to consider Ordinance if a unanimous vote. Motion seconded by Buddy Patterson. 7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried. Motion was then made by John Bostic and seconded by Buddy Patterson to approve Ordinance No. 2007-1C.
7Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Jim Wilson also presented an Ordinance Creating a Non-Reverting Special Account for the Information Technology Systems Department of Madison County, Indiana (Cum ITS), Ordinance No. 2007-1E. Motion was made by Scott Tischler and seconded by Buddy Patterson to approve Ordinance No. 2007-1E.
7Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Council approved an appointment of Darlene Likens to the City of Anderson Economic Development Commission. Motion to approve made by Scott Tischler and seconded by Larry Crenshaw.
7Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Council approved an appointment of Betty Dazell to the North Madison County Public Library Board. Motion to approve made by Bill Savage and seconded by Scott Tischler.
7 Ayes 0 Nays Motion carried.
Council approved an appointment of Council member Gary Gustin to serve on the Planning Commission Board. Also approved an appointment of Council member Buddy Patterson to serve on the ITS Review Board.
Commissioner Paul Wilson addressed the County Council to encourage them to become aware of all the Departments and their issues, budgets and operations. To be tight fisted as much as possible.
Commissioner John Richwine addressed the County Council to ask them to make a decision to set aside money when the Bond Bank money comes in to see where we are in six months.
The next County Council meeting was set for February 13, 2007 at 4:00 pm.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.