Are you aware that more is possible than what you have been creating?
Do you know that there must be an easier way to create your life, your business and your relationships?
Maybe you feel inspired to create a different possibility for your life, yet sometimes you feel like old beliefs and points of view prevent you from creating what you know is truly possible?
Maybe you would like to be more of you and create a change in the world and in peoples lives, and you feel you would like to have more clarity on what to choose and where to take it.
Maybe you would love to find a way to create and generate more money doing what you love doing the most and what is totally joyful for you.
Maybe you would like to become a business or you may like to expand what you have created and have more ease with all of this.
What if you would never have to doubt your capacities again and you start to create more of what you know is truly possible for your life and living and for the planet…
And what if all it takes is to let go of your limiting points of view and learn to activate the infinite possibilities that are available for each of us.
That is my target with this guide with tools from my bestselling book ‘Wonderful Question’: to help you with how you can change your energy signature by letting go of any limitation and by opening yourself up to perceiving and receiving infinite possibilities that are available for us, right here, right now.
I’m going to walk you through 2 easy tools that you can implement into your life & business to create ease and possibility, quickly and effectively.
• The Clearing Statement®: How to clear the energy of any limitation and create choice and possibility in your life and in your business.
• Asking Questions: How to gain clarity and invite the unacknowledged possibilities into your experience.
The best part? Once you discover how you can play with these tools you’ll know how to navigate yourself out of any stuck place, any doubt or limitation and create the openings for possibilities to show up in ways that you had never even considered.
Ready? Let’s get started.
What if you could change your life and create something totally different with a kind of magic phrase?
Let me introduce the Clearing Statement®, what it is, how it works and what it can do for you.
The reason I give you the Clearing Statement® as the first tool is what it does is it clears all the energy that holds you in a judgement, a point of view, or in defending for or against some point of view or situation in your life or business.
When you use this tool, you can clear any energy that binds you and you will no longer have to defend for and against your limitations, instead you’ll able to create beyond.
Because here’s the thing: you can only attract new thought, new possibilities in your life according to your level of acceptance.
What the Clearing Statement® does is it erases all the places where you previously could not or would not accept a possibility for change.
Remember that your electro magnetic energy signature keeps your reality in place until you change the energy you’re broadcasting by changing the expectation, the points of view you’re holding.
So the Clearing Statement ® goes back to the point of creation in this or any lifetime - in any space time dimension - and changes the energy signature of the event that created your point of view in the first place. Your feelings about your past will change, your reactiveness in the present will reduce, you will start to have more choice in any area of your life.
How Does It Work?
The Clearing Statement® is a pretty weird sentence and it goes as follows: “Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds.®”
Here’s how you can play with it to change pretty much everything that is not been working or could be working even better.
In order to clear old energies with the Clearing Statement® you first have to stir the pot a little bit, or invite the energy that still binds to reveal itself to you, so that you then can bring it back to possibility.
The way you reveal the energy of a limitation is by asking a question.
When you ask a question, the energy of the points of view that you have attached to that subject, is invited to reveal itself.
(For example you can ask a question such as: What have you decided this has to look like?, What have you decided you cannot be or do? etc.)
Often times you can feel the energy in your body, sometimes it can even feel a bit uncomfortable. The trick is to be willing to have that feeling for a few moments and to be present with what you’re aware of as you then use the Clearing Statement® to clear the energy of that point of view.
Basically when you ask a question about a subject you like to change or heal, you invite the present energy pattern to reveal itself to you. You get to perceive that energy, you be present with it in the Now moment, - that’s were past, present and future are a simultaneity - and you clear the energy, change your past and with that you change the course of your future as well.
It’s vital to be willing to perceive whatever energy that shows up, without putting any label to the perceived energy. Energy is just energy!
Allow yourself to be present with what you’re aware of, observing it as just ‘an energy’ with no judgement whatsoever.
The act of observing the energy with allowance or no judgement nor conclusion is what allows the energy to return to infinite possibility.
Your energy signature will change with every clearing statement you use and as you broadcast a different frequency you start to see a different reality.
How To Use The Clearing Statement®?
There are a few different ways you can use the Clearing Statement® to create to create something different:
1/ Using the Clearing Statement® in response to thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgements and conclusions.
When in your day to day life emotions are stirred up by triggers, for example
resistance, defending for or against, justifications, frustration, … Be willing to
be present with the energy that is stirred up, just witness the energy without
putting a label to it and from no point of view just choose to destroy and
uncreate that old energy saying : “Everything that is, I now destroy and
uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and
Note: it’s no longer about figuring out how and why you‘ve created a limiting point of view, but rather about choosing to uncreate the energy that held the limitation in place in the first place and to re-invent yourself beyond the old energy signature.
2/ Using the Clearing Statement® in combination with Wonderful Questions to either clear old energies or create new possibilities.
Examples of clearing old energies:
What have I decided about this, that if I didn’t, would allow me to have total choice with all of this? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow that, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
What conclusion have I made about this, that if I didn’t, would allow me to have
total ease and clarity with all of this? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow that, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
What Am I defending for and against, that if I didn’t, would allow me to perceive,
know, be and receive the greater possibilities with total ease. Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow that, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
What have I made so vital, valuable and real about this, that if I didn’t, would allow me to choose way more ease and clarity? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow that, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
Note: the purpose is to not go into defending for or against the rightness/wrongness of your point of view but to be willing to let go of the energy that sticks you and has created the point of view in the first place.
After all, would you rather be right and keep your point of view or would you rather create a different reality that works for you?
Examples of inviting new possibilities:
What are the infinite possibilities that are available here that I haven’t yet considered? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow me to perceive, know, be and receive it, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
What else can I choose that I would never have imagined? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow me to perceive, know, be and receive it, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, doc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
What can I be and do different today, that will allow me to … eg. have total ease and clarity with all of this? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow me to perceive, know, be and receive it, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
What information is required here, and what would it take for it to show up with total ease? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow me to perceive, know, be and receive it, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
What energy, space and consciousness can I be, that will allow me to … eg. have
totale ease and clarity with all of this? Everything that is, and everything that doesn’t allow me to perceive, know, be and receive it, I now destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, pod, poc, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds®.
Those are examples of clearings that you can use both for your life and for your business. And of course the invitation is to play with crafting your own clearings and create change and possibilities in all domains of your life and living.
3/ Creating loops to play day and night.
With each clearing you run, you change your energy and literally quantum leap into more possibilities.
You can run the same clearings on a particular subject until you notice a change in that area of your life.
As you get used to clearing and creating with the Clearing Statement® to your benefit, creating loops with clearings is really helpful for even more change with ease.
There’s a free downloadable program, called audacity. You can use it to record your own clearing phrases and to create your clearing loops to change any area in your life or your business. It’s very simple to make your own clearing loops using audacity and you can find how to do it on you tube.
Each time you use a clearing your energy broadcast changes, the expectancy in your frequency bands changes and new possibilities can enter into your life. Also you may have noticed that some of the questions are really designed to invite those possibilities into your life and by running the Clearing Statement® you clear all the ways you previously would not have been able or willing to receive those possibilities in your life.
How does it get even better than this?
The Clearing Statement®, What Does It All Mean?
This covers everywhere we have made a decision, a judgement or have a fixed point of view about an issue. These polarized points of view are the things keeping us stuck in our position, so that we can’t move forward
or change with ease.
Funnily enough it is the things we are convinced we have right and good in our lives that create the greatest limitations. When we have something ‘right’ how willing are we to change it? Or create beyond it? Often we don’t even see that this limitation is there. That’s why the Clearing Statement® clears both sides
of the polarity.
What if there is something greater available than what you have decided is right in your life? Would you be
willing to have that too?
When we step out of right and wrong, we can actually begin to see what is, without judging it or us.
When we have no judgement of something we are no longer stuck by it.
When we stop judging ourselves we can just see it as just an interesting point of view and this allows us to make new choices without the back story of our lives repeating over and over.
POC is the point of creation of the thoughts, feelings and emotions immediately preceding your decision to lock this think in place. POD is the point of destruction, it is all the ways you have been destroying yourself in order to keep whatever you’re clearing in existence.
Each limitation that is going on in your life is like a house of cards. We use a lot of energy to keep building the house higher and higher each time we align and agree or resist and react with the point of view we originally took on.