TextileTALKS | Open Call

TextileTALKS in Contextile 2016

“Textile in Contemporary Art: That is my work, let’s talk about it”

31st july and 1st august 2016 | Guimarães | Portugal

Contextile 2016 – Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, in partnership with the European Textile Network, ETN, is organizing a thematic TextileTALK, on the two days following the Biennial's opening providing artists - and anybody with an interest in the theme - with an opportunity to present their work / point of view to promote debate and sharing of ideas.

The role and importance of contemporary textile art in its various ways of expression and artistic presentation, as well as its importance in the interaction and the cooperation between territories, will be present again in the proposal of the encounter.

Short presentations during the Speed Projects Sessions will be the starting point of TextileTALK. Participation is open to all interested that may submit a proposal by filling the application form available at and

Deadline for applications:February 20th 2016



10:00 | Greetings/Welcome.

– Brief presentation of ETN and CONTEXTILE;

– Presentation of TextileTALK, its objectives and methodologies;

– Speed Projects 1 [four presentations, 10min each];

– Conversations with the artists.

11:30 | coffee break.


– Slow show [presentation of the work of two artists];

– Conversation.

13:00 | Lunch


– Speed Projects2 [four presentations, 10min each];

– Conversation with the artists;
– Slow show [presentation of the work of two artists];

– Conversation.

17:00 | coffee break.

– Informal Artists Networking.

18:00 | Textile Films Lounge.

– Films about (old) textile industry in Ave Valley.


9:30 | Workshops

– Workshop 1: “The Visibility of Textile in Art” | Moderation: Lala de Dios;

– Workshop 2: “Textile Art: Diffuse Territories” | Moderation: Biennial;

– Workshop 3: Thematic Surprise.

11:00 | coffee break.

12:00 | TextileTALK conclusions;

– Farewell and acknowledgments - ETN + CONTEXTILE.

13:00 | Lunch

14:30 | A guided visit to Casa da Memória and to the territory.

Return at 18:00 [Porto Wine Closure]

Terms and conditions

for submissions

1. All artists over 18 years whatever their nationality are allowed to present individual or collective projects.

2. Fill in the application form (download: or and send it before February 20th, 2016, to and/or

3. Among the selected applications the organizers will choose four to take part in the Slow Show (extra time of 35-40 minutes to present their projects)

4. Selected speakers must send their texts in English before June 30th 2016. This documentation will be handed out to TextileTALK participants and audience both in Portuguese and English.

5. Selected speakers will be informed by the organizers about the deadline to send their presentations in advance in order to avoid last-minute technical problems.


Applications and presentations must comply with the following requirements:

  • 10 minutes maximum allowed time.
  • 10 / 20 images or a 10-minute video.
  • Allowed media: slide show, power point, video.
  • To be a dynamic, inspiring and innovative presentation both in design and content.

Selection Process

  • Presentations will be selected by a Jury, composed of a representative of the European Textile Network, ETN, and a representative of CONTEXTILE 2016.
  • The Jury has the responsibility to select 12 presentations.
  • The results of the selection will be notified by mail to all applicants -wether selected or not- before February 29th 2016 using the e mail addresses stated in the application forms.

The Organization will provide

  • Suitable conditions and technical support to allow for an efficient presentation of the projects.
  • Information and support about transport and lodging (the biennial has a partnership with hotels offering special prices) and a guided tour to the exhibitions integrating Contextile.


November 2015: Open Call

20th February 2016: Deadline for applications.

29th February 2016: Communication of the selection.

31st July and 1st August 2016: TextileTALKs