Algebra 150 Course Syllabus 2016-2017

Gateway Middle School

8th Grade Algebra

2016-2017School Year

Ms. Elizabeth Weiss

Room 116

Course Welcome

Welcome to 8th Grade Algebra at Gateway Middle School. In this syllabus you will find information outlining the course content and goals our class will have this year. You will be responsible for reading this information and understanding the material presented here.


Our Big Goal: 1: 80% of Pre-Algebra students will master at least 80% of the8th grade content as measured by the Missouri Assessment Program, students will grow at least two grade levels, and all students will understand how the study of Algebra helps them to strengthen their brain and understand the world around them.

Our ambitious classroom goal has three parts:

  1. The first part of our goal will guarantee that you receive comprehensive instruction on 8th grade algebra content. I am confident that with yourhard our class will reach and exceed this expectation.
  2. The second part of our big goal is about growth. Whether you come to our class above level, on level or a bit behind I expect you to show major growth in your computation, problem solving and test-taking skills. This will be measured by the STAR test, which you will take throughout the year.
  3. The third part of our goal is that you will understand why you are studying Algebra, how you use algebra in your every-day world, and how the study of Algebra will help you to strengthen your brain.


We are in this together through the successes and struggles. Everyone needs to be held accountable. However, if you do your work, attend consistently, and show effort and improvement over the course of the school year, you should expect to earn a good grade in this course.

Contact Information

You will be expected to complete homework to be turned in every Friday. “I didn’t get it,” is not an excuse. If you have questions about your homework or the course please don’t hesitate to email, text or call me. Please do so before 9pm if you expect a reply before the morning.


Phone/Text: (314) 402-1719

Course Description

In 8th grade Algebrayou will work with real data, real-life situations, and real-world applications to realize the value of learning mathematics. Explorations and investigations emphasize symbol sense, algebraic manipulations, and conceptual understanding. In 8th grade algebra you will learn about algebraic concepts such as number systems, operations, and forms. This course prepares you for additional study of mathematics, science, and courses rich in data analysis and statistics, in high school and beyond. Math is becoming increasingly important in our technology-oriented society, and this course will help you to connect the mathematics you learn in the classroom with the world around you.

Supplies Needed for Success

  • Dry-erase markers- you will be provided with one dry-erase marker per semester. It is your responsibility to take care of it, and replace it if it is lost or damaged. I suggest buying a pack while back-to-school sales are still going on.
  • Students may choose to obtain a folder, binder or notebook for this class, but it is not required.

Classroom Expectations

Students are expected to follow the Jaguar Code at all times.

Thank you. I am looking forward to working with you this year!

Our class, our futures.