January 5, 2009
CALLING THE MEETING TO ORDER – The regular monthly meeting of the Ohio Township Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman, Herb Hartle, on Monday, January 5, 2009 at the Ohio Township Municipal Building.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Hartle asked the secretary to note the presence of all three supervisors, Herb Hartle, Jim Reid and Tom Beatty.
COMMENTS FROM THE CITIZENS – There were no comments from the citizens.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – Mr. Hartle announced that the minutes were posted on the bulletin board. There being no corrections, Mr. Reid made a motion, seconded by Mr. Beatty, to approve the minutes as posted. The motion was carried unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Mr. Sullivan read the treasurer’s report for the month of December. Mr. Beatty made a motion, seconded by Mr. Reid, to approve the treasurer’s report as read. The motion was carried unanimously.
INVOICES DUE FOR PAYMENT - Mr. Sullivan read the total invoices due for payment are $234,304.83 which covers checks #9553 to #9713 (PNC Bank), Check #2014 for the total of $317.02 (Earned Income).
POLICE SUMMARY – Chief Micklos read the police summary for the month of December as follows: The Ohio Township Police Department responded to 208 calls. 36 Alarms, 6 Disabled Vehicles, 10 Animal Complaints, 13 Traffic/Motor Vehicle Accidents, 16 Medical Emergency Calls, 7 Traffic Citations, 9 Hazardous Conditions, 111 Miscellaneous Calls.
FIRE REPORT - Chief Frazier submitted the emergency and fire report for the month of December as follows: The Ohio Township Fire Department responded to 29 calls. 6 Vehicle Crashes, 2 Vehicle Fires, 9 Structure Fires, 4 Fire Alarms, 1 Natural Gas Odor, 1 Natural Gas Leak, 1 Fuel Spill, 1 Fuel Leak, and 4 Miscellaneous Calls. There were 269 total calls for 2008.
PLANNING COMMISSION – Minutes of the November Planning Commission are posted on the bulletin board in the lobby.
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT – For the fifth year in a row the municipal budget was approved with no tax increase. The 2009 millage rate is 2.75.
The 2009 budget increase of 9.9% is directly attributed to the increased revenue that will be received from the additional municipalities that have contracted with us for police protection.
MANAGER’S REPORT – In a recent newspaper article, Veterinary Ventures was quoted saying that Ohio Township is good to work with.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT – Mr. Reid reported there has been a limited amount of salt used so far this season due to the light amounts of snow. Mr. Reid also reported that the township has taken delivery of two new light duty dump trucks.
RECREATION REPORT - Park Rentals for the month of January – 2. Park Rentals for the month of February – 1. Preschool story time will be held on Tuesday, January 13 at 9:30 a.m. in the lower level of the Nature Center. The Cookie Exchange went well and the cookies were good. A new Core Fitness session is scheduled to begin on January 21, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. Zumba’s new session is scheduled to begin on January 22, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. New Yoga sessions will begin on January 12, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. Father Daughter Valentine’s Dance will be held on Friday, January 30 at 7:00 p.m. Discount attraction tickets are available for the following places: Hidden Valley, Seven Springs, the Wisp and the Pittsburgh Zoo. New programs that will begin in January are Meditation Workshop, Cardio Pulse, Pilates, Pre-School Ballet, Mommy and Me learn to Dance, Senior Fitness and Life Step Weight Loss Program for Teens and Adults.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS – There was no unfinished business.
NEW BUSINESS - Mr. Hartle stated we need a motion to approve Resolution #1-09 for the Appointment of Michelle Majersky and Julie Kramer to the Ohio Township Park and Recreation Board. Mr. Beatty made a motion, seconded by Mr. Reid to approve the Resolution #1-09 for the Appointment of Michelle Majersky and Julie Kramer to the Ohio Township Park and Recreation Board. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Hartle stated we need a motion to approve Resolution #2-09 Appointing Bernadette Hartle as the Open Records Officer on behalf of the Ohio Township Police Department. Mr. Reid made a motion, seconded by Mr. Beatty to approve the Appointment of Bernadette Hartle as the Open Records Officer on behalf of the Ohio Township Police Department. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Hartle stated we need a motion to approve Resolution #3-09 for the Appointment of Ruth A. Dolan to the ACORD Board. Mr. Beatty made a motion, seconded by Mr. Reid to approve the Appointment of Ruth A. Dolan to the ACORD Board. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Hartle stated we need a motion to approve Resolution #4-09 Appointing Joseph J. Whiteside to the ACORD Board. Mr. Reid made a motion, seconded by Mr. Beatty to approve the Appointment of Joseph J. Whiteside to the ACORD Board. The motion was carried unanimously.
SOLICITORS REPORT - There was no solicitor’s report for the month of December.
CORRESPONDENCE – There was no correspondence report for the month of December.
ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business, Mr. Beatty made a motion, seconded by Mr. Reid to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
The next monthly meeting will be February 2, 2009.