Proposal Number XXX-XXX-XXXXFirm Name
Topic Number NXXX-XXX
[Company Name and Corporate Address (option to use company letterhead)]
Name of Corporate Official Responsible for Proposal:
Proposal Date:
Topic Title:
Contract Information: Controlling Office
Topic #: Naval Sea Systems Command
PH I Contract #: ATTN: Mr. Dean R. Putnam, SEA05T1R
Proposed POP: 1333 Isaac Hull Ave, SE
Estimated Contract Value: $BASE/$OPT1/$OPT2 Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376
Principal Investigator:Navy Technical Point of Contact:
Name: Name:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
PEO/ Directorate Sponsor:Prepared By:
Name: Name:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
Proposed Subcontractors/Consultants:
Description of Proposed Technical Effort
In no more than three pages, please address items 1 through 3 below, paying particular attention to description of your proposed Phase II Work Plan.
- Phase II Technical Objectives.
Enumerate the specific objectives of the Phase II work. Clearly distinguish between the objectives of the basic Phase II and those of the Phase II option.
- Phase II Work Plan.
This section should comprise the major portion of the technical proposal, about two pages. This section must include a proposed statement of work to delineate clearly what the offeror proposes to do and deliver for the basic effort and any option(s).
The proposed statement of work should describe, in chronological order, major tasks to be performed. Each task description should include an explanation of the work to be performed; the expected product of the task (report, hardware, etc.); the roles (if any) of subcontractors and/or consultants; and the use of materials, software, special equipment, special tooling, etc. in the performance of the task.
Logical technical "milestones" should be scheduled to allow the government to understand expected progress and to consider the exercise of any negotiated options.
- Related Work.
This section should demonstrate the offeror's awareness of the state-of-the art and relevant concurrent efforts. Describe significant activities, including any conducted by the principal investigator, the proposing firm, consultants, and others. Describe how these activities relate to the proposed effort.
- Key Personnel.
Use the table below to identify the prime investigator (PI), co-prime investigators (Co-PIs), and any foreign citizens, including direct employees, subcontractors or consultants, who will be involved in the Phase II effort. For any foreign citizens, please specify the country of origin, the type of visa or work permit under which they are performing and an explanation of the anticipated level of involvement on this project. You may be asked to provide additional information during negotiations in order to verify the foreign citizen’s eligibility to participate on a SBIR contract. Supplemental information provided in response to this paragraph will be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. §552a), if applicable, and the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552(b)(6)).
Resumes for primary investigator (PIs) and up to three (3) Co-Primary Investigators shall be submitted in section 8. These resumes are limited to one page each.
Investigator Name / Foreign Citizen (Yes/No) / Country of Origin / Type of Visa or Work Permit / Level of Involvement (Role)- Subcontractors/Consultants.
Involvement of a university or other subcontractors or consultants may be appropriate. In no more than one page, describeany proposed use of consultants and/or subcontractors priced in the cost estimate. Clearly identify the tasks to be performed by consultants and/or subcontractors for the basic effort and/or option(s). Describe their qualifications for the assigned tasks. Resumes are not required for subcontractors or consultants.
- Transition Plan Summary
This plan should be updated as Phase II work progresses. It will be reviewed by the appropriate SMEs and SBIR PMs as a factor in continuing base efforts and the exercising of options. Provide a one page summarythat briefly describesthe proposed business strategyfor transitioning from Phase II through final development and into acquisition, as well as the product or service expected to result from a Phase III effort.
- Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate
Complete the table below as a cost estimatefor your Phase II work plan. Include Labor for both Prime and Subcontractors, Fees and Other Direct Costs (including travel, material, outside testing, etc.) Cost estimate may not exceed the Phase II funding limits of $1Mfor the base contract with a $500,000 option.
Details to be included are as follows:
1. Direct Labor. Provide the total estimated amount proposed for the base period and each option (if any).
2. Consultants/Subcontractors. List consultants/subcontractors by name and provide the total estimated amount proposed for the base period and each option (if any).
3. Materials.Provide the total estimated amount proposed for the base period and each option (if any).
4. Travel and Other DirectCosts. Travel (i.e. airfares, car rental and per diem) for all activities to complete the contract requirements. Please note that all Phase II award winners must attend a one-day Transition Assistance Program (TAP) meeting in the Washington D.C. area during the second year of the Phase II effort. This trip is not to be included in the cost estimate. Provide the total estimated amount proposed for the base period and each option (if any).
5. General & Administrative (G&A). Provideyour G&A rate(s) and its application base along with the total estimated amount proposed for the base period and each option (if any).
6. Facility Capital Cost of Money (FCCM). If applicable, provideyour FCCM rate(s) and its application base along with the total estimated amount proposed for the base period and each option (if any).
7. Fixed Fee/Profit. If applicable, include the proposed fixed fee/profit ratealong with the total estimated amount proposed for the base period and each option (if any).
Item- Details / Est. Base Amount / Est. Option Amount / Total Est.Amount Base + OptionDirect Labor - Prime
Direct Labor – Subcontractors/Consultants
Travel & ODCs
Total Est. Costs
Total Est. Costs Plus Fee/Profit
8.Resumes for Key Personnel
Please provide a resume containing the following information for each PI and Co PI on the project (up to 4 total). Resumes are limited to one page each:
Principal Investigator:
Team Members: (Please list)
Investigator Name
School, Degree, Year
Relevant Experience
Please provide a concise description of the investigator’s relevant technical experience and its application to this topic.
Relevant Awards
Please list any awards received for work related to this topic.
Relevant Publications
Please list any publications relevant to this topic.
(Repeat this format as necessary to address the qualifications of up to 3 Co-PIs)
9. Discretionary Technical Assistance
Please indicate whether you are applying for additional funding for Discretionary Technical Assistance (DTA), as described in the solicitation. If applying for DTA, briefly explain the need for assistance, describe the intended provider and why the entity is uniquely qualified to provide the assistance, and describe the services the entity is expected to provide. Please be sure to account for the DTA in your cost proposal. (half page)
- Attachments
If available, attach letters of endorsement from the transitioning Program Office within the DoD or from the private sector that discuss the direct benefit of the technology to the agency(s) and/or their intent of follow-on funding either during Phase II or Phase III. Letters of endorsement are strongly encouraged and provide validation of interest by others. These attachments will not be included in the page count.
Phase II Initial Proposal - ProprietaryPage 1 of 5