Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday17thOctober 2016

Iden Green Pavilion, 7:30pm

Present / Cllrs Barker, Cruse,Davies, Henning, Reynolds and Thomas
In Attendance / Caroline Levett – Clerk;1 member of the public was in attendance.
Item / Action
APOLOGIES / Apologies were received and accepted fromCllrsEllis, Skeet, Dawlings and Holden.
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS / No declarations of interest or alterations to members register of interests were made.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING / The Parish Council minutes from the meeting held on19thSeptember2016 were unanimously approved as a correct record of the meeting and signed by the Chairmanand amended to include Cllr Ellis as present.
MATTERS ARISING AND OUTSTANDING ITEMS / (i)Civic Amenity Vehicle/Recycling The issue of the CAV was discussed at a recent Parish Chairmen’s meeting. Cllr Barker raised concerns about how the subject has been reported. A number of Councillors reported an increase in flytipping despite assurances from TWBC that there has been no increase. It was agreed that the best course of action is to approach officers directly. The Clerk to arrange a meeting with Paul Shipley.
(ii)Village Clean Up Day It was agreed an autumn tidy will take place on 19th November between 9:30am and 11am, meeting outside the Shop. Cllr Henning offered to approach the Scout Leader to see if the Scouts would like to get involved.
(iii)Village Lengthsman Terry Baldwin advised of work being undertaken and welcomed input from Councillors. A number of posts around the recreation ground have been pulled out or broken recently. This is to be monitored to try to ascertain who is responsible. Cllr Davies to contact BT regarding the telephone box by the Village Hall to request it is repaired and cleaned and suggested that the Parish Council would be happy to maintain this.
(iv)Marquee Cllr Davies to progress.
(v)Iden Green Telephone Box The Finance Committee had discussed the possibility of moving the defibrillator to Iden Green Pavilion and therefore the power supply to the telephone box would no longer be required. Cllr Davies to progress.
(vi)Parish Councillor VacancyThe Clerk reported that TWBC will advise after 20th October if an election has been requested. / CL
REPORTS CHAIRMAN AND PARISH COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES / (i)Primary School: Cllr Thomas advised that an Ofsted inspection is expected at any time. The new school build project manager has been appointed.
(ii)KALC:The Local Area Committee met in Benenden on 20th September. The ineffectiveness of the JTB was discussed and concerns about lorry routes raised. The Clerk to circulate the minutes of the meeting.
(iii)Parish Chairmen’sGroup: The Group next meets at the end of November. / CL
PLANNING & HIGHWAYS MATTERS / (i)Planning Committee Meeting Minutes 6th October
Cllr Barker advised on the following applications considered by the Planning Committee :
Application / Address / Proposal / Committee Recommendation
16/06131 / Moat Bungalow / Construction of single storey replacement dwelling with basement / Support
16/06040 / Birch House, Biddenden / Variation of condition of planning permission 15/504091 / Support
The Parish Council unanimously supported the recommendations of the planning committee.
(ii)Planning Applications
Application / Address / Proposal / Committee Recommendation
LBC / Forge House The Street / Listed Building Consent
for external renovation / The Parish Council unanimously supported this application.
TN0T56 / Beacon Farm Rolvenden Road / Telecommunications Notification: Upgrade of EE Ltd apparatus for the Emergency Services Network / The Parish Council supports this application in principal but would like TWBC to properly consider the radiological implications and any health concerns.
16/06660 / Willow Barn
Biddenden / Alterations to form a three bedroom dwelling / The Clerk to request an extension for this application and members of the Parish Council to visit the site.
(iii)TWBC Call for Sites
Cllr Davies reported that he had visited a number of sites and has had further discussion with TWBC.
(iv)Highways Matters
Cllrs Davies and Barker to meet with Cllr Holden.
(v)Landscape Character Area Assessment
Cllr Davies to send a link to all Councillors. / CL
FINANCIAL / (i)Monthly Finance Report and approve cheque for payment
The Parish Council ratified and approved theOctober2016 cheque list, and agreed the bank reconciliation and bank statement for September2016.
(ii)Finance and Staffing Committee Meeting Minutes of the meeting of 3rd October had been circulated.
(a)The Parish Council resolved to agree a new five year agreement for the photocopier.
(b)The Parish Council resolved to agree a donation of £100 to Citizens Advice. The Clerk to include details of the CAB on the website and in the magazine.
Cllr Barker is organising a Christmas get together at the Bull for the Magazine helpers, Parish Councillors are also welcome to attend. It was resolved that the Parish Council would contribute £100 towards this. / CL
CORRESPONDENCE / (i)KALC : Annual Report; Strategic Plan; Constitution; Draft Budget – available for
those wishing to read.
(ii)KALC : Notice of AGM and election of President, Vice-Presidents and Auditors
ITEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION / (i)KALC Community Awards Scheme 2017
Recommendations were made as to nominees for this award. Cllr Davies to contact
TWBC regarding other awards and recognitions available. / PD
119/16 DATE OF NEXT MEETING / Monday 21st November 2016, 7:30pm, at the Memorial Hall
120/16 / The meeting closed at8:40pm

Chairman………………………………………………………………… Date……………………………………Page 1

These minutes are not a verbatim record of the meeting, but a summary of discussion and decisions taken at the meeting.