CRN meeting held in Atlantic Quay

on 7 February 2017

at 11.15am

1. Present:Alex Lamb, Hugh McClung Philomena McClung Susan Robertson

June Anderson

Apologies:Moira Robertson, Johanna Wilkinson, Rae Christie

Scottish Government in attendance: Susan McLellan and Annabel MacMillan

2. Approval of Minutes: No minutes of previous meeting so these will have to be approved at the next meeting.

3. Matters Arising

  • Hugh welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2017 of the committee.
  • Hugh stated he received a formal resignation from Danny and Therese Mullen.
  • Hugh asked the group whether it would agreeable for him to send a card on behalf of the group to thank Danny and Therese from their efforts throughout the years. Everyone agreed that Danny and Therese will be missed in many circles. Hugh will draft a letter to send on behalf of the committee send round for approval before issuing. There are no matters arising from the previous minute.

4. Matter arising from previous minute

There are no matters arising from the previous minute.

5. Matters Requiring Discussion

  • Universal Credit Consultation – completed by the group and submitted by Annabel MacMillan, Scottish Government, on 14 February 2017
  • Private Rented Sector consulted completed by the group and submitted by Annabel MacMillan, Scottish Government, on 14 February 2017
  • Freedom of Information consultation – completed by the group and submitted by Annabel MacMillan, Scottish Government, on 14 February 2017

6. Correspondence

  • Rita Smart had sent out a number of emails and information about welfare reform. If you have any queries please about this please contact Rita Smart and her email address is Hugh would like to raise a point withRita regarding linking direct payments of the local authority and the DWP – this is now a lengthy and time consuming process and causing difficulty for many concerned. The committee were happy for Hugh to contact Rita on behalf of the group.

7. Treasurer’s report

  • Geoff stated he had letters from the bank about overdraft and interest charges. Geoff contacted the bank and complaint about this and got the money refunded.
  • There was a discussion about Geoff’s policy about forwarding the cash. The general consensus was that it works well and Annabel spot checks the accounts on a regular basis so can look out for any inconsistencies or errors.
  • The current balance is 367.34

8. Local Government and Communities Committee

  • Hugh gave evidence at the Local Government and Communities committee. He was stand in for Bill Chapman who could not attend due to a last minute change of circumstances. Hugh advised that it was an informativediscussion lead by Bob Dorris MSP which related to the quality of the charter and the success of it meant there were to be no major changes being considered to the Charter. The Minister gave evidence and stated in his address that he was an open line directly to tenants. Hugh stated that it gave him the opportunity to say how well the Charter the charter was working.

9. Regional Network Review

  • Susan advised the committee there would be no AGMS this year as a result of the organisational review. The 2 options considered were (a) going from 9 to 6 Regional Networks or (b) Going from 9 to 4 Regional Networks.
  • Central Regional Network agreed that the Networks should go to 4 and voted on this unanimously.
  • Hugh advised that West Dunbartonshire could be included in the review and this was agreed.


  • Bank Account – there was discussion about the bank account and the reduction in signatories with committee members stepping down. Geoff advised that his group was likely to fold soon and he would have to give up his role as treasurer for Region 4. There was an agreement that the group should not add any more signatories to the account due to the current organisational review and this will be looked at once the new Regions are set up.
  • Chair and Secretaries update – The Chair and Secretaries met on the 15 November 2016 and the following business was discussed:
  • 106 responses to the Consultation and 12 localised meetings promoting the Charter.
  • New Charter available by 1 April 2017
  • William Fleming gave an update on the Office National Statistics (ONS) Bill
  • Andrew Gunn gave an update on the FOI Bill
  • There was an SHR Liaison Group meeting update.
  • Geoff asked for a copy of the Falkirk LA RTO Database so he could take it to the council and ask for clarification.
  • Susan advised that there will be an SHR Liaison Group training day for the committee members and their deputies and an agenda will be issued to those attending.
  • The next meeting with the SHR and the SHR Liaison Group will take place on the Tuesday 7 March 2017.
  • Hugh asked if there was any objection to the him taking on the role of correspondence secretary and the committee was happy with Hugh taking on the role and Moira would continue to do the minutes.
  • June would like to thank Hugh, Philomena and Annabel for attending the Clacks open day event at their new premises.
  • Hugh and Philomena announced that they would be retiring in November 2018.

The next meeting will take place on the 4th April 2017 in Atlantic Quay, Glasgow at 11.15am