OCTOBER 17, 2006
Was held on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 in the Pitman High School Media Center. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. for Executive Closed Session followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
With the following in attendance:
Gail L. Todd President
Thomas DeGeorge Vice-President (Arrived at 8:20p.m.)
Stacy DeClement Member
Thomas C. Hahn Member (Absent)
Joseph F. Martin Member
Robin Mollenhauer Member
Donald W. Pallies Member
Michele D. Roemer Asst. Supt. for Business/Board Secretary
Thomas F. Schulte Superintendent
Esther Pacitti Asst. Supt. for Curriculum & Instruction
Samuel H. Bullock Solicitor (Arrived at 7:05 p.m.)
Moved by Mrs. Todd
Second by Mr. Pallies
“That the following Resolution is adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Pitman Board of Education that pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Law (NJSA 10:4-1 et. seq.) that it shall immediately enter into an Executive Session to discuss a matter involving (1) a collective bargaining agreement, terms and conditions proposed for inclusion in such agreement and the negotiations of terms and conditions with employees or their representatives; and (2) a matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation performance, promotion or disciplining of any prospective or current public officer or employee. The information discussed at this meeting can be disclosed to the public only upon formal written request to the Secretary of the Board of Education at the next Work, Special, or Action meeting to disclose the information discussed.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mrs. DeClement
“That the Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education reconvenes in open session at 7:30 p.m.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
The meeting reconvened in open session with the following visitors: William Matthews and Len Sheridan.
A Moment of Silence was followed by the Salute to the Flag.
Notice of this Regular Meeting of the Pitman Board of Education was mailed to the Gloucester County Times, posted at Borough Hall, and a copy thereof delivered to the Pitman Borough Clerk. Further, notice was posted and filed as require by law stating that the Board would meet in Executive Closed Session at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Pitman High School Media Center. The President shall entertain any objections, with supporting reasons, to the conduct of this meeting on the grounds that it violates the Open Public Meetings Act.
Ms. Pacitti presented the following items to the Board of Education:
- Test scores (Spring of 2005)
- Class Size Reduction Report
- MAP Assessment, Achievement Status and Growth Status
Mr. Schulte, Superintendent of Schools, presented to the Board of Education and the public the Violence and Vandalism Report. Meeting was open to the public for comments/questions
– There were none.
Mr. Martin questioned the 8th Grade planning objective and how could they be considered a comparison when the same types of writings were not compared.
PUBLIC HEARING – (15 minutes)
Our attorney has advised us that we cannot prevent you from making remarks about our employees. He has requested we advise you that our employees are not Public Officials and you are not immune from civil actions they may bring as a result of your marks.
No public comment.
Motion by Mrs. Todd,
Second by Mr. Pallies
“That the minutes of the Pitman Board of Education as held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and reading dispensed with:
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mrs. Todd,
Second by Mrs. DeClement
“That the minutes of the Closed Sessions of the Pitman Board of Education held on the dates listed below are approved as printed and the reading dispensed with:
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 7pm and 10:12pm
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 7:03pm and 8:50pm”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mrs. DeClement to approve the following six items as listed below:
“That all line-item transfers be approved.
Month of: August, 2006.
“That pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A10(d), the Board Secretary certifies that no budgetary line-item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6-20-2a.10(A).
As of August, 2006.”
“That the Report of the Board Secretary, including the Current Budget Financial Statement be approved. The Pitman Board of Education further certifies that no major account or fund has been over-expended.
Month of: August, 2006.”
“That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted and note that it reconciles with the Board Secretary’s report for the same period.
Month of: August, 2006”
"That all bills properly approved and certified be paid."
“That the Student Fund Report be accepted and approved.
Month of: September, 2006.”
Motions Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mrs. DeClement
“That the Pitman Board of Education accepts the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004-Part B FY 2007 funding allocations as follows:
Basic - $358,171 PSH - $ 14,934”
Motion Approved, 5-0-0.
Motion by Mr. Pallies
Second by Mrs. DeClement
“That the Pitman Board of Education enters into agreements with the following vendors to provide services for homebound instruction for the 2006-2007 school year at a rate of $28.00 per hour:
K&K Educational Services
Motion Approved, 5-0-0.
Mr. Martin reported on Student Statistics as of September 30, 2006:
Date / Elem / Middle / High / Out of District / Alt. / Total9/30/05 / 715 / 357 / 506 / 29 / 4 / 1611
9/8/06 / 724 / 365 / 508 / 24 / 3 / 1624
9/30/06 / 730 / 367 / 505 / 25 / 3 / 1630
Middle / High / Total
Suspensions / 2 / 1 / 3
Inappropriate Behavior
Fighting / 2 / 1
Fire Drills for the month of September, 2006
High School / 9/7/06 / 9/11/06Middle School / 9/8/06 / 9/12/06
Kindle School / 9/9/06 / 9/15/06
Memorial School / 9/7/06 / 9/13/06
Walls School / 9/12/06 / 9/19/06
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education finds the travel and related expenses particular to attendance of staff and board members on the attached list of approved school business leaves (Conference/Workshop/Meeting/Staff Training) are justified and therefore reimbursable.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That staff members successfully completing summer courses be approved for tuition
reimbursement in accord with the negotiated agreement.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Board of Education approves the out-of-state field trips as submitted.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the students whose names are on file in the Board Office, who have been
recommended by the Special Services Department, be approved for homebound
instruction for ten hours weekly, beginning September 22 and 28, 2006, respectively, for
the duration of their illnesses.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the students whose names are on file in the Board Office be approved for
homebound instruction for five hours weekly, beginning September 21, September 26,
and October 3, 2006, respectively, for the duration of their illnesses.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education accepts the QAAR, including the Local Planning
Objectives and Student Achievement, for the 2005/2006 school year and authorizes
submission to the Gloucester County Superintendent of Schools.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the Annual School Nursing Services Plan which provides for a Certified Nurse in each building. Susan Arnold is assigned to Walls School during those hours when school is in session to complete those duties outlined in NJAC 6A:16-2.1(e)1. Michele DiCola is assigned to Pitman High School during those hours when school is in session to complete those duties outlined in NJAC 6A:16-2.1(e)1. Laurie Drank is assigned to Pitman Middle School during those hours when school is in session to complete those duties outlined in NJAC 6A:16-2.1(e)1. Susan Rosenberger is assigned to Kindle School during those hours when school is in session to complete those duties outlined in NJAC 6A:16-2.1(e)1. Barbara Hess is assigned to Memorial School during those hours when school is in session to complete those duties outlined in NJAC 6A:16-2.1(e)1. No other nursing personnel are employed by the Pitman School District.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Board of Education rescinds the appointment of Kandice Hanrahan as After
School Detention Proctor, effective September 1, 2006.”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Board of Education approves the following Extra Service Contracts for the
2006/2007 school year. Stipend in accord with the negotiated agreement with the PEA:
High School Drama Advisor and SpringMusical Director / Jennifer Counsellor
After School Detention Proctor – PMS /
Carol Fox
Safety Patrol Advisors - Kindle School /Deborah Calabree
- Memorial School /Barbara Schmidt
- Walls School /Tracy Gerace/Helen Evans”
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Board of Education approves the following Extra Service Contracts for the 2006-2007 school year. Stipend in accord with the agreement with the Pitman Board of Education:
Web Master – Walls /Roy Rambo
Enrichment Program – Kindle /Stephanie Walton
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following Clubs and volunteer advisors for the 2006/2007 school year:
Amnesty Club / HS /Edward Holloway
Environmental Club / HS /Geoff Young
Foreign Language Club / HS /Erin Reynolds
Public Relations Club / HS /Katy Zimmerman
Ski Club / HS /Dawn Scalfaro
Robotics Team / MS / Sara Bailey”Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following Club and volunteer supervisor for the 2006/2007 school year:
Bible Club / HS / Bonnie Savage”Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Board of Education approve the following chaperones to accompany the High School Marching Band and Color Guard trip to Allentown, PA, on November 10 and 11, 2006:
Ken and Michelle Daminger
Joe and Diane Walker
Don and Lynn Kirk
Ed DeLuise
Janice Sees”
*Italics – In-house
Motion Approved – All In Favor
Motion by Mr. Mollenhauer
Second by Mr. Martin
“That new Policy #5300 Use of Defibrillators and Regulation #5300 is approved as a second and final reading.”
Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education authorizes the business office to enter into a contract with IKON Office Solutions under State Contract #A46039 for the following:
Canon ir 6570 Digital Copier for 36 months at $428.35/month including all parts and labor for 30,000 copies per month. Overage billed at .0102 per copy.”
Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education authorizes the business office to enter into a contract with Riso Document Printing Systems under State Contract #A49366 for the following:
Riso Model RZ220 for 36 months at $105.82/month.
Motion Approved 5-0-0.
Mr. DeGeorge arrived at this time.
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. Mollenhauer
“That the Pitman Board of Education enters into a one year contract extension with A.A. Duckett for the HVAC Maintenance at the high school at an annual rate of $18,900 which reflects a 3% increase over the 2005-06 contract.”
Motion Approved 6-0-0.
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the Pitman Board of Education enters into an Agreement with Gloucester County Special Services School District to provide nursing services on an as needed basis for the 2006-2007 school year, as on file in the business office.”
Motion Approved, All In Favor.
Motion by Mr. Martin
Second by Mr. DeGeorge
“That the Pitman Board of Education enters into an agreement with RFP Solutions, Inc.
under State Contract #A42293 for the installation of an Infinite XTS Digital/IP
Telecommunication System for the Pitman School District at an estimated cost of
$171,989.00. This project will be included in the proceeds from the bond referendum.
Motion Approved 6-0-0.
Motion by Mrs. DeClement
Second by Mr. Pallies
“That additions to the Substitute List for the 2006/2007 school year be approved.
Motion Approved, All In Favor.
Motion by Mrs. DeClement
Second by Mr. Pallies
“That the Pitman Board of Education approves the following student workers for the
2006/2007 school year, at an hourly rate of $7.15, at the recommendation of the
Superintendent of Schools.”
Middle School Student Secretary Michelle Gotti up to 15 hours per week
Print Shop Anita Marquez up to 20 hours per week
Print Shop Amelia Pfeiffer up to 20 hours per week.”
Motion Approved, All In Favor.
Motion by Mrs. DeClement
Second by Mr. Pallies
“That the following adjustment in salary is made to reflect the changes in status for the following staff members as of September 1, 2006:
Marcia Roberts from MA+15 to MA+30”
Motion Approved, All In Favor.
Motion by Mrs. DeClement
Second by Mr. Pallies
“That the Pitman Board of Education approve the Child Rearing Leave of Absence for Cynthia Thompson, Guidance Counselor at Pitman Middle School, from December 23, 2006 through April 30, 2007, using 20 sick days before and 20 days after the birth, six weeks of the N.J. Family Leave Act, and unpaid leave until April 30, 2007.”