Coordinated by:

Please arrive at each campus at least 30 minutes prior to the start time for registration.

Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 8:30 am

Arkansas Tech University - Russellville, Arkansas

Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems, Agronomy, Electricity,

Farm Business Management, Floriculture, Forestry, Horse Evaluation, Land, Livestock Evaluation, Milk Quality and Products, Nursery Landscape, and Poultry Evaluation

Friday, April 3, 2015, at 9:00 am

University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton – Morrilton, Arkansas

Creed Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Parliamentary Procedure, Opening and Closing Ceremonies and Discussion Meet

Presented in cooperation with

The State FFA Staff has final authority on all FFA events, including contest decisions. These decisions will be made based on the recommendations of the Northwest District CDE Committee.


Brad Hartwick, Concord

Rhianna Wagner, Mansfield

Justin Wiedower, Lead Hill

Courtney Wilkins, Dover

Tim Moore, Valley Springs

Kori Kimes, Nemo Vista

Teddi Wood, Bentonville

Clayton Sallee, Farmington


Jim Wilcox, Waldron, Chair


1.All contests will be conducted, as far as possible, according to rules and regulations set forth for the National contest which can be found on Exceptions are outlined in the Arkansas FFA CDE Bulletins or District CDE Brochure.

2.We will utilize scantrons for each contest. These will be supplied at the contest site. Scantrons lacking proper identification, improperly marked or illegible will be discarded with no score allowed for contestant. Each contestant will be identified by number and name. It is the responsibility of the instructor to see that the team members receive the correct scan sheets, inform team members as to their correct use, and that contestants are at the proper place at the proper time for their particular events. (The hosting university will not discuss the use of scan sheets.)

Due to the Arkansas FFA Association having to order scantrons based on pre-registrations, if you pre-register for these events but do not attend, you will be invoiced and charged for the cost of your team’s scantrons.

3.Attendance at the individual contests is limited to those actually participating in the contest and those instructors who have been selected by the CDE committee to assist in the contest.Contest committee members will supervise an assigned event. Their duty will be to assist as needed, observe and see that no unauthorized persons are in the grading areas. The assignments are listed on page 4.

Any communication, verbal or non-verbal, between participants during a career development event will be sufficient cause to eliminate the team member involved from the career development event. The only exception to this would be communication between team members during the team activity portion of a given career development event.

4.Contest registration must be completed using no later than March 5, 2015 Registrations received after this date, will not be accepted and those teams will not be eligible to participate in the contests. If you have problems signing in or registering, please contact Clay Ewell at .

5.Contestants arriving after the contest starts will be slotted into the rotation to complete the contest. They will be allowed whatever time is remaining. There will be no opportunity to make up classes missed.

6.Schools are not eligible to use any contest facilities and materials at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville 30 days prior to events.

7.No cell phones/electronic devices will be permitted and if visible will result in disqualification. All calculators must be non-programmable. Violations will result in disqualification. Clipboards must be clean and free of any writing or marks. Sharpened pencils must be brought to each contest.

8.The top eight teams are eligible to go to state contest. In the event that one of these top eight teams does not wish to move on to state, no other team will be able to advance in their place.

9.As stated in the national rules and regulations, the participant must be a high schoolFFA member, (a graduating senior is considered eligible to compete in state and national career development events up to and including his/her first national convention following graduation). (High school refers to grades 9–12.). If you have 8th graders who are on a state winning team, they must pass 8th grade and be promoted to 9th before the National Convention at which they compete.

While in school, the participant must be enrolled in at least one agricultural education course during the school year and/or follow a planned course of study; either course must include a supervised agricultural experience program, the objective of which is preparation for an agricultural career.

Important: Instructors: you are responsible for the conduct of your students while on the campus. If you have a student who will not uphold the good image of the FFA, it would be best for you to leave that student at home.



Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems

Rotations: cold metalwork, surveying, concrete/masonry, small engines, oxyacetylene, farm power


Arkansas bulletin

  • Seed analysis (odd year)
  • Crop Quality (odd and even year)
  • Insect ID (odd year)


National FFA Rules


Arkansas bulletin

Extemporaneous Public Speaking

National FFA Rules

Farm Business Management

Arkansas bulletin

  • 50 Multiple Choice Questions


Arkansas bulletin


Arkansas bulletin


Arkansas bulletin

  • TwoIdentification classes
  • four classes of halter
  • Two oral reasons classes


Use the Arkansas 4-H Land Judging manual. (B 305)

  • Pits will be used rather than core samples


Arkansas bulletin

  • Six classes of four animals each. Classes may be breeding or market animals from beef, swine, sheep or meat goat species
  • Two oral reasons classes
  • One Keep /Cull class of eight animals

Milk Quality and Products

Arkansas bulletin

  • No problem solving at district

Nursery Landscape

Arkansas bulletin

Parliamentary Procedure

National FFA Rules

  • General Knowledge Examination
  • Presentation
  • Oral Questions


Arkansas bulletin

  • No written exam at district
  • Reasons will be ready-cooked

Prepared Speaking

National FFA Rules


Arkansas bulletin

Discussion Meet

Arkansas bulletin

Topic: What is the greatest challenge facing young people who want to start farming or ranching?

  • Land availability
  • Finances
  • Knowledge
  • Equipment/Inputs


Northwest District CDEs
March 19, 2015

Chris Bacchus – Program Advisor, Arkansas FFA

CDE / CDE Committee Member
* = Superintendent / Student Assistant / Ag Dept Liaison / Tentative Location
Ag Mechanics / Harold McCain (Vilonia) / Taylor Donnelly
Deonte Hawkins
Jacob Willems / Randy Renfro / ATU Career Center
Agronomy / Lanny Rice
Chad Mooney* (Clinton) / Gwen Bradley
Paul Bennett
Mark Dement / Justin Killingsworth / Young Ballroom
Electricity / Jim Wilcox (Waldron) / Geoff Wilson
Lance Parnell
Deonte Hawkins / Randy Renfro / ATU Career Center
FBM / Krystal Hayward (Ozark) / Meghan Smith
Levi Jones / Molly Brant / Doc Bryan
Lecture Hall
Floriculture / Barry Denton (Clarksville)
Rhianna Wagner* (Mansfield)
/ Jayme Burden
Will Welch / Jim Collins / Dean Hall
Forestry / Jim Hall (Har-Ber)
Johnny Harp* (Hartford)
Eric Meyers
Steve Burgess / Sarah Champion
Scott Benke
Denver Fox / Lucas Maxwell / TBD
Horse / Mack Hayden
Mark Russell (UA Extension) / Breana Langford
James Dement
Heather Strandlund / Alvin Williams / Pope Co. Fairgrounds
Land / Edgar Mersiovsky (NRCS)
Kent Mathis* (Bergman)
Tim Moore (Valley Springs) / Shea Gregory
India Rutherford / Lucas Maxwell / ATU Farm
Livestock / Rodney Wiedower (Greenbrier)
Brian Kutz
Cody Green / Reed Kelley
Amanda Woods
Bailey Price-Bateson
Nick Lochart / Alvin Williams / Pope Co. Fairgrounds
Milk Quality & Products / Billy Lee
/ Candace Ruff
Kelsey Willingham
Jacob Marek / Justin Killingsworth / Hull Hall
Landscape / Denise Trotter* (Elkins)
/ Kisia Weeks
Jeanna Mathias
Elayna Villines / Jim Collins / ATU Farm Classroom and Greenhouses
Poultry / Kevin Barenburg (Lincoln)
Keith Kilbourn* (Green Forest)
Gary Davis / Isaac Blankenship
Kara Caines
Colton Nash / Malcom Rainey, Jr. / Pope Co. Fairgrounds

In an effort to reduce confusion, miscommunication and related problems associated with large group activities, the Northwest District CDE Committee has recommended teachers to assist at each site.

If before or during the contest you observe something that could improve the contest, bring it to the attention of the Northwest District CDE Contest Committee member at the end of the day.

Bus Drivers

  1. Livestock (6)
  • Rodney Wiedower – Greenbrier
  • Larry Bacchus – Lamar
  • Susan McDonald – St. Paul
  • Gordon Eichelberger – Quitman
  • Clayton Sallee – Farmington
  • Jonathan Watson – Western Yell
  1. Forestry(4)
  • Andy Treat - Marshall
  • Johnny Harp – Hartford
  • Ryan Rowe – Morrilton
  • Jim Hall – Springdale Har-Ber

  1. Horse (4)
  • Roy Cox – Greenwood
  • Ron Koch – County Line
  • Ben Culver – Ozark
  • Cody Turner– Magazine
  1. Poultry (4)
  • Jason Binz – Paris
  • Chad Burkett – Springdale
  • Kevin Barenberg – Lincoln
  • Jonathan Roberts - Flippin

  1. Ag Mechanics (5)
  • Clint Hale – Prairie Grove
  • James Tanner – Booneville
  • Denny Jobe – Mt. Vernon-Enola
  • Dikelin Evans – Southside Bee Branch
  • Jerry Yates – Wonderview
  1. Land (4)
  • Chris Adams – Alpena
  • Tim Moore – Valley Springs
  • Bob Powell – Two Rivers
  • Kent Mathis – Bergman

  1. Electricity (2)
  • Jim Wilcox – Waldron
  • Harold McCain – Vilonia
  1. Nursery/Landscape (2)
  • Denise Trotter - Elkins
  • Courtney Smith – Cedarville

All buses must take contestants to the contest site and back to the ATU campus after the contest is complete. Bus parking will be assigned for all. Reminder: stay till bus is fully loaded.