Nmon Ford


In 2016, Nmon Ford returns to the American operatic landscape as a baritone of some repute in dramatic repertoire. Appearing as Don Pizzaro Fidelio alongside Christine Goerke at Cincinnati Opera, USA Today said “Equally grippingwas the terrific baritone Nmon Ford, whoembodied the evil Pizarro with wicked abandon. His anger was palpable as he declared his plan for vengeance, and his presence electrifiedwhenever he was on the stage.” (Janelle Gelfand, July 8, 2016). Nmon continued to Pittsburgh Opera where he sang the role of Jocanaan against Patricia Racette’s Salome and again won exceptional reviews with the press calling him “powerful”, “outstanding”, “striking” and “resonant”.

Past successes include his tenure in the ensemble at Staatsoper Hamburg, where he made role debuts as Scarpia Tosca, title role Billy Budd,The Traveler Death in Venice, Thoas Iphigénie en Tauride and Demetrius A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In Hungary, he sang Escamillo Carmenat the Szeged Open-Air Festival, and heperformed at Opéra National de Bordeaux as Jochanaan in a new production of Salome.

The artist’s engagements in Italy include his debut at Teatro delle Muse Ancona in the title role The Emperor Jones (c: Bruno Bartoletti) and in the title role Don Giovanni, a role he also sang inPier Luigi Pizzi's production at Teatro Comunale di Bologna; additionally, he appeared at Sferisterio Festival in new productions of Attila and Juditha Triumphans, and as Escamillo Carmen in both Padova and Rovigo.

In the United States, Nmon received critical acclaim at Spoleto Festival in the title role Don Giovanni (c: Emmanuel Villaume);he appeared as Riolobo Florencia en el Amazonas at Cincinnati Opera and at Utah Opera, and at Michigan Opera Theater as Zurga Les pêcheurs de perles; further roles include Amfortas Parsifal at Los Angeles Opera in Robert Wilson's production (c: Kent Nagano) where he covered Plácido Domingo; Luna Il trovatoreat Virginia Opera where he also sang Iago Otello; in the title role of Ernest Bloch's Macbeth in a new production at Chicago Opera Theatre and at Long Beach Opera; Belcore L’elisir d’amore at San Francisco Opera (c: Maurizio Barbacini) and at Opera Memphis he sang the role of Amonasro Aida. Other roles in Mr Ford’s repertoire include Kurwenal Tristan und Isolde, Renato Un ballo in maschera,Pere Germont La traviata, Telramund Lohengrin, Posa Don Carlo, and the title role Rigoletto.

The artist has appeared alongside many conductors of note, includingJames Conlon, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Leonard Slatkin, Marin Alsop, John Adams, and Simone Young. His concert appearances include the New York and Los Angeles Philharmonics, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, St. Louis Symphony, Atlanta Symphony, Pittsburgh Symphony, National Symphony, Handel and the Orchestra of St. Luke's. His concert repertoire comprises Shostakovich's Thirteenth Symphony (Babi Yar), Carmina Burana, the Requiem of Brahms and of Faure, Mahler's Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen and Kindertotenlieder, and Mendelssohn's Elijah.

Nmon has enjoyed a busy recording career spanning broad musical tastes: in addition to his Grammy-winning Naxos (Songs of Innocence and Experience) and Telarc (Transmigrations) releases,Nmon has recorded for Universal Music Group/Decca (Songs of Delight) and Koch International (Amerindia). With Atlanta Symphony (c: Robert Spano) he recorded Jennifer Higdon's Dooryard Bloom,written for him, and Vaughan Williams' Serenade to Music on Telarc.

His awards include First Place in the Wagner Division of the Liederkranz Foundation of New York Competition, as well as major prizes from the Gerda Lissner Foundation and the George London Foundation. He earned his Master's and Bachelor's Degrees in music from the University of Southern California, where he graduated with Hons for both degrees.

Future engagements include The Creation with Atlanta Symphony and in Baltimore, Leshnoff’s Zohar, a work he inaugurated at its world premiere in 2014.

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