Created by: Coach B.J. Buss

Player Name:______

Introduction to the XYBASummer Hawk Builder Workouts

Workouts required per grade level

Level / Total Workouts / Avg.per
3rd / 40 / 3
4th / 52 / 4
5th / 70 / 5
6th / 70 / 5
7th / 84 / 6
8th / 84 / 6

Workout #1: Stationary Strength

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Complete this full circuit twice. Each rep is 30 seconds.
Part 1: 1 Ball Stationary without a dribble
  1. Ball Slaps
  2. Around Waist RT
  3. Around Waist LT
  4. Around Head RT
  5. Around Head LT
  6. Around Waist & Head RT
  7. Around Waist & Head LT
  8. Around Ankles RT
  9. Around Ankles LT
  10. Candy Cane (head, waist, ankles)

Part 2: 1 Ball Stationary Dribble
  1. Inside/Out RT
  2. Inside/Out LT
  3. Repeat V Crossovers
  4. Scissors
  5. V Behind Back
  6. Cross / Between Double move

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #2 Anytime, Anywhere

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Complete this full circuit twice. Each rep is 30 seconds.
Part 1: 1 Ball Stationary from seated position.
  1. Right Hand Pound Dribble
  2. Left Hand Pound Dribble
  3. Right Hand Sit-ups
  4. Left Hand Sit-ups
  5. Bicycle Pass Through
  6. Fingertip Taps
  7. Crossover Under Legs
  8. Right Hand Kills
  9. Left Hand Kills

Part 2: Core Ripper – Complete these core exercises on floor
  1. Front Plank – 1 Hand on ball
  2. Right Side Plank – Push ball back and forth if possible
  3. Left Side Plank – Push ball back and forth if possible
  4. Flutter Kicks – Hold ball above head
  5. Push Ups – 1 Hand on ball

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #3: One Ball Commando Series

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each rep is 30 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest.
Part 1: 1 Ball Commando; Set cones 20 feet apart executing a dribble jumpstop and rear pivot to change directions.
  1. RT Hand Warm Up – 85% speed; Focus on Form
  2. LT Hand Warm Up – 85% speed; Focus on Form
  3. Rt Hand Speed
  4. Lt Hand Speed
  5. Hesitation
  6. RT Inside/Out
  7. LT Inside/Out
  8. Crossover
  9. Between Legs
  10. V Behind Back

Part 2: Kill the Grass with 1 Ball
  1. All Right Hand

  1. All Left Hand

  1. Both Hands

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #4: Stationary 2 Ball Drills

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each rep is 30 seconds followed by 5 seconds of rest.
Part 1: 2 Ball Stationary Dribbles
  1. Straight Pounds
  2. Piston Dribble – Alternate Pound
  3. Freeze Dribble – Pound, Pound, Pocket
  4. V Crossover
  5. Inside/Out Same
  6. Inside/Out Alt
  7. Around Right Ankle
  8. Around Left Ankle
  9. Thru the Legs
  10. Behind Back

Part 2: Kill the Grass with 2 Balls
  1. Both Hands

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #5: Tennis Ball Attack

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each rep is 30 seconds followed by 5 seconds of rest.
Part 1: 1 Basketball and 1 Tennis Ball Series
  1. RT Hand Warm Up – 85% speed; Focus on bouncing and catching
  2. LT Hand Warm Up – 85% speed; Focus on bouncing and catching
  3. RT Hand Speed
  4. LT Hand Speed
  5. Hesitation
  6. RT Inside/Out
  7. LT Inside/Out
  8. Crossover
  9. Between Legs
  10. Behind Back

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #6: The Weak Become Strong

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each rep is 30 seconds followed by 5 seconds of rest.
Part 1: 1 Ball; All moves completed with weak hand only!
  1. Straight Pound
  2. Pocket Dribble – Pound, Pound, Pocket
  3. Inside/Out
  4. Around LT Leg
  5. Push/Pull on Side
  6. Push/Pull in Front
  7. Pound, pound and Kill
  8. Weak Hand Keep Away
  9. Use imaginary defender if no partner

Part 2: Kill the Grass Weak Hand
  1. Weak Hand Only!

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #7: 2 Ball Commandoes

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each rep is 30 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest.
Part 1: 2 Ball Commando; Set cones 20 feet apart executing a dribble jumpstop and rear pivot to change directions.
  1. 85% Speed; Focus on Form
  2. Straight dribble
  3. Alternate dribble
  4. Pocket Dribble
  5. Crossover
  6. Inside/Out
  7. Behind Back
  8. Thru the Legs

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #8: Xavier Strong + Challenger

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each rep is 30 seconds followed immediately by 5 pushups.
Part 1: 2 Ball Stationary Dribbles
  1. Pound
  2. Alternate
  3. Crossover
  4. Inside Out
  5. Between Legs

Part 2: Challenger – Dribble Horse
Directions: Using your stationary dribble moves, create a combination of up to three moves to challenge your partner with. Play to “Horse” or “Pig.” Same rules as the shooting game.
  1. Play one game of challenger using a combination of the moves above.

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #9: Retreat to Attack

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each rep is 30 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Part 1: Retreat Stance Stationary
  1. Retreat stance RT hand
  2. Retreat stance LT hand
  3. Retreat stance quick crossover; Pound, Pound, Crossover
  4. Retreat stance through the legs; Pound, Pound; Thru Legs

Directions: Attack 3pt line with two dribbles, retreat 2 dribbles, attack again and execute one of the following moves and then finish.
  1. Blast – Full speed ahead
  2. Stick and square hips to hoop
  3. Inside Out RT Hand
  4. Inside Out LT Hand
  5. Crossover
  6. Behind Back
  7. Thru Legs

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?
Select the workout that you completed along the left side, and then fill in the date you completed it in the row.
Workout / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9


TheXavier Shooting System

Xavier Shooting System

1.Feet shoulder width apart

- Basketball should fit between your ankles

2.Ten Toes at the rim

- Right foot slightly forward (no more than 2 inches)

3. Strong hand (Right) hand placement

- Index finger should be pointing at the air hole

4.Weak hand (Left) hand placement

- Make a “T” with your thumbs

5. Ball in line with elbow. Elbow tucked.

- Read your elbow to make sure it is in line and directly behind the ball

6. Sight

- Chin up

- Aim for the middle of the hoop

6. Release & Follow through

- Elbow should be above your eyebrow on the release of the basketball

- Follow through should have a flick of the wrist and ending like you are reaching for the rim.

6. Small hip turn in the air

- Subtle movement of the right hip turns toward the basket

Pre – Workout Form Routine

This routine must be complete before all shooting routines.
Hold Follow Thru Until Ball Hits the Floor!
  1. Shooting w/o hoop; Focus on Form! – 15 Reps

  1. Lay-Up Form; Make w/o using the backboard – 15 Reps

  1. 10 FT Form Shooting

Workout #1: Free Throws

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 10 free throws is followed by 30 seconds of lane slides. Elevate your heart rate prior to shooting!
Part 1: Free Throw Shooting
  1. Make 10 Free Throws + 30 Second Lane Slide
  2. Make 10 Free Throws + 30 Second Lane Slide
  3. Make 10 Free Throws + 30 Second Lane Slide
  4. Make 10 Free Throws + 30 Second Lane Slide
  5. Make 10 Free Throws + 30 Second Lane Slide

Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #2: Rim Attack

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 2 Minutes is followed by 2 made free throws.
Part 1: Rim Attack
Setup: Place a cone at five spots along the three-point arc. Rebound your make and attack the next cone in the sequence. Work right + left hand.
1. 2 Mins - Regular Speed Finish + 2 FT’s
2. 2 Mins - Two-Foot Explosion Finish + 2 FT’s
3. 2 Mins - Hips Across Finish + 2 FT’s
4. 2 Mins - Euro Step Finish + 2 FT’s

Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #3: Mid-Range

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 2 minutes is followed by 2 free throws.
Part 1: Mid-Range Attack
Directions: All shots should be from 10-15 feet from the hoop. If you do not have a partner, begin all shots with a flip-out and catch on the hop.
1. 2 Min –Anywhere + 2 FT’s
2. 2 Min - Bank Shots + 2 FT’s
3. 2 Min - Anywhere + 2 FT’s
4. 2 Min –Bank Shots + 2 FT’s
5. 2 Min - Anywhere + 2 FT’s

Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #4: Shooting off the Dribble

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 2 minutes is followed by 2 free throws.
Part 1: Free Throw Shooting
Directions: All shots must be after at least one dribble. Start each rep with a flip-out and then attack the rim.
1. 2 Mins – Attack Dribble Left + 2 FT’s
2. 2 Mins – Attack Dribble Right + 2 FT’s
3. 2 Mins – Attack Dribble Right, Change, Go Left, Shoot + 2 FT’s
4. 2 Mins – Attack Dribble Left, Change, Go Right, Shoot + 2 FT’s
5. 2 Mins – Attack Dribble Anyway + 2 FT’s

Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #5: Deep Shots

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 2 minutes is followed by 2 free throws
Part 1: Deep Shooting Challenge
1. 2 Mins – Catch and Shoot Anywhere + 2 FT’s
2. 2 Mins – Flip Out, Dribble Right, Shoot + 2 FT’s
3. 2 Mins – Flip Out, Dribble Left, Shoot + 2 FT’s
4. 2 Mins – Combo – Catch and Shoot or Off Dribble + 2 FT’s

Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #6: Hot-Shot Shooting

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 2 minutes is followed by 2 free throws.
Part 1: Hot – Shot Shooting
Directions: Your challenge is to see how many points you can score in two minutes. Layups = 1 point, Mid-Range = 2 points, Deep Shots = 3 pts.
1. 2 Mins – Round 1
2. 2 Mins – Round 2
3. 2 Mins – Round 3

Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #7: Post Moves

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 1 minute followed by 2 free throws.
Part 1: Post Moves
Directions: Start each post move with a flip out and catch. Before completing the scoring move, establish a low base, chin the basketball, and check the weak side. Then execute the moves listed below alternating right and left.
1. Dropstep (Moses)
2. Baby hook
3. Up and Under (Dominique)
4. Reverse pivot (Sikma)

Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #8: Angle Layups

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Each move preformed in 3 sets of 3
Directions: Set up 4 cones in a diagonal fashion from the low block area to the middle of the lane. Preform each move 3 times with exception to the euro step which you will do 4 times for each set.

  1. Long jump layup - Stretch and scoop your layup jumping off one foot
  2. Jump stop, Jump shot – Land between the cones on both feet stopping for a quick short jump shot
  3. Floaters (one footed) – This shot is the same foot work as a traditional layup. Try stopping your momentum as much as possible and jump up so you don’t get a charge call.
  4. Euro step – the euro step is a 1 – 2 step move from outside to in.

Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?

Workout #9: Around the World

Pre-Workout – Two minutes’ focus breathe/visualize
Form Shooting Routine
Each round of 3 minutes is followed by 2 FT’s
Part 1: Around the World
Directions: Choose five shooting spots around the outside
of your personal “deep shooting” zone. This does not
have to be a 3 point shot! Each spot is a level. Before moving to the next level, you must make at least 3 shots. See how many levels you can win!
1. Round 1 – 3 Minutes followed by 2 FT’s
2. Round 2 – 3 Minutes followed by 2 FT’s
3. Round 3 – 3 Minutes followed by 2 FT’s

“The Vision of a Champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.” – Anson Dorrance
Part 2: Free Throw Shooting – Make 10 Free Throws to finish workout.
(Shoot Free Throws any time during your workout if you need a break.)
Post Workout – What were three things that went well?
Select the workout that you completed along the left side, and then fill in the date you completed it in the row.
Workout / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

Count your made hoops here!

K-3rd Grade = 2,500 shots made, 4th-5th = 5,000 shots made, all other grades are 10,000 shots made to make the CLUB!

Can you reach 10,000 makes this summer?

Example: Write makes in box, 37