Chapter Books - By Level

·  Recommendations for Beginning Chapter Book Readers

Adler, David Cam Jansen mysteries
Berenstain, Stan Berenstain Bears chapter books
Bulla, Clyde Robert A Lion to Guard Us
Cameron, AnnMany books
Conford, EllenJenny Archer books
Dadey, DebbieBailey School Kids series
Danziger, Paula Amber Brown series
Delton, Judy Pee Wee Scouts series
Duffey, BetsyHey, New Kid!
Erickson, John R.Hank the Cowdog books, many others
Giff, Patricia Reilly Polk Street School books
Greenburg, Dan Zack books
Haywood, CarolynBetsy books
Hoff, Syd Many books
Howe, James Pinky and Rex books
Hurwitz, JohannaClass Clown, many others
Kline, Suzy Horrible Harry books, Song Lee books
Krensky, Stephen Arthur chapter books
Lobel, Arnold Frog and Toad books
Osborne, Mary Pope Magic Tree House series
Park, BarbaraJunie B. Jones books
Petersen, John Lawrence The Littles books
Parish, Peggy Amelia Bedelia books
Roy, Ron A to Z Mystery series
Rylant, Cynthia Henry and Mudge series, Mr. Putter books, Poppleton books
Sachar, LouisMarvin Redpost books
Scieszka, JonTime Warp Trio books
Sharmat, MarjorieNate the Great books
Various authorsAmerican Girl books
Van Leeuwen, JeanAmanda Pig books
Warner, GertrudeBoxcar Children books

Recommendations for Established Chapter Book Readers

Avi Ragweed, No More Magic
Blume, Judy Fudge books, Blubber, Are you There, God? It's Me, Margaret,Frecklejuice, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Bunting, Eve The Day the Whale Came, Nasty, Stinky Sneakers, Some Frog
Byars, Betsy Many books
Christopher, Matt Soccer Cat books, many other sports novels
Cleary, Beverly Many books
Coville, Bruce Many books
Dadey, Debbie Bailey School Kids series
Dahl, Roald Many books
Danziger, Paula Amber Brown books
Dixon, Franklin Hardy Boys mysteries
Fleischman, Sid McBroom books
Giff, Patricia Minnie and Max mysteries, Lily's Crossing
Gilson, Jamie Many books
Howe, James Bunnicula, Celery Stalks at Midnight, Howliday Inn, Sebastian Barth Hurwitz, Johanna Aldo Applesauce, and others
Keene, Carolyn Nancy Drew mysteries
Kehret, Peg Many books
King-Smith, Dick Babe the Pig books, and others
Kline, Suzy Herbie Jones books, Mary Marony books
LeGuin, Ursula Catwings series, Earthsea fantasies
Lowry, Lois Sam stories, Anastasia books, many other
MacDonald, Betty Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books
Park, Barbara Many books
Rylant, Cynthia Cobble Street Cousins books, A Fine, White Dust, Gooseberry Park,
Sachar, Louis Wayside School books, and others
Sobol, Donald Encyclopedia Brown mysteries
Sinykin, Sheri Magic Attic Club
Various authors American Girl books
Wallace, Bill Many adventures
Warner, Gertrude Boxcar Children mysteries
White, E.B. Charlotte's Web, Cricket in Times Square, Stuart Little
Wilder, Laura Ingalls Little House books
Wright, Betty Ren Mysteries
Yolen, Jane Many

Recommendations for Advanced Chapter Book Readers

Alcott, Louisa May Little Women
Alexander, Lloyd The High King, and others
Avi The Barn, Poppy, Poppy and Rye, Ragweed, Windcatcher
Babbit, NatalieTuck Everlasting, Kneeknock Rise
Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan
Baum, L. Frank The Wizard of Oz
Bauer, Joan Sticks
Blume, JudyOtherwise Known as Sheila the Great, Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself
Brittain, BillThe Wish Giver
Burnett, Frances The Secret Garden, The Little Princess
Byars, Betsy Trouble River, Not-Just-Anybody Family, Bingo Brown books, Cracker Jackson, The Pinballs, Summer of the Swans, many others
Carroll, Lewis Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass
Cleary, BeverlyDear Mr. Henshaw, Ramona books, Henry books, Muggie Maggie, Mitch and Amy, The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Clements, AndrewFrindl
Dahl, Roald,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, and others
Farley, Walter Black Stallion series
Fitzgerald, John The Great Brain books
Fleischman, Sid By the Great Horned Spoonbill, Whipping Boy, Midnight Horse
George, Jean Craighead Julie of the Wolves
Henry, Marguerite Misty of Chincoteague, and others
Jacques, Brian Redwall series
Juster, Norton The Phantom Tollbooth
King-Smith, Dick The Cuckoo Child, Harriet's Hare
Knight, Eric Lassie Come Home
L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters
Levine, Gail Carlson Ella Enchanted, and others
Lewis, C.S. Chronicles of Narnia series
Lowry, Lois Anastasia books, and others, Number the Stars
Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables
Naylor, Phyllis Shiloh books
Norton, Mary The Borrowers, and others
Oppel, Kenneth Silverwing, Sunwing
Park, Barbara Don't Make Me Smile, Skinnybones
Paton Walsh, Joan The Green Book
Paulsen, Gary Many titles
Rowlings, J.K. Harry Potter books
Sachar, Louis Holes
Sewell, Anna Black Beauty
Sobol, Donald Encyclopedia Brown books
Spinelli, Jerry Crash, The Library Card, Maniac Magee
Spyri, Johanna Heidi
Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island, Kidnapped
Taylor, Mildred The Friendship, The Gold Cadillac, Song of the Trees, The Well
Taylor, Sydney All of a Kind Family
Taylor, Theodore The Cay, Timothy of the Cay
Travers, P. L. Mary Poppins
White, E.B., Charlotte's Web, Cricket in Times Square, Stuart Little
Wilder, Laura Ingalls Little House books
Yep, Lawrence Dragonwings
Yolen, Jane The Ballad of the Pirate Queens, Dove Isabeau,The Dragon's Boy, The Mary Celeste, The Merlin trilogy , The Pictish Child, The Sea Man

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