Finance Committee Meeting

Monday, June 30, 2014

Red Bud City Hall

Council Chambers (2nd floor)

Committee Members Present: Bill Hanebutt, Clem Esker, Clarence Nail, Jeff Toenjes

Committee Members Absent: Mike Reed

Council Members Present: Mayor Tim Lowry, Glen Linnertz, Ronnie White, Don Thompson

Council Members Absent:

Others Present: Administrative Assistant, Pam Poetker; Police Chief, Dan Brotz; City Attorney, Paul Ray; City Superintendent, David “Louie” Diewald; City Code Administrator, Jeff Mueller; City Clerk, Karla Landgraf

Committee Chairman Nail called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Old Business

I. Land Acquisitions

Nothing to report, will take off agenda.

II. Batting Cages—Red Bud Sports Complex

Hanebutt asked what the price would be to just replace the roof on the existing building. The thought was close to $5,000. In that light, expanding the building and including a new roof for $11,500 seemed like a good deal.

Recommendation made by Committee Member Esker, seconded by Committee Member Toenjes to appropriate the money in the amount of $11,500 for expansion/improvements to the existing batting cages at the Sports Complex. Carried.

III. City Block Teen Center—Agreement with YMCA

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Toenjes to approve the agreement drawn up with the YMCA for a 3 year lease. Carried.

IV. Five Year Plan Update

Discussion on the five year plan, Nail explained where they cut back and what money has been moved. (6:40-18:30)

New Business

I.  Approval of Prior Month’s Meeting Minutes

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Hanebutt to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2014 meeting. Carried.

II.  Maturing CDs

No CDs.

III. Authorization to Hire Attorney to Review Economic Development Loan Application

The Economic Development Commission is in negotiations with Charlie Wasem (G & S Foundry) for a loan. Esker would like to hire an outside attorney who specializes in bankruptcy law for guidance on this. The lawyer will work for us, but the cost will be paid for by Wasem through the loan, we would have to pay for it up front.

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Esker to hire an attorney to guide us through the loan process with G & S Foundry, to be paid for by us and reimbursed to us by G & S.

Recommendation amended and seconded to include having Mayor Lowry and Paul Ray find and hire the attorney for this. Carried.

IV. Annual IML Conference—September 18-20, 2014

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Nail, seconded by Committee Member Hanebutt to pay for White, Thompson and Paul Ray and whoever else wants to go to this conference to attend. Carried.

V. Public Comments/Anything for the Good of the City

Meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karla Landgraf, City Clerk

Red Bud, Illinois