Early Years Improvement Project Action Plan 2015-2016

Steering Group:

Durham Teaching School Alliance

Leslie Patterson, Headteacher, NLE, Etherley Lane Nursery School

Chris Matthewman, Headteacher, Bowes Hutchinson’s Primary School

Joe Sonnenfeld, Durham Teaching School Alliance Manager

Caroline Gill,School Business Manager, Etherley Lane Nursery School

Durham County Council, Education Development Service

Helen Nixon, Early Years Education Development Advisor

PVI Partners

Laura Bowery and Kay Lant- Shotley Bridge Nursery School

Debby Shaw

Target / Action / Monitoring / Time Scale / Cost / Success Criteria
Provide Intensive support for 6 settings /
  • Using LA intelligence Identify 6 settings for intensive support
  • Develop a model for S2S support based on existing support programme (Etherley Lane Nursery- Yellow Wellies)
  • Provide support to a range of different settings ie: PVI, LA maintained Nursery, School with 2 year old provision, Amalgamation of schools….
  • Leaderof support and leader/s from supported school/setting produce an action plan with clear actions and success criteria
  • NLEs, SLEs, Headteachers, EDAs provide up to 10 days of support in each setting
/ Leslie
Debby / To begin April 2015 / £30,000
per school/setting /
  • To improve outcomes for children in EY settings
  • To improve Ofsted judgements to good or outstanding
  • To Improve quality of provision for 2 years olds
  • Increased opportunities for professional development
  • To support the developmental needs of practitioners in a variety of settings
  • Outcomes and improvements to be used to produce a case study

Plan and deliver a comprehensive programme of Professional Development /
  • Helen to complete an audit of need, liaising with EDPs/Managers and then plan a CPD programme
  • NLEs/EDAs to deliver up to 4 days of training for Managers
  • Deliver up to 10 sessions of training for practitioners some to be delivered at weekends/twilights (SLEs/EDAs)
  • Plan a programme of Development Meetings for Managers
  • Plan a visit to another setting and/or Early Excellence Training and Resource Centre, Huddersfield
  • CPD programme topotentially include: coaching (Viewpoints in Style), Development Behaviour and Attachment (Thrive), Schemas, Play (Durham EDS)
/ Helen
Joe / To begin
June 2015 / £12,000
£500 per session
£300 per session
£2500 /
  • Identify the current professional development needs of Managers and Practitioners
  • To plan and deliver an innovative and bespoke CPD programme
  • To share and develop good practice across settings
  • To develop aptitudes, attitudes and skills of practitioners
  • To improve the quality of teaching and learning in settings

Plan setting to setting visits programme for Managers/Deputy Managers /
  • Helen to liaise with managers to plan a setting to setting visits programme
  • Managers visit a range of settings with different contexts/priorities for development and improvement (this could be linked with coaching programme this could also be linked with a visit to Excellence Training and Resource Centre)
/ Helen
Debby / To begin
June 2015 / £5000
To cover supply costs/travel expenses. /
  • Managers have the opportunity to observe organization/resourcing/practice in range of settings
  • Managers reflect on their own practice and evaluate strengths and weaknesses

Plan provision for deployment/CPD from speech and language technician /
  • Plan and deliver Speech,Language and Communication CPD utilizing the expertise of therapists, (e.gElkan , Speech and Language Support, Children with ASD, Supporting Children with Hearing Difficulties)
  • Deploy a speech therapist to support individual settings
/ Leslie
Debby / To begin April 2015 / £10,000 /
  • Practitioners in settings are upskilled and more aware and able to identify children with speech and language delay/difficulties
  • Practitioners have access to speech, language and communication specialists
  • Settings provide personalized learning for individual children and families

Research & Development /
  • Fund 3-4 research and development projects( e.g Using Pupil Premium Funding to support disadvantaged children…, Developing Home/Setting, partnerships.. Effective provision for Play/Speech Language and Communication….)
  • Link with Early Education evaluation of EYPP project
/ Helen
Joe / To begin April 2015 / £1500
£500 per research project /
  • Settings bid for funding to complete research
  • Action Research projects to inc: methodology, research instruments, access to material/organisations and publishing as case study
  • Case studies to be uploaded onto teaching school website and produced in printed form

Develop the Durham Teaching School Website /
  • Develop a platform on the Durham Teaching School Website for early years specialists to share case studies, CPD, networking, cluster groups..
/ Joe / To begin April 2015 / £750 /
  • Schools/settings have access to bespoke materials
  • Communication with settings across the alliance is clear and effective

Marketing/Promotion /
  • To promote and market events inc: CPD, conferences, Cluster meetings
  • To work with the steering group to produce action plans, contracts, MoUs, Reports….
/ Joe / To begin April 2015 / £750 /
  • To provide admin support for teaching school alliance and strategic partners

UPDATED 30.6.15

Joe Sonnenfeld, Durham Teaching Schools Alliance Manager