Minnesota Youth Rugby

Board of Directors Meeting 6/23/2014

Meeting called to order 6:28pm by Anne Barry

Attending:Anne Barry,Rob Clarno, Katie Sjeklocha,Art Sears, Angela Gaare, Megan Braun (skype), Mikayla Miller, and Mark Fuchs.

Board members absent:Tony Mills,Dan Johnson,Vikki Gilligan, Kim Ruckdashal-Haley

Approval of Minutes: Rob made a motion to approve the April minutes as submitted, it was seconded by Katie. The motion carried. Anne made a motion to approve the May minutes as submitted, it was seconded by Katie. The motion carried.

The minutes of the August 2013 Board meeting, and the 2013 Annual General Meeting were not available, Megan will send to the Board. Review and approval is postponed until next meeting.

Financial Review:

Current Budget Status: YTD Income is at $166,421 and Expenses are $158,438.

Current check book balance $11,500with pending deposits of $2,000, $600

$360, $1,000 from the Marines, and $800 from Rugby Athletic. The income from Summer 7's will also

add to this total, estimated at $3,200. The 10 summer camps are estimated to generate $500 ea. for a total of $5,000.

Pending expenses are $3,333 for Executive Director, $1,900 for RDO, an estimated $500 for Outreach coordinator. We also owe $1,700 for Irondale high school rental for Championship Sunday, $600 for Bag Tags for players. Katie needs Tony to send her the bank stmt so she can verify all income and expenses have been correctly applied.

Endowment Fund:Morgan Stanley account is approximately $10,427

Youth Director Report:

Katie reported we had a $2,000 surplus from the Selectside fundraising. Katie is planning for her exit and training her replacement. Katie also wanted to note that not having an office space is becoming more of an issue. Libby reported on the SRO Conference she attended in Katie's place. Not many changes, but more resources are and will be made available to SRO's. A Core agreement was reached between USA Rugby and SRO Committee.

Youth Development Officer Report: Will be emailed to MYR Board at the first of the month.

Committee Reports:

High School Committee:Mark Fuchs reports that the Committee will send out a survey to H.S. Coaches for feedback so they can find out what changes should be made to make the league better next year. They would like to develop standardized development, and improve the consistency year to year. They will have their first meeting for next season on July 26

Disciplinary: Megan reported there were no Yellow cards for girls teams this year. It was mostly a quiet year. the Committee met 4 times to review appeals. Most of the issues they dealt with involved Liability, Certified coaches, and field conditions. They would like to see accurate and up to date coach contact information. The discipline committee would like to improve the channels of communication with the coaches. Anne requested the Discipline Committee provide the H.S. Committee with a season end report. They will be meeting to establish goals for next year.

Old Business:Katie's investigation of the match between MYR and Zealforlife showed that it was not a fit.


Fundraising Committee:No Report

Anne and Angie will discuss the governing structure of this committee withKim Ruckdashal-Haley

Fundraising ideas: Check with DJ to see if we can add a couple more Bingo nights, also look for another location more Easterly to involve more of the Rugby community in that direction. The responsibility for Bingo nights need to be clearly defined, i.e. staff does... MYR does...

Art will organize and coordinate the concession for the summer 7's League. Katie can get interns as needed.

New Business:

Hiring of the new Youth Director- Kurt Weaver was resourced and conferenced in by phone.

A general discussion followed, centering around Job Description and function. Katie's functions now have emerged to more closely resemble an Executive Director. This title would also open doors easier. This title would imply financial experience and responsibility. People management, skills and experience would be critical for success. The Board needs to decide what level of day to day involvement should be at the Board level and what should be the responsibility of the Executive Director. do we want a centralized or decentralized operating structure. Should fundraising be the responsibility of the Executive Director? It was suggested that a "Fundraiser" would be needed to support the Executive Directors fundraising efforts. Near the end it seemed most Board members felt the Executive Director should "drive the bus" and get the Board to do what archives the established goals. In other words the ExecutiveDirector oversees execution of the actions required to achieve the goals of MYR.

Anne took on the action to draft a Job Description and circulate to the Board for review and comment by Monday. Once finalize distribution will be made to the Minnesota Union, USA Rugby, the H.S. Coaches list, College Sports Management contacts and other potentially interested groups.

Katie offered to assist in the transition to her replacement by going part time as needed.

Planning for AnnualMeeting:Postponed, as Windom building closes at 8:00pmin the summer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm

Respectfully submitted Rob Clarno

Next Meeting: July 28 6:30 Windom South Park