Dr. Nancy J. McGinley
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Lou Martin
Associate Superintendent
Sharon Randall
Thomas Cario Middle School
3500 Thomas Cario Blvd.
Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
843-856-4595 Phone
843-856-4599 Fax
to:Cario Parents and Guardians
from:SHARON_RANDALL, Principal
subject:Dismissal Procedures for Cario Middle School
date:August 21, 2013
cc:Cario Web-Site/Parent-Link
In order to preserve student safety - Parents and Guardians are asked to follow these procedures for dismissal of students attending Cario middle school:
- Car Riders: The ONLY way to pick up your student at the end of the day is to go through the Car-Rider Line. All parents are to stay in the car-rider line located through the bus garage entrance and proceeding to the side entrance of the school’s main facility.
Parents are NOT allowed to pick-up students in front of the cafeteria. The Car-Rider line is the only choice for picking up your student.
Parents are NOT allowed to pick up students in front of the school. The Car-Rider line is the only choice for picking up your student.
Parents are NOT allowed to turn into the gym entrance to pick up students, by-passing the car-rider line.The Car-Rider line is the only choice for picking up your student.
- Bus Riders: There are two bus lanes in the front of the building. The buses will either line up in row 1, closest to the building, or row 2 away from the building. Students may not cross in front of row 1 buses without an adult directing them to do so. Students may NOT cross bus row 1 or 2 to get to a parent picking them up in front of the building. The Car-Rider line is the only choice for picking up your student.
- Walkers: Walkers may only exit the grounds by walking on sidewalks unless under the direct supervision of an adult.
- CCSD employees at Pinckney and Laurel Hill need to write a letter of permission for their child to walk to their workplace – following the sidewalks from Cario to either of the other schools – around by the cafeteria toward Pinckney. These letters need to be given to the front receptionist and must include contact numbers and related information.
As a reminder,it is not safe or permissible to have your child “meet” you in the parking lot, behind the cafeteria, at the bus loop, or at any other location other than those specified. The Car-Rider line is the only choice for picking up your student.
Please Note: Last minute transportation changes should be called into the office prior to 3:00 p.m. in order for the office staff to have adequate time to get messages to students. Also, the office staff can’t facilitate transportation changes once dismissal is underway. Parents are responsible for tracking down their own student if they have a transportation change after dismissal has begun.
75 Calhoun Street●Charleston, SC29401●tel. (843) 937-6300●fax. (843) 937-6323●