15 March 2018
Dear Parents/Carers
NON-SCHOOL UNIFORM DAY – Wednesday 21 March – in support of ‘The Abingdon Bridge’
On Wednesday 21 Marchwe will be having a non-uniform day for students, all proceeds donated will go to ‘The Abingdon Bridge’.
The Abingdon Bridge work with young people aged 13-25, offering accurate unbiased, relevant information and support on a whole range of issues. They are free, confidential and non-judgemental. Services on offer include counselling for young people, mentoring, careers advice and study help, housing advice, sexual health services and pregnancy testing, GCSE study support and 1-1 help; they also work with schools to provide drugs and alcohol workshops and 1-1 lifestyle advice. They run a ‘Girls Project’ Mondays 3-5pm plus other activities and clubs.
Today, Thursday 15 March, we are holding a ‘Mental Health Awareness’ Day for our Year 8 students and our students decided that they would like to support this service by donating our proceeds from this non-school uniform event.
The students have set the contribution for those participating in the non-uniform day at £1.00. Those who wear their own choice of clothes on that day should bring in their contribution and hand it to their form tutor who will keep a record of those who have paid. We would like students to bring in their contribution before the day if possible.
Please support us by reminding students that the rules on jewellery (which exist for health and safety reasons) and the use of mobile phones and other electronic equipment will not be different on the non-uniform day.
Students still need to bring in their PE kit if they have PE on non-uniform day, but they can bring their own choice of kit in. Due to Health and Safety reasons (as well as hygiene) all students are required to be safe and changed appropriately for their activities during PE lessons.
Yours sincerely
Alistair Williams
Assistant Headteacher and Pastoral Director