Career Fairs
Bement High School
Exploring Math/Technology-Related Careers for Nontraditional Students
Application Summary (pdf)
Revised Goals (pdf)
To expose non-traditional students to technical careers through attendance at Parkland College Open Houses and through speakers and videos during the fall Career Fair and spring Math Week and to increase female enrollment in advanced math and technology courses.
Final Report Summary (pdf)
Competitive activities were held during Math Week in March. During this week, over 50% of the female students saw videos about women in STEM careers.
Supplemental Material
Nontraditional Careers Presentation (pdf)
Event Photos (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Cathy Flood.
STEM Activities: Interesting, Intriguing, Not Intimidating
Application (pdf)
Final Report (pdf)
Bement High School’s STEM Night for eighth through twelfth grade students and their parents was held on Nov. 12th. Parents, accompanied by their students, participated in three of four 20-minute activities that focused on math, science, technology, and engineering. These sessions involved high interest, hands-on activities with real-world applications. Some of these activities featured robotics, web design, Smart Boards, and Geometer’s Sketchpad, as well as nanotechnology experiments with a team from the University of Illinois. The purpose of the event was to show parents and students the relevance of STEM subjects and increase enrollment in advanced level math courses among female students, in particular. Also, the faculty hoped that this type of event might encourage parent support of STEM subjects. The feedback about STEM Night was overwhelming positive. Participants reported a more favorable view of STEM subjects following the event, and found the sessions interesting and the event worthwhile. The short-term goals for participation in the event and female enrollment in advanced level math courses for the 2009-2010 school year were reached.
Supplemental Material
STEM Invitation (pdf)
Media Release (pdf)
STEM Logo (pdf)
STEM Agenda (pdf)
STEM Evaluation Results (pdf)
STEM Night Photos (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Cathy Flood.
Bloomington Area Vocational Center
Career Expo 2008-Investing in Non-traditional Experiences
Application (pdf)
Final Report Summary (pdf)
The Bloomington Area Career Center, in cooperation with the McLean County Community Compact and many local businesses, hosted a Career Expo for 8th grade students (during the day) and high school students (evening) to allow students to be exposed to a variety of career and educational options for them. As students are preparing to enter high school, they start to make course choices that could lead to career and future educational opportunities. We are attempting to help educate students about career options available to them, including non-traditional career options. The Career Expo hosted over 2,000 students from more than 10 attendance sites. Part of the expo included making students aware of these different opportunities
Supplemental Material
Event Photos (pdf)
Poster 1 (pdf)
Poster 2 (pdf)
Poster 3 (pdf)
Poster 4 (pdf)
Poster 5 (pdf)
Poster 6 (pdf)
Poster 7 (pdf)
Poster 8 (pdf)
Poster 9 (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Tom Frazier.
I'm Man and Women Enough
Application (pdf)
Final Report Summary (pdf)
We selected career information as the root cause for non- traditional participation for our project and chose early intervention as our specific root cause to gather further information. The purpose of this project was to introduce 8th grade students to the various careers that are offered in Career & Technical Education and to provide them with information on how they can continue their educational training in these NTO career areas at the post-secondary level. The primary focus of the project was to show the 8th grade students that there are employment opportunities for non-traditional students. Our career focus areas included Health Occupations, Automotive Technology, Early Childhood Care & Education, Construction Trades and Fire Science. We provided interactive demonstrations and information from our current NTO students as the representatives for their program areas.
This project directly impacts our enrollment here at the Bloomington Area Career Center as our data indicates that one-third of our total number of students that are enrolled attended this event during their 8th grade year of middle school which means this has a direct impact of future NTO learners as well. The results of this project were successful as we had approximately 2000 8th grade students in attendance as well as 100 educators and over 75 businesses and organizations from throughout the state of Illinois and beyond.
If replicated, it is important to meet with all school officials initially to see if there is a need for a project of this magnitude, then proceed with securing funding and a venue to host the event and you will need to be sure to have partnerships with your local community colleges, businesses and community organizations.
Supplemental Material
Flyer (pdf)
Agenda (pdf)
Business Participants (pdf)
Course Summary (pdf)
Booth Activities (pdf)
School Timeslots (pdf)
Student Handbook Cover (pdf)
Student Survey Responses (pdf)
Non-Trad Data (pdf)
Career Expo Photos (media)
CNA Austin (pdf)
CNA Brody (pdf)
CNA Leo (pdf)
CNA Ryan (pdf)
Fire Fighter Chelsea (pdf)
Construction Kristenn (pdf)
Automotive Technician Lauran (pdf)
Automotive Technician Rebecca (pdf)
Automotive Technician Taylor (pdf)
Auto (pdf)
Fire Science (pdf)
Construction (pdf)
Health Occupations (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Edwin Sargent.
College of DuPage
Finding the Way to Employment - DuPage Cares
Application Summary (pdf)
Training for students will consist of their involvement in appropriate ancillary activities including job fairs, mock interviews, seminars, soft skills workshops, posting a resume online, and developing an employment portfolio. These are excellent precursors to finding employment.
Final Report Summary (pdf)
The Employment Expo had 200 job seekers, 50 service providers (educators), and 30 business employers.
Supplemental Material
Employers Advisory Council Agenda (pdf)
Expo Marketing Materials (pdf)
Expo Brochure (pdf)
Radio Advertisement (media)
Press Release (pdf)
Event Photos (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Steven Fry.
Danville Area Community College/Hoopston High School
DACC Preview Days(s): Exploring Your Options
To increase the knowledge and enrollments of nontraditional career options and awareness of the career and vocational options.Diana Wyatt
Nontraditional Careers: SEAMENT (Science, Education, Arts, Math, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology)
Application Summary
To increase enrollment and awareness of nontraditional career programs and to provide hands-on experiences in the classroom to introduce career models, and supply the opportunity for individual career research.
Final Report Summary
Over 1,000 student were introduced to nontraditional career information and hands-on activities during the largest Career Connections Job Fair to date.
Supplemental Material
CSI Agenda
Female Nontraditional Careers
Male Nontraditional Careers
Evaluation Results
Final Budget
For more information regarding this project please contact Diana WyattNancy Boesdorfer
John Wood Community College
NTO Career Day
A career day introducing nontraditional career choices to a specific at-risk group (Upward Bound).Sandy Thomas
Kankakee-Iroquouis River Valley Tech Prep/Kankakee Community College
From Here, To There, To Anywhere
To Increase the knowledge of nontraditional career options and awareness of the career enter and college services and programs and to analyze regional data to see where the barriers are for each of the 18 high schools and two career centers within our region. BosaGoodale
Illinois Central College/Tazewell Co. Area EFE
ICC NTO Project
To create awareness brochures for all 8th graders in the three-county area and to create posters to accompany the brochures. To create Portable Career Portraits, a series of portable bulletin board displays that can be rotated throughout the region's high school during the year. Offer expanded support services to nontraditional students at ICC. Lisa White
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
8th Grade Career Expo
Application Summary
To introduce 8th graders to CTE career choices after high school.
Final Report Summary
This project exposed and introduced students to OCC CTE career options detailing CTE programs.
For more information regarding this project please contact Chris Webber
Discovering Your Career
Application Summary (pdf)
Additional Application Info (pdf)
To inspire students who are undecided about their futures to decide on a major or to at least make the decision to attend college.
Final Report Summary (pdf)
The participating students were administered the DISCOVER interest inventories which includes career-oriented questions. Upon completion of paper copies of the inventories, the Director of Career Advisement created each student a user account and entered the inventory responses in the online program. There were 148 students who participated including sophomores, juniors, and seniors in high school. The following week, each class visited Frontier’s campus for the “Discovering Your Career” program. The students were shown how to access their individual DISCOVER user accounts and had their inventory results explained. The students were also provided with a folder including information about Frontier and college in general, received a tour of campus, and the opportunity to attend a few presentations given by Frontier instructors. At the presentations, students received information specific to Frontier offered programs and services. The students were also provided with refreshments during their visit.
Supplemental Material
Discover Presentation (pdf)
Discover Presentation 2 (pdf)
Discover Handout (pdf)
Illinois Occupations with the Most Openings Each Year Table (pdf)
Event Photos (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Kara Trueblood.
Discovering Your Career
Application (pdf)
Final Report Summary (pdf)
The Discovering Your Career program provided students with career options based on their abilities, interests, and values in addition to a positive college experience. All participating students came to campus where they were presented with information and materials for them to use in the future. The informational folders and presentation included their individual career inventory results and information about financial aid, DISCOVER, high-wage, high demand occupations, top 50 fastest growing occupations, non-traditional occupations, Illinois Department of Employment Security job search, ICSPS' "Could this be your life", college tuition comparison chart, an FCC campus map, an FCC bookmark/ruler, and my business card. An overwhelming majority of students and all three teachers who participated were very pleased with the presentation and provided materials and feel that this information will be of great use in the future. All three teachers have asked for their classes to be able to participate in this program again next year. I feel that this program was a great success.
Supplemental Material
Hot Jobs Handout (pdf)
Discover Handout (pdf)
Non-traditional Information (pdf)
Feedback Survey Template (pdf)
Event Photos (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Kara Trueblood.
A Future 4 U
Population Served:
- Individuals with Disabilities (both physical and intellectual)
- Economically Disadvantaged
Application (pdf)
Final Report Summary (pdf)
On April 8, 2011, A Future 4 U, a College and Career Fair for high school juniors and seniors with disabilities who live in a five county area (Clay, Richland, Jasper, Crawford and Lawrence) was held at Olney Central College. The main objective of the project was to successfully transition students completing high school into postsecondary education and/or careers. The focus of the day was on providing sufficient information about college programs and careers to help students 1) make informed career choices, 2) understand the steps necessary to enroll in a postsecondary institution, 3) access appropriate disability services in the community and the college, 4) successfully complete a certificate or degree program, and 5) obtain job seeking and retention skills. The day began with information on accessing disability services and self-advocacy. Students selected four choices from sixteen sessions led by employers, postsecondary faculty/staff, and agency staff. Hands on activities from CTE careers were presented by CTE faculty/students. College staff provided sessions on financial aid application, job seeking skills, and assistive technology. Tours of the college were offered throughout the day by OCC students. The day concluded with U-Tube Videos and discussion on the life skills necessary to succeed in college or on the job such as transportation, maintaining a residence and budgeting.
Supplemental Material
Letter to Parent's (pdf)
Save the Date Flyer (pdf)
Choice Sheet (pdf)
Agenda (pdf)
Learning Skills Center Brochure (pdf)
FY11 Transition Guide (pdf)
Event Photos (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Donita Kaare.
Kaskaskia College
Build Your Future Expo
Application (pdf)
Final Report Summary (pdf)
The Build Your Future Expo was held on April 2 and 3, 2009. Approximately 500 students were transported to the expo from their respective schools. 18 schools participated in the expo. Upon arrival students were directed to the job trailer where they received a bump hat, safety glasses, and a booklet (attached) with detailed information concerning each trade and their contact information. Upon exiting, students received their objectives for the event and safety plan. Students rotated through the booths where the trades talked with the students about their craft and the students were able to experience some of the activities the trades perform such as driving nails, welding, driving a crane simulator, and finishing concrete. Upon completion, evaluation forms were distributed to all students. We received very positive feedback from the students. Several indicated the event needed to be an all day event so they could spend more time with each of the trades. 91% of the females that participated expressed an interest in the construction trades.
Supplemental Material
Event Photos (pdf)
Trades Booklet (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Cheryl Boehne.
Your Future...Your Choice
Application (pdf)
Final Report Summary (pdf)
The day was broken into three sessions with a third of the students in each session and then rotating throughout the morning. Sessions included a keynote speaker, preregistered KC program information sessions and interactive sessions with business & industry and KC CTE programs. Forty-one booths were set up in the gymnasium where students had the opportunity to visit as many as they chose to find out more information on that career. Other hands-on activities included Chattin’ with College Students, Team Building exercise, Career
Games and Could This Be Your Life.
Supplemental Material
Career Fair Questionnaire (pdf)
NTO Posters (pdf)
Event Photos (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Cheryl Boehne.
Lincoln Land Community College
Women's Empowerment Fair & Smart Start Luncheon
Application Summary (pdf)
A Nontraditional Student Career Fair will be held to give students, advising staff, CDS and WIA counselors an updated picture of CTE programs for nontraditional students.
Final Report Summary (pdf)
The keynote speaker, Linda Dillon, spoke about factors that can lead a person to success or failure.
Supplemental Material
Vendor Procedures & Guidelines (pdf)
Vendor Request Form (pdf)
Women Empowerment Slide Show (pdf)
Project Presentation (pdf)
Evaluation Results (pdf)
Flash Drive Marketing (pdf)
T-shirt Designs (pdf)
Poster (pdf)
Luncheon Photos (pdf)
Advertisement (pdf)
Press Release (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Shannan Hill.
Grab That Job!
Application (pdf)
Final Report Summary (pdf)
We provided local high school juniors and seniors attending the Capital Area Career Center a chance to learn about post high school expectations for nontraditional careers in the workplace and educational settings. This event gave high school students an opportunity to discuss career opportunities with a variety of employers as well as educational representatives from LLCC. Survey results indicated that this project was very successful, but would like to see greater community involvement in years to come.
Supplemental Material
Event Photos (pdf)
Grab That Job! Flyer (pdf)
Career Fair Layout (pdf)
Schedule (pdf)
Dress for Success - Women (pdf)
Dress for Success - Men (pdf)
Ace the Interview (pdf)
Retailer Solicitation (pdf)
Employer Solicitation (pdf)
Employer Agreement (pdf)
Employer Event Details (pdf)
Employer Thank You (pdf)
Career Cruising Poster (pdf)
Dress for Success Poster (pdf)
Grab That Job! Poster (pdf)
Interviewing Skills Poster (pdf)
Employer Survey Template (pdf)
Student Survey Template (pdf)
Faculty/Staff Survey Template (pdf)
Faculty/Staff Follow-Up Luncheon Letter (pdf)
For more information regarding this project please contact Linda Chriswell.