Maleny Community Centre Management Committee


Thursday 9th May 2013

8 am Bicentenary Conference Room, Maleny

Present : Clem Davies, Ann Koenig, David Crewe, Heather Spring, Phil Simmons, Bob Grice, Marlene Jackson (from 9am)

Manager: Deb Swain

Apologies: Bryan Hughes, Keith Kuchenmeister, Kate Crawford, Pauline Robinson

Chairperson: Heather Spring

Confirmation of Minutes for 4th April 2013

Motion : Moved Ann Koenig Seconded Clem Davies that the minutes of the Management Committee meeting held on 4th April 2013 be confirmed. All in Favour CARRIED

Business Arising from Minutes

MCC Redevelopment

Project Update and outstanding issues:

•  Sound insulation – adjustment of the acoustic panelling – BTS will redo the area near the kitchen in 2 weeks’ time, as well as look at section around box..

•  Acoustic testing completed and report received –

Secretary will notify Department that the report is okay, and then once the final report is received she will send to the Liquor Licensing Branch. A sound meter will be bought from Dick Smith.

•  Lift – still not operational – Ross has been in contact with Schindler’s and they will fix next week – the lock needs to be rewired. Lift key will be the responsibility of the tenants in Shop 3 and 4. It is not to be left open during the day, but accessed with the key as required.

•  Stage Handrail – rail is to be shortened.

•  Report with list of defects

Unisex Toilet upstairs: lock has been changed.

LED cove light still not working consistently.

Handles for wooden doors will be hard to attach because of proximity of doors to one another and the walls. Ask Dave Southern to provide a rough fit first.

CHECK Secretary will follow up with Ross Meneely if GPOs in Shop 3 have been installed, and whether the nails on the Deck have been punched in.

Also to check if walls have been cleaned in Shop 3.

The Committee decided not to install extra toilet roll holders, rather to buy standalone holders to be used on big occasions.

Key Schedule and Locks

More keys are to be obtained – Master Key for security, another Performance key and more Verandah Room keys as well as the Light Control Box. Secretary will order – form with approval for those who can order to be sent to Able Security.

Landscaping at Back of the Building

David Crewe has spoken to Jenny McKay who has not got back to him yet. Heather Spring is meeting with her next week.

RDF Reporting

Invoice for final payment has been sent to Department – should get payment next week.

Sound and Audio Consultancy

Clem Davies reported:

·  BTS has replaced centre speaker with the correct one; acoustic panelling and curtain tracks are to be fixed – see above; Audio leads have been labelled. Sound training occurred in the afternoon of Monday 8th April.

·  Cupboard on stage has been moved to corner; ladders to be kept on stage and to be secured.

·  ATS have replaced couple of leads and done EQ.

·  A DVD monitor is in the Biobox.-

·  A quote was received from Aluminium and Glass for glass panels; another quote is to be obtained by Clem Davies for bifold panels.

·  MFS have offered to put an air conditioner into the Biobox. Clem will followup with Qld Air Conditioners.

Banjo Track and Curtain Runners on Stage

The Maleny Singers will arrange for the runners to be installed, and they will invoice MCC.

Security Cameras

There are 3 cameras. The monitor is to be kept on at all times. Clem Davies will follow up about the privacy signs.

Drop In Key box

Heather has bought a dropin box – Ann will follow up with Ross Meneely to see if it is suitable.

Doors by Woodcrafters Guild

Plaque: Heather Spring is getting a quote.

Handles are being made.

Mohair strip for doors – Heather Spring is getting a sample.

Signage – Streamers etc.

Although only one banner is to be erected on the deck , there is room for another one, but organization must get permission from the Committee for it to be placed below the first one.

Flags may be placed in the garden. David Crewe will update the signage policy.

Buskers musts have a permit from the Council; they are not allowed to be in front of the doors even when there is nothing on in the Hall. This is a WHS requirement. (someone could be trapped in Hall, so no obstruction must be there).

Regular Press release – nothing further at present.

Risk Management Plan

OHS policy, develop an accident register and introduce regular audits.

Rick Vickers will come to Planning Day.


•  Project Finances and Payments

Ann Koenig presented a brief report of current finances.

Motion : That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted and accounts passed for payment.

Moved Ann Koenig Seconded Marlene Jackson All in Favour Carried

Motion: That a petty cash amount of $100 be established. Moved Ann Koenig Seconded Phil Simmons All in favour Carried

Motion: that the Manager has the authority to spend up to $100 without any approval up to a maximum of $5 00 per month; up to $250 with the approval of the Secretary and over $250 with the approval of the Committee.

Moved Ann Koenig Seconded Phil Simmons All in favour CARRIED

Other Business


The website is up and running, but there are still a few issues. The back office is in place – Ann Koenig will check with Luke van Lathow about the passwords for the Committee members.

Heather Spring and Ann Koenig will draft a policy on website and Facebook.

Internet Access

The Committee decided to increase to the gb. to 250gb for $100 per month. Norm Richards is using the MCC’s internet access at a cost of $50 per month. There will be an written agreement about this. Telstra will install on 20 May.

Manager Position

·  Computer, Photocopier and Scanner have been purchased.

·  Phone line has been connected.

·  MYOB – the decision was made to buy a new licence and put Windows 7 back onto both laptop and new computer.

Leasing of shop units

The Committee decided to proceed with negotiations with Sam and Ron about their proposed restaurant. The Secretary will notify them, as well as contacting the other interested parties telling them that if the negotiations fall through, they will be contacted.

Policy for Managing Technical Equipment – Training and costs of hiring equipment and operator data base

Discussion occurred about the present policy for Managing the Technical Equipment, at present there are not enough qualified operators. Heather Spring, Clem Davies and Deb Swain will draft a revised policy.

Further training for lighting will be held on Wednesday.

Liquor licence

Awaiting it following acoustic report.

Commercial Kitchen Licence

Michael Gray from the SCC will be approached to arrange a visit to check the kitchen. There might be a requirement that another exhaust fan is placed over the dishwasher.

Meeting with Senior Citizens – re TV

Heather Spring and Ann Koenig will meet with Lyn Burgess next week.

Clem Davies will put up the TV for the Seniors.

Social Responsibility Plan and Sinking Fund c/f to Planning Day

MFS and MCC Memorandum of Understanding – completed.

Sale of Unwanted Goods – 18th May

Postponed as there was not enough time to publicise the event.

Volunteer Induction Manuals – ongoing

Responsible Management Licensed Venues – training and feedback

Marlene Jackson and Deb Swain will follow up with the RAMP and the register of volunteers with RSA will be reviewed.

Business and Strategic Planning – date 16th May and 5th June – 2 half days

Ann Koenig will contact Pat Habner about any pre reading. She will send her the Business Plan.

DVD by Bernie Dwyer

Heather will follow up with Steve McLeish who has a draft copy.

Pop Up Gallery – remove from agenda.

Piano and Hiring

Heather Spring is drafting a policy which will include agreement that Nigel Bland may hire out MCC’s piano if suitable. Invoice for the storage of the piano will be paid.


Ann Koenig will follow up with Sara Faddy from QCWA.

Grants applications

•  Report on all the current and outstanding grant applications

•  Water and Sewerage Grant from SCC not feasible.

•  RADF for History of MCC - awaiting a quote from Clare Booth.

•  Acquittal for SCC is being completed.



Telstra Broadband

River School Old oven

Maleny N’hood Centre Membership

QCWA Lighting in Laneway

Artslink Membership

Media Mover Subscription

Senator Claire Moore thanks

Maleny Players Banjo track etc.

Skye Leong Art displays


Ross Meneely $45,459.35


Coverforce Insurance

Apec Directory Advertisement

WHS QG Lift Registration

RDA Final report

MOTION: That the inwards correspondence be accepted and the outwards endorsed.

Moved Ann Koenig seconded David Crewe All in Favour. CARRIED

Business arising from Correspondence:

The Secretary will contact Skye Leong to ask for further information.

New Members

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre and Gabriel Gardner

Motion: that all the above persons be accepted as new members of MCC Moved Ann Koenig Seconded Phil Simmons All in favour CARRIED

General Business

Date for AGM – 31 August at 9.30am

A notice is to be put into Range News soon as a date claimer.

Norm Richards and Committee

The Committee decided it would be better for Norm Richards to return to the Committee at the AGM, as there are still outstanding issues with the redevelopment.

Security for Big Events eg. Unusual Suspects

It is at MCC’s discretion whether security is required at events. The liquor licence does not state that we must have them. However for the event on 18th May, it was decided to pay 2 security guards to maintain order outside the Hall. Deb Swain will notify police of the even’ Carolyn Willadsen is to be notified, and an email is to be sent to Linsey Pollak. A security log is to be completed by the security guards.

As a general rule, either the Manager, Secretary or other members of the Committee will be present for the big events.

Other Business

A letter of thanks is to be written to Heather Barker thanking her for the donation of the desk in the Office. Deb Swain will obtain her contact details and give to the Secretary.

Cleaning Contract : Committee decided to go ahead advertising for a Contractor to clean the Hall.

Reservation of Seats for Committee members.

Deb Swain raised the suggestion that 2 seats be reserved for Committee members at each event as a gesture of thanks. This needs to be included in the Hiring Policy which will be addressed at the Planning Days.

Kim Kirkman has asked if concerts can be held in the Main Hall on Sundays – may need to obtain a grant to cover the costs so they can be free. David Crewe and Heather Spring will follow up.

No further business so meeting closed at 10.45 am

Next MCC Meeting: 8 am on 20 June 2013 in Bicentenary Meeting Room

Signed by Chairman

As a true and correct record of the meeting