FCAC Change Notice 3.0.18
Date: July 8, 2010
From: Kim S. Bogart, Executive Director
Subject: Corrections Accreditation Change Notice 3.0.18
The Commission approved the following standard revision at its June 29, 2010 meeting. The change is effective as of that date. The actual revision in table format is available on an updated Standards Manual on the Florida Accreditation website: www.flaccreditation.org
5.06 M – Bullet “C” is revised as follows: “Dart firing stun guns, in accordance with Florida Statute.” The Assessor Guideline is revised as follows: “Assessor should confirm compliance by viewing a random sampling of training records where stored. The agency may accomplish the training by video, lecture, online e-learning, or hands-on. FS 943.1717 - The annual training course on the use of dart-firing stun guns must be a minimum of 1 hour duration.” The Proofs of Compliance remain the same.
5.07 M – New standard. The standard is as follows:
A written directive requires certified employees receive biennially refresher training in less-lethal weapons, other than dart firing stun guns, for which the member is authorized to use.
An Assessor Guideline is added as follows: “Assessor should confirm compliance by viewing a random sampling of training records where stored. The agency may accomplish the training by video, lecture, online e-learning, or hands-on.” A proof of compliance is added as follows: “Written directive addressing elements of the standard.” The quantity for initial accreditation is “1”. The quantity for reaccreditation is “1”. A second compliance key is added as follows: “Lesson plans/curriculums” The quantity for initial accreditation is “1 Each”. The quantity for reaccreditation is “1 Each”. An Accreditation Manager note is added as follows: “The most current lesson plan/curriculum for each topic is required for reaccreditation”. A third proof of compliance is added as follows: “Attendance rosters”. The quantity for initial accreditation is “1 Each”. The quantity for reaccreditation is “1 Each 3YD”.
8.01 M – The standard statement is revised as follows: “The facility has plans with procedures for responding to situations that threaten facility security, including the following.” Bullet “C” is deleted and the remaining bullets are renumbered. The Proofs of Compliance remain the same.
11.04 – The standard is now mandatory. The second Proof of Compliance is revised as follows: “Documented annual comparisons by a disinterested party.” The quantity for initial accreditation and reaccreditation remain the same.
13.01 – The standard statement is revised as follows: “A written directive requires inmates to be provided with the following, at a minimum:”. Bullet “A” is revised as follows: “Mattress meeting the applicable Florida Fire Marshal standards and be in good repair;”. The remainder of the bullets and the Proofs of Compliance remains the same.
13.02 M – The quantity for reaccreditation for the second Proof of Compliance is revised as follows: “3 YD”. A compliance key is added as follows: “Logs showing clean clothing issued at least twice per week and clean linens at least once per week”. The quantity for initial accreditation is “2 consecutive weeks”. The quantity for reaccreditation is “2 consecutive weeks 3 YD”. The remainder of the Proofs of Compliance remains the same.
15.02 M – The second compliance key is revised as follows: “Medical clearance records for inmates and staff”. The quantity for initial accreditation and reaccreditation remain the same.
20.08 – The standard statement is revised as follows: “A written directive requires a minimum of three days of medication, or arrangements made for the inmate to obtain the medication, be issued to inmates who are taking prescription medication when released, unless otherwise directed by the facility physician or authorized medical designee.” The Proofs of Compliance remain the same.
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