Song Notation

Jim Along, Josie

Interactive Learning and Presentation Options:
  • Song Notation (Interactive Performance)
  • Song Notation (Interactive Practice)
  • Song Notation (Animated)
  • Song Notation (Projectable)
  • Song Notation (Printable)
  • Sound Bank Multimedia Reference: Guitar, Violin, Banjo, String Bass
  • Song Keyboard Accomp. (Interactive)
  • Song Keyboard Accomp. (Printable)
/ Audio Options:
  • Song Vocal Track
  • Song Accompaniment Track
  • Sound Bank Audio: Guitar, Violin, Banjo, String Bass

Rhythm: Steady Beat

The children will imitate steady-beat movements modeled by a leader. They will follow directions using movement words found in lyrics.

Display Song Notation (Projectable). Help the children notice that the children in the picture seem to be moving in different ways. Then have the children try moving like the children in the picture.

Sing verse 1 of “Jim Along, Josie” and motion for the children to join you in a circle. Repeat the first verse until all of the children are in place.

Explain to the children that this song is about movements.

Invite the children to

  • Listen for the words, as you sing or play the Song Vocal Track.
  • Clap their hands with the beat in verse 1.
  • Move as the words of the song tell them to in verse 2. (walk along)
  • Continue moving during the other verses, as cued by the lyrics. (hop, run, jump, tiptoe, crawl, swing, roll)
  • Pat the beat as individuals take turns performing the movement for a verse inside of the circle.
  • Do other steady-beat actions with the recording, substituting new lyrics for those already heard.

Steady Beat and Style

Pre-schoolers need many opportunities to experience feeling a steady beat—with music of a wide variety of styles and tempos. Point out that a steady beat is present not only in the lively songs and rhymes that they know but also in quiet lullabies; it is in as many types of music as they can possibly experience. As the year progresses, help the children find the beat in pieces representing different styles.

Differentiated Instruction

All pre-schoolers need repeated opportunities to practice coordinating their movements in time to the music. The song “Jim Along, Josie” provides an excellent vehicle with which to reinforce this skill.

Reinforcement Some of the children in your class may have difficulty controlling lower body movements, so draw on those upper body movements that are most easily performed by pre-schoolers, including those with physical disabilities.

On Target Also, invite the children to be “hand dancers,” using their hands to walk, jump, and tiptoe away.

Challenge When the children are ready, invite them to work in groups to perform the locomotor movements for one verse of the song in time with the recording.

Sound Bank Multimedia Reference: Guitar, Violin, Banjo,
String Bass

Explain to the children that they will learn about instruments that are heard in the song “Jim Along, Josie.” Introduce the children to the guitar sound. Display Sound Bank Multimedia Reference: Guitar, which includes a photo of the instrument and its sound. Click the Play button to begin the video and hear the description of the instrument. Continue with the Sound Bank Multimedia Reference: Violin, Banjo, and String Bass. For additional challenges, you may want to play each Sound Bank Audio in any order and have children identify the instrument source of the sound. For further activities, you may wish to use Listening Teacher Notes.

Song Notation (Animated)

The Song Notation (Animated) presents the song notation and lyrics for “Jim Along, Josie” linked to the Song Vocal Track. When you click the Play button, the notation advances automatically through the song so children can follow the music as the recording plays. The Player’s control panel has buttons and sliders for Play/Stop, Pause, Volume, Full Screen, Fast Forward and Rewind, and Timeline. Advantages of this tool are that the children can follow the music as they sing along with the recording, and they won’t be distracted by the need to turn pages.

Song Notation (Interactive Practice)

Use the Interactive Player to adjust the tempo when the children are learning to sing the song.

Encourage the children to

  • Pat the steady beat while singing the song.
  • Join in singing when they are able.
  • Change the tempo.
  • Change the volume. (Make sure to indicate when it is loud or soft.)

  • Turn off the sound of the melody line with the Digital Mixer by moving the slider all the way to the left. (Then play only the song accompaniment while the children sing the entire song.)

Song Notation (Printable)

You might want to share with the children the Song Notation (Printable). Invite them to draw a picture about the song in the blank space.

Song Notation (Interactive Performance)

Use the Interactive Player to adjust the tempo when the children are learning to sing the song. Play the song at a slow enough tempo that the children can sing through the song without hesitation. The tracking feature supports the children in following the notation as the music plays. In the Digital Mixer, turn off the Vocals. Then play only the accompaniment while the children sing the entire song.

Online Learning Exchange Interactive Music powered by Silver Burdett published with Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc.

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