Geography Final Project

Build Your Own Island!

For your final project, you will have to create an island, somewhere in the world. You will be working on this project over the course of the year, building on it as you go.

Unit One: Geographic Literacy

For this unit, you will need to:

  • Name your island.
  • Create a world map that shows:
  • The latitude and longitude (coordinates) of your island. Remember: Choose carefully! Where your island goes will determine its climate!
  • Create close-up map that shows
  • Landforms, like:
  • A mountain range
  • A river/drainage system
  • Plains
  • Determine the climate for your island. Create a climate graph that shows the temperature and precipitation for your country (research other places that have the same climate as your island, and use that).

Unit Two: Natural Resources and Industry

For this unit, you will need to:

  • Create a map that shows:
  • Your natural resources and their locations
  • The locations of and kinds of industries
  • Write paragraphs in which you:
  • Describe the kind(s) of energy your island will use
  • Describe why your island has the industries that it does
  • Describe how you plan to balance the needs of industry against the needs of the environment.

Unit Three: Food from the Land

For this unit, you will need to:

  • Create a map that shows
  • Where food will be grown on your island
  • What kinds of food can be grown on your land, depending on the climate and the landforms on your island
  • Write paragraphs in which you:
  • Describe what you will be able to grow, what you will have to trade for with other nations
  • Describe how you plan to produce food in a sustainable way.

Unit Four: Urban Places

For this unit, you will need to:

  • Create an island map that shows
  • (At least) one major city with a population over 1,000,000 people. Don’t forget that your major industry will affect the city’s location!
  • A road network linking these communities together
  • Create a city map that shows
  • How your city zones it’s residential, commercial, and industrial areas
  • Write paragraphs in which you:
  • Describe why you zoned your city in the way that you did, and why you placed your city where you did.
  • Describe challenges or problems your city might face, and how you will overcome them.

Am I Done?

Use this checklist to find out!


You will need SEPARATE MAPS and GRAPHS for the following:

  • World Location
  • Climate
  • Landforms
  • Natural Resources and Industry
  • Food
  • City Locations
  • Capital City Map


You will also need to write a PARAGRAPH EACH (2-3 sentences MINIMUM) explaining the following:

  • The kind(s) of energy your island will use, and why
  • The kinds of industries your island has, and why
  • How you plan to balance the needs of industry against the needs of the environment.
  • What kind of food you will grow, and what you will need to trade for
  • How you will grow food in an environmentally safe way
  • Why you zoned your city in the way that you did, and why you placed your city where you did.
  • What challenges or problems your city might face, and how you will overcome them.

Note: This is a MAJOR project, and you will have time throughout the year to work on it. DO NOT expect to finish it in one night the day before it’s due!


Written work:

Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1 / Mark
Critical Thinking / Critical Thinking skills applied in a highly effective manner / Critical thinking skills applied in a considerably effective manner / Critical thinking skills applied in a moderately effective manner / Critical thinking skills applied with limited effectiveness. / /16
Understanding of Issues / Clearly understands the role Geography plays in population / Shows considerable understanding in the role Geography plays in population / Shows some understanding in the role Geography plays in population / Shows limited understanding in the role Geography plays in population / /16
Communication Skills / Written work shows a high degree of clarity / Written work shows considerable clarity / Written work shows some clarity / Written work shows limited clarity / /8

Written work:


Maps and climate graph:

5x15= 75




Maps and Graph

Title / (2*5) /
  • Printed neatly,
  • Underlined or highlighted
  • At top of page
/ /10
Legend / (2*5) /
  • Good area
  • Accuracy of labels and symbols
  • Useful
/ /10
Labels / (2*5) /
  • Neat
  • Aligned
  • Spelling
  • Features labeled
/ /10
Criteria Level / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Mark (*5)
Compass Rose / (1*5) /5
  • Use of colour
  • Consistent
  • Good clean lines
/ (3*5) /15
  • How well do the maps reflect the concepts discussed in class?
/ (5*5) /25
Final Mark (Maps) / /75