Aldridge State High School

Year 7 English2017

Unit2: Theme Parks

Task: Advertising Brochure and Sales Pitch

Student’s Name: ______

Teacher’s Name: ______

  • Apply the persuasive language devices to your Theme Park Brochure.
  • Individually, create an advertising brochure for your Theme Park.
  • Create a sales pitch to deliver to the class to persuade the audience to come to your Theme Park

Date Set: / Date Check: / Date Due:
PURPOSE: To persuade / MODE: Part A – Written
Part B - Spoken / TENOR Advertiser to public
Length: Part A: 300 words
Part B : 1 - 2 minutes
Context: RollyMcCoaster Enterprises has launched a competition for ideas for a new theme park in Queensland and has called for young Queenslanders to put forward their ideas to the executive committee. The Executive will select the best promotion and fund the building of this theme park.
Task:As a young Queenslander design your own theme park and develop an advertising campaign to present to the company’s Executive. Your Campaign must have both Written and Spoken elements.You must complete both Part A and Part B.
Part A: Written
You are to develop a brochure advertising the new Theme Park. Your Brochure should have
  1. An eye-catching front page with slogan
  2. The text of your brochure should have at least 4 paragraphsdescribingat least 3 of the following areas and an introduction- rides, attractions, entertainment, amenities, food and facilities, merchandising and shopping or an area of your own choice.
  3. Include the appropriate persuasive devices ie. Repetition, high modality, comparatives and superlatives, alliteration, rhetorical questions and imperatives.
  4. Appealing and eye-catching graphics and images
Task B: Oral - Sales Pitch
You will need to persuade an entrepreneur to fund your new theme park. In order to do this you are to present a sales pitch to the entrepreneur. To do this effectively you will need to prepare a 1 -2 minutes persuasive sales pitch aimed at why they should invest in your theme park. In order to do this effectively you will need to present visual aids such as posters, A3 copies of your brochure, PowerPoints or handouts.
Rehearse your presentation. Share ideas about how to memorise your speech and present effectively.Presentyour speech to the class using your visual aids for support. You may have a FEW palm cards if needed.
Using the listening criteria sheet, evaluate each student response and participate in discussion evaluating the presentations. Please hand in a printed copy of your sales pitch at the time of presentation.
Essential Vocabulary / Literacy/Numeracy
Persuasive text, repetition, modality, rhetorical questions / 1. Persuasive language –
2. Timing your speech
CCEs (senior) / Verbs (junior)
Analyse, apply, identify, create, describe, investigate

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Student has:

Ideas and Information /
  • Selected, organised and shown understanding of very detailed, accurate and relevant information about the chosen topic.
  • Very detailed and descriptive narration
  • Selected, organised and shown understanding of detailed, accurate and relevant information about the chosen topic.
  • Detailed and descriptive narration
  • Selected, organised and used basic, mostly accurate and relevant information about the chosen topic.
  • Some detailed and descriptive narration
  • Selected, organised and used limited relevant information about the chosen topic with some accuracy.
  • Limited detail and descriptive narration
  • Selected, organised and used limited relevant and very limited accurate often irrelevant information about the chosen topic.
  • Very limited detail and descriptive narration

Text Structure / Followed the generic structure of an advertising brochurein an insightful and effective manner
  • Advertising Brochure generic structure – Title, Slogan, Introduction, use of PEEL Paragraph structure
  • Brochure – Title, slogan, logo, images and graphics, use of colour and captions
/ Followed the generic structure of an advertising brochurein an effective manner
  • Advertising Brochure generic structure – Title, Slogan, Introduction, use of PEEL Paragraph structure
  • Brochure – Title, slogan, logo, images and graphics, use of colour and captions
/ Followed the generic structure ofan advertising brochurein an appropriate manner
  • Advertising Brochure generic structure – Title, Slogan, Introduction, use of PEEL Paragraph structure
  • Brochure – Title, slogan, logo, images and graphics, use of colour and captions
/ Followed the generic structure in of an advertising brochurea limited manner
  • Advertising Brochure generic structure – Title, Slogan, Introduction, use of PEEL Paragraph structure
  • Brochure – Title, slogan, logo, images and graphics, use of colour and captions
/ Followed the generic structure of an advertising brochure in a very limited manner
  • Advertising Brochure generic structure – Title, Slogan, Introduction, use of PEEL Paragraph structure
  • Brochure – Title, slogan, logo, images and graphics, use of colour and captions

Language Features / You have used a wide range of effective persuasive devices (emotive language, rhetorical questions, repetition, modality imperatives, figurative language, alliteration)
You have selected a wide range of appropriate and specific vocabulary to justify and persuade / You have used a range of persuasive devices (emotive language, rhetorical questions, repetition, modality imperatives, figurative language, alliteration)
You have selected a range of appropriate vocabulary to justify and persuade / You have used basic persuasive devices (emotive language, rhetorical questions, repetition)
You have used simple and appropriate vocabulary justify and persuade. / You have used few persuasive devices appropriately
Your use of vocabulary is at times inappropriate. / You have used inappropriate or no persuasive devices.
Your vocabulary choice is limited and often inappropriate.
You have used correct and purposeful:
  • Features
  • Sentence structures
  • Paragraphing
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Relevant Vocabulary
  • Self-editing and correcting
/ You have used mainly correct:
  • Features
  • Sentence structures
  • Paragraphing
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Relevant Vocabulary
  • Self-editing and correcting
/ You have used correct basic:
  • Features
  • Sentence structures
  • Paragraphing
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Relevant Vocabulary
  • Self-editing and correcting
/ Your meaning is unclear in places due to incorrect use of:
  • Features
  • Sentence structures
  • Paragraphing
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Relevant Vocabulary
  • Self-editing and correcting
/ Your meaning is unclear due to incorrect use of:
  • Features
  • Sentence structures
  • Paragraphing
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Relevant Vocabulary
  • Self-editing and correcting



Student has very effectively: / B
Student has effectively: / C
Student has reasonably effectively: / D
Student has, with some effectiveness: / E
Student has, with little effectiveness
IDEAS AND INFORMATION / Selected, organised and shown understanding of very detailed, relevant information about the chosen topic.
Selected and used appropriate persuasive devices such as repetition, rhetorical questions and anecdote / Selected, organised and shown understanding of detailed, relevant information about the chosen topic
Selected and used appropriate persuasive devices / Selected, organised and used basic relevant information about the chosen topic
Selected and used basic persuasive devices / Selected, organised and used limited relevant information about the chosen topic
Selected and used some appropriate persuasive devices / Selected, organised and used limited relevant and often irrelevant information about the chosen topic
Selected and used few persuasive devices
TEXT STRUCTURE / Arranged the structure of the sales pitch (thesis, arguments,
recommendations) to persuade the executive; appealing to their needs and interests / Arranged the structure of the sales pitch (thesis, arguments,
recommendations) to persuade the executive; appealing to their needs and interests / Arranged the structure of the sales pitch (thesis, arguments,
recommendations) to persuade the executive; appealing to their basic needs and interests / Arranged the structure of the sales pitch (thesis, arguments,
recommendations) to persuade the executive ; sometimes appealing to their needs and interests / Arranged the structure of the sales pitch (thesis, arguments,
recommendations) to persuade the executive; rarely appealing to their needs and interests
LANGUAGE FEATURES / Used a wide range of:
a)sentence types and grammatical structures to persuade
b)relevant and persuasive vocabulary such as emotive words and modal words
c) spoken features such as varied tone, volume, pitch, pace and pause
d) non-verbal features such as eye contact, gestures, movement and props/visual aids / Used a range of:
a)sentence types and grammatical structures to persuade
b)relevant and persuasive vocabulary such as emotive words and modal words
c) spoken features such as varied tone, volume, pitch, pace and pause
d) non-verbal features such as eye contact, gestures, movement and props/visual aids / Used :
a) basic sentence types and grammatical structures to persuade
b) persuasive vocabulary such as basic emotive words and modals
c) spoken features such as varied tone, volume, pitch, pace and pause
d) non-verbal features such as eye contact, gestures, movement and props/visual aids / Used :
a)sentence types and grammatical structures
b)persuasive vocabulary such as emotive words and modal words
c)some spoken features such as tone, volume, pitch, pace and pause
d) non-verbal features such as eye contact, gestures, movement and props/visual aids / Used :
a)sentence types and grammatical structures
b) persuasive vocabulary such as emotive words and modal words
c) spoken features such as tone, volume, pitch, pace and pause
d) non-verbal features such as eye contact, gestures, movement and props/visual aids

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