Meeting of the Parish Council

Thursday 29th September 2016

Waltham on the Wolds Village Hall


Present / Cllr L Garigan (Chair)(LG), Cllr A Foster (ACF)(19.05), Cllr A Lovegrove (AL), Cllr M Lusty (ML), Cllr P O’Conner (POC).
3 members of the public
Item / Details
57/16-17 / To receive and approve apologies for absence.
58/16-17 / To receive declarations of interest: both personal and prejudicial on matters in the agenda.NONE
59/16-17 / To approve and sign the minutes from the meeting 25th August 2016
60/16-17 / Public Participation.
Adjournment of the meeting for 15 minutes to enable members of the public to express their views on any topic.
Gareth Evans raised councils attention to the following
  • He had attended a meeting with Cllr B Rhodes regarding road safety in Thorpe Arnold. Outcome expected within two weeks.
  • A Roads to Zebras
  • New strategy document that identifies two sites in Thorpe Arnold for development, Mr Evans asked that developers be requested to contribute to road safety improvements in Thorpe Arnold.
  • Eastern/Northern Bypass plans have been merged and this has created a confused situation.
Paul Hudson and Sandy Normanton:
  • Asked when the hedges of the Parish Orchard would be cut. The Clerk is to find out and get back to them
  • Were concerned that there was no resolution to the unauthorised chickens on the Parish Orchard. But that they were hoping to get an allotment where the chickens could be rehoused.
Council resolved to allow the chickens to stay on the Parish Orchard for three months as a temporary solution but could not allow this to continue into the future.
Council thanked Paul and Sandy for the good work they had done with the Parish Orchard so far.
61/16-17 / Reports from visitors
Time set aside for any visitors to provide council with their reports
62/16-17 / Planning matters.
A)Planning applications for consideration
  • 13/00256/FUL: Wind turbine at Station Farm Station Road Waltham (reduced height).
  • More information required and to be brought to next meeting
  • 16/00286/LBC: Replacement windows, 1 High Street, Waltham.
  • Council supports this application
B) Pending decisions from M B C – Information only
  • 15/00777/FUL: 26 Houses off High Street, Waltham (awaiting Section 106 agreement).
  • 16/00201/FUL: Poultry house for 9,000 free-range hens, Manor Farm, Waltham
  • 16/00351/FUL: New house in rear garden, 2 Windsor Road, Waltham
  • 16/00455/TCA: Removal of cherry tree, The Wheel, 9 High Street, Waltham
  • 16/00439/FULHH: Single-storey extension to front, 17 Mere Road, Waltham
  • 16/00460/FUL: Change of use of existing agricultural building to warehouse and distribution, Fair Farm, Waltham
C) Planning Approvals for Information
  • 15/00902/FUL: Travellers’ site, Goadby Rd, Waltham
D) Planning Applications refused
E) Withdrawals for information
F) Enforcement for information
63/16-17 / To consider Parish Clerks allowance for storage and utility usage of £37.50 per month. This would be a taxable allowance and would be invoiced in December each year.
64/16-17 / To consider the purchase of a laptop, mobile phone and other peripheral computer equipment to provide the council with an accessible and portable communication package.
Resolved to allow Parish Clerk to obtain quotations for a laptop to the value of £750 including VAT. Quotations to be circulated to all councillors and purchase authorised by a majority of council.
65/16-17 / To consider showing the Parish Clerks salary expenses and allowances as a total figure for the agenda and minutes. Councillors would be provided with a separate breakdown of the figure.
66/16-17 / To consider changing budget headlines to provide a more streamlined and appropriate method of accounting for income and expenditure.
67/16-17 / To consider itemising within the agenda only planning matters requiring discussion.
68/16-17 / To consider the type of replacement play equipment and set a budget for the purchase and installation.
Colin Anderson to be given 2 weeks to remove existing condemned equipment, if the work cannot be completed in that time then Paul Rear to be asked if he would carry out the work.
Quotations for new replacement equipment to be sought.
69/16-17 / To consider and approve the amended financial regulations
Resolved with 3 small amendments
70/16-17 / To consider sending all councillors general information received, planning information to ML and POC, and other information to potentially use on the website and social media to LG and ACF.
Resolved with electronic copy of minutes to be sent to LG and ACF
71/16-17 / To consider parish communication in particular website, social media and parish magazine.
POC to arrange meeting for those interested in participating in this as there is much to discuss and decide.
72/16-17 / Finance
Jeremy Fieldhouse-Allen / Expenses 1 / £30.00
Total / £30.00
Other Payments / Ref
Scribe / 38/16-17 / £234.00
2Commune / 47/16-17 / £1,470.00
Came and Co / 14-15 / £1,960.16
J Morgan / 50/16-17 / £985.00
J Fieldhouse-Allen / 46/16-17 / £526.75
HMRC / 46/16-17 / £131.60
LCC website / Historic / £162.00
LRALC / 45/16-17 / £35.00
Glasdons / 36/16-17 / £48.20
DCK Beavers / EMERG4 / £1,656.00
Other Payments Total / £7,208.71
Total of all Payments / £7,238.71
Resolved to make all payments and have financial due diligence double checked on a monthly basis until all councillors comfortable with the process
73/16-17 / To consider paying the Clerks annual membership fee of £118+£10 joining fee for the SLCC
74/16-17 / To Receive reports from the following:
  • Archaeological & History Group, No report
  • Allotments
To consider employing a tree surgeon to remove 12 tree stumps from the allotments so that revenue can be generated from the plots that will become available. Quotations to be sought
  • Affordable Housing. See Clerks report
  • Church Yards. No report
  • Footpaths
AL reported that the footpath on Thorpe Arnold Hill need attention as there are overhanging trees and bushes along with mud on the footpath; also that the footpath from Thorpe Arnold Village Hall to the bus shelter has a lot of mud on it following the completion of a new fence erected by a resident.
  • School
AL was alarmed at the state of the school play areas which seem to be neglected and have a lot of weeds. It was suggested that perhaps on the village clear up day the council may offer to help sort it out
  • Village Hall
There is no longer a liaison person on the Village Hall committee – a preliminary meeting has been held to establish an effective way to work together in future.
  • Neighbourhood Watch. No report
  • Neighbourhood Plan.
The Neighbourhood Planning Group continues to work on the three main work themes - Housing Allocation, Environmental Issues and Housing Design. The assessment of sites is being refined using YourLocale’s proven methodology. We are currently surveying the Parish for sites of environmental significance to produce an Environmental Inventory of sites and features to be protected. At the same time we are endeavouring to accelerate the whole process with the consultants’ help.
  • Leicestershire Constabulary. No report
  • County Councillor. No report
  • Borough Councillor. No report
  • Parish Clerk
  1. Remembrance Day –Meeting with representatives of the church and the scouts organised for next week.
  2. Playfield
  • Pavilion work has been completed up to the point of decoration so I will ask Paul Rear to quote for the cost of adding this work to the contract he already has and will get a couple of other quotes.
  • QE11 Plaque needs to be designed and a suitable location designated.
  1. Memorial stone – I have been in touch with GH Linnell in Grantham and their man Simon Cole is getting back to me in regard to possibly providing a plaque.
  2. I have been on two training courses led by LRALC the third is in October and I plan to start the SLCC course in November.
  3. Scribe will be set up on the new laptop should council approve purchase.
  4. DCK Beaver have now caught up with the payroll and will be processing this monthly in future.
  5. I have started training for the new website today.
  6. We now have a waiting list of people wanting allotments, some work does need to be carried out to remove 12 tree stumps to allow use of some plots; quotations are being sought for this work.
  7. We now have a list of people interested in the affordable housing in Waltham. MBC is aware of the list and will inform us when a vacancy arises.
  • Parish Chairman. No report

75/16-17 / Any other Business.None
76/16-17 / Date, time and place of next meeting
20th October 2016
Waltham Village Hall

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