Instructions for switching from the previous OPES templates to the new 2014 templates

Thereis no longer a CLPR evaluation template. The copy evaluations instructions will not work with the previous to new templates. Once a new evaluation is created using the new template, thenthe copy evaluation instructions can be used. The new templates have (2014) at the end of their name, please see the screen shot below. Because the RN template requires no setup these instructions do not apply to this template.

Starting from the ‘Employee Documents’ window.

Step 1: Confirm that no evaluations are selected in the ‘Employee Documents’ table. Click on the icon in the top left of the corner of the table, and then click on ‘Deselect All’. At the top you may receive the message ‘Please select a record’;please disregard.

Step 2: Click on ‘Create Multiple’.

Step3: Click on the drop down arrow to the right of the ‘Category ID’ box and select one of the 2014 evaluation templates. I will use the ‘UAMS Performance Evaluation (2014) template with these instructions. The ‘Appraisal Template’ box auto fills depending on the selection above in the ‘Category ID’ box.

Step 4: Change the ‘Valid From’ and ‘Valid to’ boxes to the correct evaluation period for the employee’s evaluation.

Step 5: Select the employee for whom you are creating the evaluation by clicking on the line with their name, then click ‘Create’.

Step 6: A confirmation message appears click ‘Close’.

Step 7: The newly created evaluation shows in the ‘Employee Documents’ table. Highlight it by clicking on the line. In the ‘Quick Criteria Maintenance’ please be sure there are no numbers in the first three boxes.

NOTE: If you do not see the newly created evaluation in the table check the ‘Quick Criteria Maintenance’ section settings.

Step 8: Open the evaluation by clicking on the document name in the fourth column. In this example the document name is ‘UAMS Performance Evaluation’.

Step 9: The evaluation opens in another browser window. Maximize the window. Working from the top down, verify the following information is correct:

Is the correct employee evaluation open?

In the ‘Administrative Data’ section,hsa the correct appraisal document been created?

Verify the ‘Validity Period’ and ‘To’ dates are correct for the employee’s evaluation period.

Does the ‘Manager’ box show the correct manager for this employee?

Does the ‘Employee’ box show the correct employee?

Are the correct substitute(s) showing?

If this information is not correct, change it and then save. For instructions on how to change the manager and add or changeManager Substitutes continue to Lesson 2.

If all this information is correct click in the circle to the left of ‘Define Objectives’ then click ‘Continue’. Be sure this information is correct, if not you will need to delete this evaluation and start over. The evaluation updates and closes. You should be back to the ‘Employee Documents’ window.

Step 10: The evaluation is now in the status of ‘In Planning’. Reopen the evaluation by clicking on the appraisal document name. Maximize the window.

Step 11: Enter the employee’s job title and summary into the ‘Note Employee Job Title’ box. Click on the word ‘Save’ in the upper left under the word ‘Appraisal’. If the evaluation was saved the message will read ‘Appraisal Document Saved’. Step 18 shows how to copy the contents of this box from the previous evaluation.

Step 12: Click on the third tab titled ‘Performance Expectations’.

Step 13: Click the yellow ‘Add’ box to add the number of job responsibilities needed. Four additional job responsibilities are added to this evaluation. Scroll down to the bottom to be sure the correct number of job responsibilities were created.

If more than five show, click the yellow delete box next to the extra one.

Step 14: Scroll back up to the top. Change the weightings on each job responsibility so that when added together they total 1.00. Click in the weighting box, delete the 1.00 and key in the correct weighting. This evaluation will have the following weightings:

5.1 weighting = .050

5.2 weighting = .100

5.3weighting = .250

5.4 weighting = .150

5.5 weighting = .450

Step 15: Click on ‘Save’ in the upper left. The evaluation cannot be saved until the weightings total 1.00. If the message of ‘Weighting must total 1 in Section 5 Performance Expectations (70%)’ appears, correct the weightings and save again.

Once the ‘Appraisal document saved’ message is received the other boxes can be completed.

Step 16: Leaving the new evaluation open, navigate to the ‘Employee Documents’ window and open the evaluation from the previous period.

Step 17: Now the job responsibilities can be copied from the previous evaluation to the new evaluation. Resize the previous evaluation to show on the left side of the screen. Resize the new evaluation to show on the right side of the screen.


NOTE: Remember to use the keyboard shortcuts for select all Ctrl+A, copy Ctrl+C, and paste Ctrl+V). Also, remember Copy, Paste, and Save.

Step 18: On the previous evaluation click in the ‘Note Employee Job Title’ box, key Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C. Switch to the new evaluation click in the ‘Note Employee Job Title’ and key Ctrl+V, then click on ‘Save’ in the upper left, or key Ctrl+S. Be sure the ‘Appraisal Document Save’ message appears.


Step 19: On both evaluations click on the third tab, ‘Performance Expectations’.

On the previous evaluation click in the first ‘Job Responsibility’ box.

Key Ctrl+A to select all contents of the box, then key Ctrl+C.

Switch to the new evaluation.

Click in the first ‘Job Responsibility’ box 5.1, then key Ctrl+V to paste what was copied from the previous evaluation.

Key Ctrl+S to save the evaluation.


Step 20: Complete the same steps for the ‘Note Standard’ box.

On the previous evaluation click in the first ‘Standard’ box.

Key Ctrl+A to select contents of the box, then key Ctrl+C to copy it.

Switch to the new evaluation.

Click in the first ‘Note Standard’ box, then key Ctrl+V to paste what was copied from the previous evaluation.

Key Ctrl+S to save the evaluation.


Step 21: Follow steps 19 and 20 until all job responsibilities and standards are copied from the previous evaluation to the new evaluation. Please do not neglect to save as you progress.

Step 22: Check to make sure all was copied correctly.

Step 23: Close the previous evaluation by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of the window.

Step 24: Close the new evaluation by clicking the ‘Continue’ box under ‘How would you like to continue?’.