Basware Frequently Asked Questions

  • When I go to approve an invoice it gives me a message “Invoice must be Reviewed prior to approval”

The invoice should have been sent to you using the Review button. Look in the Invoice History tab to see who sent itto you and send it back to them advising them to Review it to you.

  • I can’t see the person I want to send the invoice to in my Recipient list

You should be able to see everyone in your faculty or portfolio, make sure you are looking at the User tab and not the Favorites tab.

If they are not in your User tab add a comment giving the name or department where you want it to go and send the invoice to Accounts by clicking on the Return button

  • I have agreed to share the cost of this invoice with another college/portfolio how do I do this on Basware

Code only the lines you can have approved within your area and using the Review button send the invoice to the appropriate approver add a comment telling accounts where to send it for coding and approval of the balance. When the invoice is approved it will go back to Accounts and they will forward it on for you.

  • I received an invoice to approve but changed the account/ tax code/ comment as I noticed it was incorrect now Basware gives a message “Invoice Approver cannot be the last coder”

If you intend to approve an invoice you cannot change any details in the coding zone, send it back to your coder to fix then Review back to you.

  • I am trying to approve an invoice but the Save button in the basic data tab is greyed out

The very last field in the Basic Data tab is the declaration “This complies with Uni policy and grant conditions”. Either the coder or the approver must agree with this by selecting or typing in Y to the box provided. When this is done the Save button will become active. If the Y has already been saved by another user just skip this step and go on to click the Approve button.

  • I am trying to approve an invoice but Basware gives me a message “Invoice Approver cannot be the last invoice Reviewer”

A user cannot code and approve the same invoice, if you have coded the invoice send it to another approver

  • I can’t see an invoice in my Archive folder anymore

If an invoice comes into your In Box it will always be moved into your archive folder when it has been actioned. When searching do not put in a Company Name leave it blank and remove the tick from “Show the latest invoices” this will drop down all the invoices you have received regardless of the Company they are assigned to. You can sort your invoices by clicking on the column header

  • Why can’t I approve this invoice?

Basware will tell you why it will not let you approve an invoice

  • If you get the message when you tick the coded line “Approval limit exceeded for Cost Centre and Project on Row#” it is because your financial delegation has not been recorded in Basware.
  • If you get the message “You have exceeded the approval limit” when you click the Approve button it is because your Invoice approval limit is less than the invoice total.
  • Contact the FUST Office [1] to check financial delegations.
  • I have coded the invoice but do not have the required approver in my Next Recipients list so I cannot Review it or send it to Accounts to send on.

If the Approver is someone you send to frequently ask the FUST Office[2]to add them to your Recipients, if it is rare that you send to this approver when you Review select your own department from the Recipient list. The invoice will come back to you then you can use the Return button to send it to Accounts with a comment advising who it should be sent to next.

  • My invoice image is either too big or too small

Click on the + Zoom In button above the invoice image twice then click on the – Zoom Out button once, this will resize this and future images

For more information on Basware please download the Basware Thin Client Manual.

