American Baptist International Ministries

Week of April 5, 2009

Glenn and Rita Chapman, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Glen and Rita train Congolese students and their spouses, preparing them for ministry in their hometown in the rural environment.
Glen teaches pastoral students at the Kikongo Pastor's Institute where he is professor of Old Testament, African religions, and Baptist distinctives. Glen also projects evangelistic movies as well as educational videos on medical and health issues such as malaria, HIV, dysentery, etc. in the rural areas where he travels by boat.

Rita directs and teaches at the Women’s School. She continues to develop and improve course materials for the pastors’ wives. She teaches illiterate women to read, and also serves as an active member and counselor of the parish women's fellowship.

·  Pray for Glen and Rita as they train leaders and reach out for Jesus to the people of D.R. Congo.

·  Pray for their children, Timothy and Elaina (attending college in California) and Marcie who is working with agriculturalists in Florida.

Dan Buttry, Global Consultant

Dan trains church and community leaders in conflict transformation skills, utilizing experiential education methodologies and Bible study. He consults with church leaders about conflicts plaguing them, and in some situations he participates in mediation teams between conflicted parties. To support IM's Mission Explosion priority, Dan explores ways for people interested in conflict transformation to accompany him and develop training and facilitation skills alongside him.

·  Pray for Dan as he travels to many parts of the globe seeking to help people find ways to deal with conflict in a constructive way and to bring reconciliation and peace in the name of Christ.

·  Pray for those whom he is raising up to be engaged in the ministry of conflict transformation.

Charles and Sarah West, Zambia

Charles serves with the Baptist Convention of Zambia in the areas of educational ministries and leadership development. He participates on the Central Executive Committee (CEC) in planning training sessions for church leaders & new church planters. He is also involved in the planning and staging of national evangelistic and outreach ministries. He serves on the “CEC Education Committee” to develop pastor and church leadership curriculum. The BCZ has 13 regions with 506 churches.

Sarah works with vulnerable and exploited women and children at risk.

·  Pray for their partner convention, the Baptist Convention of Zambia, and pray for the Wests as they minister for Christ in Zambia.

·  Pray for their continued strength and focus in their ongoing ministries with BCZ pastors and churches.

Ruth Mooney, Costa Rica

Ruth's ministry is Christian education. She lives in Costa Rica, where she works with Ediciones Lumbrera, a team that writes and publishes Bible study materials for the Federacion de Asociaciones Bautistas de Costa Rica and churches throughout Latin America.

The material emphasizes a participatory teaching style that seeks the transformation of the learners as well as dialogue and community within the group. Ruth has published a manual for writing Christian education materials using this emphasis titled "Manual para Crear Materiales de Education Cristiana" (Pandora Press, Canada.)

Ruth is currently on U.S./Puerto Rico Assignment.

·  Pray for Ruth as she ministers in churches during her time in the United States and as she continues her Christian education ministry in Costa Rica.

Pray for International Ministries Volunteers

Ed and Margaret Tegenfeldt are serving as medical missionaries in India from April 8 - May 10

*For information on missionaries - go to and click on PEOPLE WHO SERVE at the top.

*For info on prayer ministry - Contact Rev. Bob Santilli at 610-768-2187 or

*Prayer Requests for missionaries and others who serve is now available on the Web at Click on PRAY at the top.