California State University Northridge

Prakriti Suri Memorial Award

Nomination/Application Instructions

Award Background:

In memory of their daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Kuldip P. Suri established the CSUN Prakriti Suri Memorial Award. Prakriti Suri attended CSUN in pursuit of a medical career when she passed away in 1983. Her parents wish to aid premedical students in their preparation for medical school. Realizing the financial pressures that beset premedical students, this award is intended to support and encourage promising premedical students.

Students who have overcome socioeconomic barriers and those from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine are strongly encouraged to apply. Nominees should possess qualities that exemplify competent physicians, such as maturity, self-awareness, perseverance, compassion, and strong communication skills.

Requirements for award nominations:

1.  Senior (90 units or more) CSUN students majoring in Biology are eligible, provided they have completed a minimum of twelve units in residence at CSUN.

2.  A minimum GPA of 3.3 is required.

3.  The nominee must be pursuing a career as a physician. Priority is given to students who have applied or will apply to medical school before graduating from CSUN.

4.  A CSUN faculty or staff member may nominate a student by submitting a letter of recommendation. A second letter of support from any source (other than a family member) is required.

The Application Packet should include:

  1. An essay of no more than one single-spaced typed page written by the nominee. The essay should include your reasons behind choosing a career in medicine and an overview of your academic career to date, including any extenuating circumstances or unique situations that you feel are relevant.
  2. One letter of nomination from a CSUN employee and a second letter of support from any source (other than a family member).
  3. Unofficial transcripts from each college attended.

4.  The accompanying Scholarship Application form, fully completed, including signature and date.

5.  Nomination/Application deadline is March 31.

6.  Submit completed packet electronically (as a PDF file), by US Mail, or drop off in person:

California State University, Northridge

18111 Nordhoff Street

Department of Biology

Chaparral Hall, Room 5104

Northridge CA 91330-8303

(818) 677-2675

There will be one $2,000 Scholarship annually.


CSUN Prakriti Suri Award Application

Instructions for Nominee/Applicant: Please print legibly or type on this downloaded form. Complete all sections of the application. Attach all required documents. Sign and date your application and submit it to CR5104 by MARCH 31.

Name: ______

Last First Middle Initial

Mobile Phone: ( ) ______Email:______

CSUN Student ID: ______Academic Standing (Freshman, Sophomore, etc):

Current GPA:______Graduation Date (estimate if you have not applied for graduation):______

Answer each of the following questions in no more than one half of a single-spaced typed page:

All of the information is true and answered to the best of my ability. I understand and agree that if I receive the Suri Award, information about me may be released for publicity purposes or to determine my qualifications/eligibility for receiving the funds. I may be invited to attend presentation of award. Confirmation of enrollment is required prior to presentation of scholarship funds.

Applicant Signature ______Date