Mr. Farrlley/ Mrs. Deremer
AP US History
On October 14, 1912 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Bull Moose candidate Theodore Roosevelt stood up in his open car to acknowledge cheers from a crowd about to hear a campaign speech from the ex-president. A shot from the second rank of the crowd rang out. A bullet entered the right side of Roosevelt’s chest and lodged in a rib. In real life, Roosevelt true to his reputation for bravery, proceeded to deliver the speech, saved in part by his iron spectacle case and manuscript of his speech. He was, however, forced to suspend his speaking tour.
In our simulation, the bullet didn’t miss. A day and a half after the shooting, Theodore Roosevelt died.
Since the murder of a presidential candidate was not a federal crime in 1912, the chief of police of Milwaukee, your teacher, is in charge of the investigation. His initial search of the area immediately after the crowd dispersed uncovered in a garbage pail a large man’s jacket with a note inside that read, “Thanks, my friends, I know we’re going to do it.” In one of the pockets there were some foreign coins, a picture of what appeared to be a catlike silhouette, a button with an elephant on it, a map of Chicago, a blank postcard from Lake Mohonk Mountain House, a picture of Teddy Roosevelt taken at a Rough Rider Reunion in 1905, and a receipt for a train ticket from Washington D.C.
Read Chapters 22 and 20
You will be assigned to groups of 5 to evaluate the list of suspects.
Nelson W. Aldrich
Emilio Aguinaldo
Richard Ballinger
Albert Beveridge
Philppe Bunau-Varilla
William JenningsBryan
Joe Cannon
Cipriano Castro
Andrew Carnegie
Eugene Debs
Herbert Croly
Joseph Foraker
Luis M. Drago
W.E.B. Dubois
Emma Goldman
Samuel Gompers
K. Takahira
William Haywood
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Raisuli
Robert M. La Follette
J.P Morgan
Czar Nicholas II
William H. Taft
Upton Sinclair
John D. Rockefeller
Booker T. Washington
Elihu Root
Woodrow Wilson
Lincoln Steffens
Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones)
Ruben Dario
Jacob Riis
William Randolph Hearst
Each detective should choose 7 suspects and research them. Your job is to make two lists, those who should be interrogated and those who should be dismissed and why. (see below) Bring one copy to class, and turn one copy in to The cutoff time for submission will be the start time of your class on Tuesday. Late submissions will not receive credit.
Due Tuesdayin class: Your typed threat assessment of the individuals you investigated. Your assessment should include a personality profile of your suspects, and their motive and/or alibi. You must write a complete paragraph about each of your suspects. Bullet points or incomplete sentences will not receive credit.
On Tuesday, you will report back to your squad and inform your group what you have found. Your squad will compile a list that we will cross reference with the other groups to try and figure this whole thing out.
Due Thursday: You must create a power point dossier that includes the following:
- Your top suspect w/ pictures
- Their motive for wanting to kill Roosevelt
- Pictures and/or documents of the clues, and how they relate to your suspect.
- You may create a conspiracy
Please email your PowerPoint to y the beginning of class on Thursday. Please put “Who Killed TR” as your subject. You must also create a PDF of your PowerPoint and upload it to
All due dates and times are on your class calendar and on