

Discussion at WP/8D 16th meeting (September 2004)

1) Extract from WP8D meeting report:


2.2.6Discussions during consideration of output documents

(1)WRC-07 Agenda item 1.6

There was an intensive discussion during consideration of output documents on the subject of WRC-07 Agenda item 1.6, Resolution 415. Objection was raised from a few Administrations against three output documents from SWG 8D3, which were a draft element of the meeting report and liaison statements to WP 4A. SWG 8D3 prepared these two liaison statements in TEMP/87 and 88 that contained a proposal of joint rapporteur group between WP 8D and WP 4A. In spite of a lengthy discussion, no consensus was reached on these output documents. The plenary meeting finally decided not to send these two liaison statements to WP 4A, not to propose the joint rapporteur group and not to carry over these two TEMP documents to the next WP 8D meeting. The meeting requested Liaison Rapporteur to WP 4A to inform them orally that no consensus was reached on this subject within WP 8D. With regard to this conclusion, five Administrations, the United States of America, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Iran and Syria requested the following statements.

USA Statement

The USA finds it unfortunate that the 16th meeting of WP 8D was unable to reach consensus on 1) the establishment of a Joint Correspondence Group (JCG) between Working Parties 8D and 4A whose objective was to provide guidance, requested in a contribution from Kenya and Uganda, on the implementation of satellite based systems that could jointly support the establishment and extension of aeronautical communications, as well as, provide much needed means for other telecommunications applications, such as access to broadband Internet service, to developing countries and remote areas and 2) informing Working Party 4A of its deliberations on Agenda item1.6 that could involve the use of Fixed Satellite Service bands.

Notwithstanding the inability of WP 8D to agree on a mechanism that would facilitate the completion of important work assigned by WRC-03 in Resolution 415, the USA intends to continue to work on this matter between now and the next meeting of WP 8D and urges other Administrations to do the same.

Australia Statement

Australia noteswith concern the interventions of the Chairman of the CPM stating that dialogue cannot be undertaken between WP 8D and WP 4A, particularly in respect to Document 8D/63, on the basis that WP 4A was not included from the output of CPM-06 (1) as an interested party to WRC-07 Agenda item 1.6 (Resolution 415).

Australia would wish this issue to be resolved as soon as possible between the Chairman & vice Chairman of the respective Study Groups in order that the collective expertise of WP’s 4A & 8D can be utilised to bring about a successful conclusion to this agenda item.

United Arab Emirates, Iran and Syria Statement

Subject: "Interpretation of Resolution 415 by the 8D meeting in 8D/TEMP/86(Rev.1)"

The representatives of the three Administrations mentioned above expressed serious doubt and objected to the belief by two Working Party 8D members (namely Australia and USA) that part of Agenda item 1.6, clarified by WRC-03through the adoption of Resolution 415, might lead to the need to deal with general issues of air-to-ground telecommunication systems.

The part of the agenda item 1.6 as explained by Resolution 415 calls for thefollowing:"to examine the possibility of broadening the services and applications ofthe use of current satellite allocations in order to allow the expansion ofICAO, CNS/ATM systems that can also support other non-aeronauticaltelecommunication services".Such examination allowing expansion of systems should be initiated by ICAO (which was not the case).

Moreover, the CPM assigned the responsibility of Agenda item 1.6 to Working Party 8D with Study Group 6, and Working Parties 8A and 8B acting as contributing study groups and working parties. Working Party 4A was never cited as a possible contributing or interested group, thus justifying the refusal of three Administrations to liaise with Working Party 4A on this particular agenda item.


3.3.4WRC-07 Agenda item 1.6 (Resolution 415) (8D3D)

Input Documents:8D/60 (WP 6S), 8D/63 (WP 4A), 8D/74 (Australia & New Zealand) and 8D/88 (Kenya and Uganda)

Output Documents:8D/TEMP/86(Rev.1) (Element for Chairman’s Report), 8D/TEMP/87 (LS)and 8D/TEMP/88 (LS)

Drafting Group 8D3D met twice and considered the following four input documents.

Document 8D/60, a Liaison statement from Working Party 6S requesting to be informed of any new spectrum identified under Agenda item 1.6,

Document 8D/63, a Liaison statement from Working Party 4A informing WP 8D of their thoughts regarding Agenda Item 1.6 and requesting to be kept informed of the discussions on this topic within WP 8D,

Document 8D/74 from Australia and New Zealand that provided preliminary draft CPM text on satisfying WRC-07 Agenda item 1.6 and

Document 8D/88 from Kenya and Uganda that provided information on the need for improved aeronautical related telecommunications in developing countries and proposed a new Question to study how satellite networks could best be used to establish and enhance telecommunications systems that could support aeronautical communications, as well as, provide facilities for standard telecommunications applications, such as broadband Internet access.

Document 8D/60 was noted. Material from Documents 8D/74 and 8D/88 was combined into an element for the Chairman’s Report (8D/TEMP/86(Rev.1)). This document reported on the deliberations and stated that there were two primary issues posed by Resolution 415 which were, 1) ground-to-ground communication systems that could also support non-aeronautical telecommunication services and 2) air-to-ground communication systems. With regard to 1) above, the drafting group decided to seek the views of Working Party 4A on the formation of a Joint Rapporteur’s Group to deal with this topic. This request was prepared in a Liaison Statement to WP4A (8D/TEMP/87). Another Liaison statement (8D/TEMP/88) was proposed to be sent to Working Party 4A responding to Document 8D/63 and requesting Working Party 4A to explore whether there would be any additional technical or operational considerations that needed to be taken into account if the 14GHz AMSS aircraft Earth stations were to operate on a secondary basis in the 10/11/12 GHz band (s-E).

During the discussion of Document 8D/74, ICAO provided their statement as follows:

ICAO Statement

ICAO informed the meeting that some of the material on ICAO systems contained in the draft CPM text of 8D/74 needed further clarification and possible correction. As the meeting was unable to review the material in detail, ICAO will provide corrections to the next meeting of WP 8D.

2) 8D/TEMP/87 and 88 [Not approved by the meeting and not carried forward]

STUDY GROUPS / Document 8D/TEMP/87-E
14 September 2004
English only

Source:Document 8D/63

Working Party 8D

Liaison Statement to Working Party 4A

ESTABLISHMENT of a Joint Rapporteurs Group (JRG 8D-4A)

Status:For Action

Working Party 8D thanks Working Party 4A for its liaison statement and response to matters concerning WRC-07 agenda item 1.6 (Resolution 415).

Working Party 8D has identified two main issues with respect to Resolution 415. One of these issues pertains to civil aviation ground-to-ground communications systems that can also support non-aeronautical telecommunication services.

Although Working Party 8D has the lead role in this agenda item, it recognizes the importance of resolving this issue in a timely manner for consideration by WRC-07 and that Working Party4A will play a vital role in concluding this matter.

Therefore, Working Party 8D would like to propose the formation of a Joint Rapporteurs Group with Working Party 4A (JRG 8D-4A).

The proposed terms of reference for the JRG are contained in Attachment 1 to this liaison statement as well as commencement and termination dates for the work of the JRG.

The output of the JRG will be considered by Working Parties 8D and 4A and whilst the final outcome of the work and Recommendation/Report of the JRG will be determined by the JRG, consideration could be given to development of an ITU-R Recommendation, Handbook or Report or similar documentation.

Working Party 8D also believes that the work of the JRG should be undertaken, to the greatest extent possible, by correspondence and if needed, a meeting could be held in conjunction with scheduled meetings of either Working Parties 4A or 8D.

Should Working Party 4A agree to the formation of this JRG, Working Party 8D requests Working Party4A to bring to the attention of the Director BR, the formal notification of the group in order to invite the participation of Administrations and also to invite the participation of the ICAO.

Contact: / Mr Tom Olwero
Communications Commission of Kenya / Tel:+254 20 42 42 268/000
Fax:+254 20 444 5386

Attachment 1

Joint Rapporteur Group 8D-4A (JRG 8D-4A)

Commencement Date:November 2004

Termination Date:July 2006

Terms of reference

1Determination of the technical and operating characteristics of modern aeronautical telecommunications applications especially in relation to developing regions and remote areas that need to be taken into account in satellite networks carrying these applications.

2Identify if these technical and operating characteristics are already contained in existing ITUR Recommendations and/or Reports.

3Based on the technical and operating characteristics determined and identified in 1 and 2 above, determine how the aeronautical and public communications portions of a network could share an earth station facility.

Desired outcome of the JRG 8D-4A

Based on the outcome of studies of the points raised under the terms of reference above, the JRG may consider to recommend development of an ITU-R Recommendation, Handbook or Report or other agreed documentation.

Working Party 8D Rapporteur

Mr Tom Olwero
Communications Commission of Kenya / Tel:+254 20 42 42 268/000
Fax:+254 20 444 5386

Working Party 4A Rapporteur

STUDY GROUPS / Document 8D/TEMP/88-E
14 September 2004
English only

Source:Document 8D/63

Working Party 8D

Liaison Statement to ITU-R Working Party 4A

Satellite Frequency Allocations that Could Support the Modernization of Civil Aviation Telecommunications

Status:For Action

Working Party 8D thanks Working Party 4A for its liaison statement and response to points raised by Working Party 8D relating to WRC-07 agenda item 1.6 (Resolution 415).

Working Party 8D has identified two main issues with respect to Resolution 415. One of these issues pertains to air-to-ground communications systems.

Working Party 8D notes in the liaison statement from Working Party 4A that – “The previous studies within Working Party 4A found that aircraft earth stations could receive signals from FSS satellites. Working Party 4A would wish to examine the impact on FSS systems of aircraft earth stations that may use other bands allocated to the FSS.”

Working Party 8D understands from this statement that Working Party 4A was referring to aircraft earth stations operating in the secondary aeronautical mobile-satellite service (AMSS) in the 14-14.5 GHz band (E-s) and that the “receive signals from FSS satellites” (s-E) are those in the 10/11/12 GHz band.

Working Party 8D would like to draw to the attention of Working Party 4A that the 14th Plenary Session of WRC-03 agreed to use of the 10/11/12 GHz band by the AMSS under the provisions of RR 4.4 – (Document WRC-03 410 refers).

Working Party 8D requests Working Party 4A to explore whether there would be any additional technical or operational considerations that need to be taken into account if the 14 GHz AMSS aircraft earth stations were to operate on a secondary basis in the 10/11/12 GHz band (s-E).

Working Party 8D looks forward to a response to this inquiry for consideration at its next scheduled meeting.

Contact:Mr David Weinreich, United States
Tel.:+1 301 370 7174
Fax:+1 703 465 3005

