Published - 7 October 2007

Click on Title to jump to that section or scroll all the way through.

Manager’s Desk:Mentoring - Poll re Calendar

MENTORNG:opportunities available

Teachers Corner:Schedule changes

News from BBO:Company restructuring

Hondo’s Quiz:New QUIZ – plan your defense

Articles:browse the Library

Bridge Movies:new *SHEP & *MIGRY hand/review Birthday tourneys

Helpful Hints:Answers to FAQs

Useful Links:Links members/teachers recommend

Members Corner:News from members- Photos

Tournaments:Reports from TDs

Notices:For NEW members

Funding:Premier Membership

Bridge - is knowing that the more you know, the more you know you need to know - that is it's fascination

I have had mail regarding being unable to see the tables in the BIL even when a lesson is announced this will be related to the settings on the personal profiles . See comments below in the Notices for new members . If you still have a problem email me and I will send you some more detailed help notes. You can also read more about this in the FAQ section in the Library ( About BIL – FAQ ) . (Jim replied ‘ thank you that worked  )

BIL LADDER TRIALS: a few more teams have signed up  - see Rules and Help Notes in the Library Tournaments > BIL Ladder

First welcome back from a well deserved holiday ASPIRING (Des) and many thanks to CHIPMONK (Chris) for doing a sterling job . Chris has been helping me to get the records on the Mentoring spreadsheets updated. All too many Mentors/Mentees do not keep in touch with changes and as we are not mind readers the records can only reflect what we think is happening.

We must get these details completely current and relative in preparation for the time when the Mentoring Database is constructed and integrated into the BIL Library and linked to the new database.

This is a major and very costly exercise.

However, I believe it will be worth the time, effort and expense as it will relieve the Mentor Coordinators of much of the paper work they now have to try to keep track of thereby giving them more time to work with and liaise with both Mentors/Mentees.

New mentors will be able to sign up directly now through the Library HOWEVER member’s registrations on the library database has NO relevance to applying to have a mentor assigned .

When Des/Chris ask you for information be timely in responding and if your situation changes get in touch with them.

To apply you can use this form (if it does not copy/paste for you – email them the answers to all the questions )


Mentoring Programme

Sometimes this is a lengthy process , the Mentor

  • Needs to reside in the same time zone as you do
  • Needs to be teaching the System you play
  • Needs to have time available to spend with you at a time that is suitable for you both

The mentor will be assigned to you for a period of six (6) months.

  • You will be expected to work hard in the areas being taught
  • You will be expected to do any homework allotted to you
  • You will be expected to practice what is being taught - BBO provides several practicing options in the “Other Bridge Activities: section , follow your Mentor’s advice.

If you wish to proceed with your request for a Mentor please complete and return this form:

BBO ID (log in name)
BBO (BIL) Skill Level
Real Name
Email Address
Time Zone (lived in)
Days/times available for lessons
System Played
Game experience – Some Mentors like to work with people still learning the basics, others with Upper Intermediates
What areas of your game to do want to work on
Send this form to ASPIRING – Des /
Or to CHIPMONK - Chris /

As soon as the completed Application Form is received your name will be added to the Mentors Wanted List and you will be contacted as soon as they have a Mentor for you. Please be patient.

Chris reports that he has Mentors available at this point in time in the following locations – there is no guarantee though that the times they are available or the system they teach etc. will be compatible with your requirements . They will be allocated on a first come first serve basis where the criteria appear to have the possibility of a successful match.

England -5

Israel - 1

If you want a mentor you can apply now with the details as per the form above.


In the LIBRARY NEWS section I have loaded a POLL to canvas your opinion on the time ahead that you would like to receive an emailed reminder notice from the Calendar for events that are of interest to you .

This is your opportunity to have your say (the majority will generally rule )

When you log in scroll down the NEWS page – the Poll is on the right

The stats to date 31 say 1day :: 27 say 2days ( the current time set) and 20 say 3 days so nothing in it with that result I would leave it as the status quo.

I will leave the Poll up for another week or so - email me suggestions for future Polls.

I hope you are all taking advantage of the facilities the Calendar offers you

  • Set it to tell you the times in YOUR time
  • Have notices sent of any changes I make as I make them
  • Have reminders sent for those events that interest you
  • View the calendar in several ways –choose the format that you like best – the default I have set is for the whole of the current Month
  • Click on a listing to see the full description

The calendar is online 24/7 for your convenience. You can access in the BIL via the BIL Club News or on the Library – in the About BIL section - my choice is to put a shortcut to it on your desktop

If you are using Internet Explorer to browse the internet –

  • open the Calendar -
  • put your cursor in the blank space to the right of the heading (BIL)
  • and right click –
  • then from the drop down menu select create shortcut -
  • answer yes -
  • a shortcut will appear on your desktop
  • which you can then select and drag to wherever you want.

Double clicking on the shortcut at any time will take you straight to the Calendar

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CASCADE: hopes to be back on 11th- remember the time for his sessions is now 13:00 EDT

CRAWJODI: Both Joan’s Tuesday and Thursday sessions are at 11:00 EDT until further notice .

PAULG: says :Unfortunately I have been called into my (real life) league team as a last minute reserve for next Monday, so I'll be unable to take my session. I'll hold over the 'bidding of balanced hands' for the following Monday. Cheers Paul

GEOFSPA:will fill in Paul’s time slot with a team Match for members - Monday 8th14:00 EDT – just go to the BIL and kib his table and give him your name if you want to play - you must be there on time as soon as he sets the Matches up you will be zapped to the team Match area

LIONCUB will be away on 12th

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On 30 September Fred wrote to tell me of the BBO latest “Big News “ Event - some of you will have read the announcement on the BBO Log In News page . For those of you who missed it here is the link

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You LHO Partner RHO

1S Dbl P 2D

P 2S P 2N

P 3N P P


You choose to lead the 6 of hearts. Dummy plays the A, partner plays the 4, and declarer the 2. Dummy plays the A, K, and another club, partner following with the 6, J, and winning the Q of clubs, declarer discarding the 2 of diamonds on the last club.

Partner now leads the 7 of spades and declarer plays the 5. Plan your defense.

Send your answers to me:

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Browse the LIBRARY > Explore BIL > Bridge Notes Teachers or Bridge Notes Topics

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Now in the Library (Explore BIL – Bridge Movies) the bridge movies from

Nome– lesson notes and hands from Lioncub’s weekly in BIL sessions

Pedrog - hands and review by *SHEP – Shelagh Paulsson BIL Birthday tournament and

Hands and review by *MIGRY – Migry Campanile BIL Birthday tournament

You access the Bridge Movie Library from the MENU not from the Library News - Bridge Movies is a section of the site (that has a sub library of bridge movies )

Sometimes in the Library News I will make it easy for members to click on the key word and link it straight to the article of a section. This takes extra time and effort so I wont be doing it all the time - one has to use special codes to make it do that – and these days telling the i’s from the l’s can be a challenge 

But the proper way to navigate the LIBRARY site is through the MENUS

Click on the appropriate card symbol at the top of any screen to get the sub Menus then click on the section you want to visit – to leave that page – click on a Menu and select where you want to go to next .

Logging in will always take your first to the NEWS page

IF you cannot see the Card symbols you need to download the flash player

On the left of the News scroll down until you come to a link to a Free flash player.

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he says there are some ‘not so hard problems they may like to try”

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(send in your news to share with members )

LOTHAR: Picture of the month ( Thx Lothar I will put this in the Library Hall of Fame Picture Gallery when I get time )

Just a corner of my Clube Hípico de Santo Amaro (my best photo)

SEASHELLES: from Sandy

Hi, BBO Pals

These photos were taken during the ProAm, which is held quarterly, at the Wichita Bridge Club. At an ACBLProAm Game, the Life Masters partner withnon-Life Masters. So much fun! But so many egos!

In these shots, the people I play with most often are Juhree, who partnered with her mom Ginnythat night (omg),Anne, and Sandra. You can see new BBO Daylillies Jeanne in the background in black and white stripes.

V.A. and Ginny are the Grand Dames of Wichita Bridge. They look so sweet but that's because they just ate you for breakfast.

Tim and I didn't win but did come in the money. He is going to give my little Wichita study group lessons on the Big D before our next regional. We are excited! Ihope toshare with you what I learn--assuming he will understand that he must come down the ladder about 1,000 rungs to teach my group. That would be about the ratio of his MPs to mine. (No study group members are in the photos--they are just too chicken... squawk! Susan!)

If you want to view these photos, just click the hyperlink below and then click on the "slideshow" tab. You may exit at any time--move your cursor and click X.



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All BIL tournament results can be accessed for up to a week on BBO

Main Lobby > Useful Links & Information > BBO Masterpoint Organisations > BIL > Recent tournaments

The list of currently loaded tournaments is there too


Pedrog : Just want to express how much I enjoyed playing with everyone today :)

Great idea Maureen, It's a competition that I think it's FUN. If I can I will help in whatever u need.

Just sending the hands played. ( I will put these in the Library) Again thanks a lot

BIL Pair Ladder

Challenge ID: 1126

Yarborough posted a win against Moustiers.

Congratulation Yarborough! Your standing is still 2.

Yarborough's new skill rating is 1800.

Moustiers's new skill rating is 1400.

Message from Yarborough:

It was a lot of FUN... TY for great games...

BIL Team Ladder

Challenge ID: 1133

the gang posted a loss to Burak and Roll.

Congratulation Burak and Roll! Your standing is still 1.

Burak and Roll`s new skill rating is 1850.

the gang`s new skill rating is 1500.

Message from the gang:

39 to 37 imps. close match

Robs’ Fun House Sundays 22:00 EST 12 bds:

1st: selze - chocsdog +33.24

2nd: wagga_crow - brr1 +27.60

3rd: mcoates - big_daddy +22.76

4th: patsy_23 - ruleof20 +17.14

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People’s reasons for joining the BIL generally fall into 3 categories

  1. Beginners - having had a few lessons and needing somewhere to come to grips with the Basics
  2. Intermediates - who just want to enjoy friendly social games with maybe a tournament now and again , looking for a space in which to escape from the often viciousness of the MBC Advanced players
  3. Intermediates – who have ambitions of going on to higher levels and see the BIL as offering lessons which may give them the skills with which to bridge the gap (which is a very large one) between Intermediate and Advanced.

I like to think the BIL caters for each group and I am always pleased for those who come and go even if all the BIL could offer was a temporary space in which to adjust to the complexities of coping with a global online environment.

BIL - Club News: (enter the BIL click on the rhs button labelled Club News)Key personnel Links to Event Calendar, the Gazette, the Rules, Helpful Hints . FAQ and Mentor information,.accessible whenever you are on BBO all day, every day and ofcourse a link to THE LIBRARY

Event Calendar: - > About BIL > Event Calendar

There are numerous options for different views - months etc - explore.

Click on the name of a session to open a description of the session You can order an emailed reminder - provided you access the description from a future date.

The times shown are EDT/EST (New York) time HOWEVER you can have it convert the times TO YOUR OWN TIME. Click on Options Click on time offset . Select the number of hours difference between the Server time and the time on your PC clock . Click on "Change Time Zone", click Done, Close. Click the Refresh button on your browser’s tool bar and the times will change to your time

Broadcast Messages:We send broadcast messages to announce sessions, advise you of cancellations etc. These messages go to each and every member every time we send them. (e.g. we will send a message asking for Subs for a tournament - even though you may already be playing in that tournament you will still get the message, we cannot filter them ) If you are playing in a non BIL tournament we CANNOT respond to your messages.

Finding a BIL Event:

All BIL tournaments are held in the BBO tournament room – Main Lobby > Click to Play or Watch bridge > click on Free Tournaments for the BILs FUN and Teaching tournaments OR click on BBO Masterpoint tournaments for the BIL Pay tourneys . Scroll down to the one you are looking for and click on the listing. That will put you in the tournament lobby . Be sure to read the tournament description. Click on Rules to read the rules particular to that tournament. Click on Partnership Desk to add your name or to invite another to play in a Pairs tournament. Click on Register to sign up to play. To play in a Pay for tournament you must have $$s in your BBO$ acct – Main Lobby > Manage your BB$$ to add funds. The entry fee is deducted after the start of a tourney.

Complete Tournament Help Notes are in the BBO Help files in Log In page or (red button bottom right of your screen )

All tournament reviews (where applicable) and all in BIL teaching sessions are held at a Teaching Table in the BIL – Main Lobby > Click to Play or Watch bridge > Private Clubs > Beginner Intermediate Lounge. Be sure to read the Table description . Kibiitz the Table and follow the teacher’s and the BILAssist’s instructions.

Unable to see Tables in the BIL: If you go to the BIL and cannot see any tables - try this

Click on your own ID in the Main Lobby – this will bring up your profile

UNSELECT ‘Remember All settings’ Log off BBO and log back in.

If that does not solve the problem email me and I will send you Help notes regarding VIEW settings. Some tables will not be viewable as members can choose to have their table invisible.

You must have ALL countries and ALL Levels selected on your BBO profile

FORUM -Administrator - ladystar17 - When you first visit you must apply for membership of that site you cannot just log in. -interactive site for you to participate in hundreds of ways with your fellow members

Mail delivery: Sending messages by BBO mail can mean a lengthy delay. They are not necessarily delivered to me the next time I log in. The server retains mail and forwards it when there is not too much traffic. When vugraph is running this can mean a couple of daysor more The longest delivery to date took 80 days !! - true . I do acknowledge all mail I receive, so if you don't get a reply within a reasonable time frame send me an email. . Please always refer to a topic in the subject line of an email or in the BBO message. All emails must include your BBO ID (user/nick/login -name)

When you want an emailed reply to a question - email the BIL - or

There is a convenient CONTACT US page in the Library - About BIL > Contact Us