Date: Thursday 7th July 2011

Location: Room A102, Wilfred Brown Building

Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Chair: Professor Ian Campbell (PVC External Relations & Student Experience)


Mr Keith Fung (Student)

Mr Barry Harcourt (Catering)

Mrs Linda Hazell (Planning)

Ms Jeung Lee (Operations)

Ms Avina Patel (UBS)

Mr Promise Phillips (UBS)

Mr Bob Stiff (Operations)

Mr Mayele Yambila (Procurement)


Mr Olubunmi Arogunmati (Student)

Ms Jo Dooher (Publications)

Mr Andrew Kershaw (Director External Affairs)

Mrs Jess Luscombe (Computer Centre)

Rev. Patrick Morrow (Chaplain)

Mr Hadrian Tulk (Student)

Mrs Anthi Valaki (Brunel Volunteers)

Ms Jane Wickes (Catering)

1.0  Apologies & welcome

Apologies were received as listed above. PVC (ER&SE) welcomed the incoming UBS President to the meeting. He also expressed regret for the sad news that Professor Ken-Darby Dowman had passed away, especially as Ken had been the instigator of the work leading to Brunel’s Fairtrade Accreditation in 2009.

2.0  Notes of the meeting held 23 May 2011

These were accepted as a true record.

3.0  Matters Arising & Action Points

Members went through the list of Action Points and updated as follows:

Reference / Description / Agenda Item / Responsible
3.3 (25/10/10) / Response from Sarah Jewell regarding bulk purchase of Fairtrade products and sharing best practice.
IC would continue to attempt to contact Sarah. / n/a / IC
3.6 (25/10/10) / Meet Costcutter to discuss how staff/student input would help with stocking Fairtrade items and include in Fairtrade staff survey.
Ongoing. / n/a / JL/LH
4.0 (25/10/10) / Obtain update on range of Fairtrade products offered in Costcutter, amend Fairtrade Directory
Ongoing / n/a / LH
4.0 (25/10/10) / Contact Schools/Departments for update on use of Fairtrade tea and coffee, as well as any other products
Update December 2011 / 5.1 / LH
4.0 (25/10/10) / Maintain contact with Uxbridge High School (community collaboration)
Ongoing / n/a / LH
4.0 (23.5.11) / Use of publicity material in campus outlets, sourced from Fairtrade Foundation / n/a / LH
4.0 (23.5.11) / Fairtrade banner to be displayed / n/a / LH
4.0 (23.5.11) / Fairtrade to be included in the sustainable procurement training for administrators (Mayele Yambila for Environmental Strategy) / n/a / JL

During the discussion to update the above points, the following issues were raised:

4.0 It was thought that Schools generally bought refreshments externally, rather than use the services of Catering. Barry Harcourt informed the meeting that the department would be reviewing its policies and hoped to provide increased value for money which would hopefully result in the majority of refreshments for meetings being provided in-house in the future.

4.0 It was agreed that contact should continue to be made with Uxbridge High School, as well as offering support if they were planning to apply for Fairtrade Accreditation. PVC (ER&SE) would be happy to meet their representative. (LH/IC)

4.0 Discussion centred on publicity material around campus and both Barry Harcourt and Jeung Lee commented on the methods that Oxford Brookes utilised to promote sustainability generally, including Facebook and regular Green League meetings being held on campus. They were a good example of how to embed a sustainability culture that Brunel could aspire to and it was agreed to bring the issue of an awareness raising campaign to the next meeting. Brunel’s sustainable activity is of a good standard but more publicity is needed to increase community awareness. The following actions were agreed:

·  Ask the Fairtrade Steering Group for some input on what important items we could incorporate into an awareness raising campaign, including items such as ‘Brunel is a Fairtrade University’ on the home page. (LH)

·  Use the intranet to ask staff and students for any comments or suggestions they may have on such a campaign (LH)

·  PVC (ER&SE) to discuss with Chief Operating Officer the concept of general awareness of sustainability throughout the University. (IC)

It was hoped that a plan could be put in place for academic year 2011/12.

4.0  Events 2010/11

Fairtrade Fortnight UBS Presentation

Avina Patel gave a presentation on the events which took place during Fairtrade Fortnight, including a very successful exhibition, tasting events, fashion show, unfair sports, competitions and cook-offs. Up to 400 students took part and it was felt the activities were very successful in raising awareness of Fairtrade and were covered by the London Fairtrade web pages. There is an increasing demand for Fairtrade products on campus which is encouraging.

The variety and impact of the events provided an excellent framework for future years.

It was noted that the focus for 2012 Fairtrade Fortnight would be centred on the Olympics. It was also hoped to involve local schools in such activity, either by events on campus or external workshops.

5.0  Goal 4: Awareness Campaigning


At the last meeting, it was agreed to collate comments on the proposal prepared by Bunmi Arogunmati on community outreach. Director External Affairs had given feedback which advised focusing on collaboration with Uxbridge College and Uxbridge High School, rather than attempting to progress with Uxbridge Town Centre, as previous attempts had met with resistance.

PVC (ER&SE) informed the group that due to funding cuts, Uxbridge Initiative were likely to be repackaged and it may be possible to collaborate in the future.

It was suggested it might be useful to ascertain which organisations in the Uxbridge area had achieved Fairtrade Accreditation, so that they could be approached for possible opportunities to collaborate in the future. Fairtrade Foundation would be asked for this information. (LH)

6.0  Any Other Business

UBS Plans for Freshers Week

Avina Patel briefly outlined the future activities of UBS, which now focused on Freshers Week in September. It was proposed to hold Unfair Olympics (similar to the Fairtrade Fortnight activities) to tie in with 2012, as well as looking at alternative themes such as 90’s and futuristic. It was hoped to provide Freshers with an ‘essentials pack’ of Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits, as well as ensuring interested parties signed up to receive campaign updates.

7.0  Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed the next meeting would be held during September, when activities for Freshers Week were confirmed and any outstanding arrangements could be finalised. The main focus would be on formulating an Awareness Campaign. (LH)