T A T I A N A V. C H E R N I G O V S K A Y A
office:St.PetersburgStateUniversity, Philological Faculty. Universitetskaya Emb. 11. 199034, St-Petersburg, Russia Tel./FAX(7-812) 328 95 10; E-mail:
Present position: Vice-chair, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics and of the Department of Medicine in St. PetersburgStateUniversity. Professor of SmolnyCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences/ BardCollege. Head of the Research Department of General Linguistics and the Laboratory for Cognitive Studies at the Institute of Philology, St. PetersburgStateUniversity. PhD in Physiology in 1977 and Doctor of Science in Linguistics and in Physiology in 1993 at I. Sechenov Institute, RussianAcademy of Sciences.
Positions held: Since 1972 working for I.Sechenov Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1995 - Professor of the Department of General Linguistics and of the Department of Medicine in St. Petersburg State University. Was standing for corresponding member of RussianAcademy of Sciences in 1997. Teaches courses in Psycho- and Neurolinguistics; special seminars on cerebral basis for language and cognition. Supervisor for graduate, post-graduate and PhD students; consulting teachers and speech therapists.
Memberships : International Neuropsychological Society; International Language Origins Society; International Society of Phonetic Sciences; European Speech Communication Association; International Semiotic Studies Association; Russian National Association of Artificial Intelligence; Russian National Physiological Society; Cognitive Science Society; International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics; Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg. A member of the Steering Committee of the Nordic Neurolinguistic Network (NORFA)
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Language and Language Behavior (ISSN 1560-2974); of Sensory Systems (ISSN 0235-0092) and of SmolnyCollegium (Journal of Smolny College of Liberal Arts & Sciences), Journal of Institute of Philology
Scholarships : a grantee of J.WilliamFulbright Foreign Scholarship (1998) and of Russian State Scholarship for Outstanding Scientists (1998-2001)
Organiserof International Conferences: 'Cultural Norms: A Multiple View' (St. Petersburg, Russia, 1993); Annual Meeting of the Language Origins Society (St.Petersburg, Russia, 1993); Russian-American Conference 'Sensory Biology and Biosensors: Evolutionary Perspective (St. Petersburg, 1995); Nordic Neurolinguistic Network Workshop (St. Petersburg,1999); 'Homo Legens Scribensque' (St. Petersburg, 2002); First Russian Conference on Cognitive Science (Kazan, 2004), Second Russian Conference on Cognitive Science (St. Petersburg, 2006).
Group leader of international and national grants. Currently –Russian Foundation for Basic Research , Russian Scientific Foundation for Research in Humanities.
Co-ordinatorof Monthly Psycho- and Neurolinguistic Seminar of the Linguistic Society of St. Petersburg.
Major research interests: A. Cerebral basis for linguistic and cognitive functions; B. Modes of thinking and types of consciousness; C. Artificial intelligence; D. Language evolution and acquisition; E. Mental lexicon organisation
Languages: Russian: native; English: fluent in speaking, reading, writing; German, French: reasonable in reading and understanding
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