HRApreviously pointed outthat the Government’s General Planning Principles state; that relevant District and National Planning Policy Framework policies should be the main considerations used to assess planning applications and for justifiable planning reasons. Our objections to what can only be called an opportunistic application were similar and much in line with those pointed out in thefirst Planning officer’s report.
Since thenthe PlanningOfficer’s revisedassessment…. is even moreconclusive in recommending refusal.This application is fundamental to principles not only of those in the emerging Local District plan, but also in the whole structure of planning rules, especially those set out within the Government’s NPPF.
If Bromsgrove Councilwere to decide against those principles and policies then the general public will have no faith in our Local Authority’splanning Framework or inthe Government’sLocalism Act.
Our District Council is a Government led council having an electoral mandate to uphold its own policies and if that is broken by accepting an application that flies in the face of legislation and local plan policies then the District Council would not be representing those that elected it and it would fail to hold the community’s respect.
Hopwood Residents Association isonly asking that the committee stands byits Council’spolicies and the recommendations of their planning officer, and be of alike mind to refuse thisapplication. If approved it would be causing severe harm to the Green Belt. A Green Belt review is needed at locations outside of village envelopes unless there are any special local needs shown, and none are. This application would be contravening planning law if this were to be allowed. This is quite clearly stated from paragraph 82 to 90 in the NPPF.
Paragraph 83 is particularly relevant to Hopwoodprotecting its strategic location and its village envelope status. Hopwood maintains a buffer and an open green space between two large conurbations, keeping an openness is the mainoverriding principle of The Green Belt…At Hopwood this is it maintained by restricting development to purely within the village envelope and to some limited infilling. If approved this would set precedencethroughout the District.
SHLAA 2013 points to many more suitable sites in the Districtand we expect the District Council touphold its own planning principles and polices laid out within the BromsgroveDistrict Council’sPlanning Framework. Doing this will give structure and creditabilityto the emerging Local Plan and show the electorate that planning procedures are being carried out properly.
We hope you will rightfully refuse this application…Thank you.