1aOHydrogen can be produced when water or steam comes in contact with hot carbon material during firefighting.


1aXIn order for air to flow from the intake to the exhaust airways, the intake air must be at a lower pressure than the exhaust.

FALSE (must be higher)

1bOThe Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for carbon dioxide is 0.5% or 5,000 PPM.


1bXBlood moving through the capillaries in a constant flow is called perfusion.


1cOIn the “ABCs” of emergency care, the “C” stands for Compression.

False (circulation)

1cXThe typical adult has about 12 pints of blood.


2aOAn avulsion is a soft-tissue injury in which flaps of skin are torn loose or torn off.


2aXAnaphylactic shock occurs when people come into contact with a substance to which they are allergic.


2bOUnequal pupils could be a sign of a stroke or head injury.


2bXWorking on an energized 480-volt circuit while standing in water is acceptable if you are wearing waterproof footwear.

FALSE (never, never)

2cOPushing a load with a cart or dolly is easier on the back and easier to control.


2cXIf there are no leaks present when using a compressed gas cylinder, there is no danger.

FALSE (hazards are not limited to leaks)

3aOEmpty cylinders of flammable gas can be stored next to empty containers of corrosive gas as long as they are all empty.

FALSE (never stored together, empty or full)

3aXIt is important to monitor the surrounding air outside a confined space to make sure it is not contaminated.


3bOAn oxygen-enriched atmosphere in a confined space is when the oxygen content is greater than 23.5%.


3bXMobile equipment must not operate closer than 10 feet to energized power lines rated 50kv or below.


3cOLocking out equipment is required only if the procedure takes more than 10 minutes.

FALSE (always required)

3cXHydrostatic testing for a CO2 fire extinguisher must be performed at 5-year intervals.


4aOMaintenance checks of fire extinguishers are required at least once every 6 months.

FALSE (12 months)

4aXHousekeeping is an important tool in preventing slip and trip hazards.


4bOLadders must extend at least 24 inches above the access area to a roof or a grab rail must be provided.

FALSE (36 inches)

4bXThe minimum safe distance from an energized power line for a scaffold is 10 feet.


4cOA crane’s leverage is equal to the crane weight times the horizontal distance from its tipping axis to its center of gravity.


4cXClass A combustible materials are flammable liquids, gases, and greases.

FALSE (Class B)

5aOFor a fire to start, it requires fuel, oxygen, and heat.


5aX“Flash Point” is the lowest temperature at which the vapor from combustible liquid can be made to ignite.


5bOYour respirator can be used for fighting fires?

FALSE (respiratory protection only)

5bXKey components in a HazCom Program include training, labels, hazard determination, and MSDSs.


5cOA MSDS does not have to be prepared for a hazardous chemical produced at the mine.

FALSE (mine are not exempt)

5cXMSDSs only have to be accessible to miners during normal office hours.

FALSE (anytime)

6aOThe human body is 80% percent liquid.


6aXDry chemical fire extinguishers stop the reaction between Oxygen and fuel.


6bOBright red blood spurting from a wound indicates venous bleeding.

FALSE (Arterial)

6bX20 Feet is the trigger height for fall protection for employees working in elevated areas.

FALSE (10 feet)

6cOA job hazard analysis is a good place to review job emergency response actions.


6cXAcids may be stored near bases or alkalines.


7aOCarbon Monoxide is non-explosive.

FALSE (is explosive)

7aX120 (dB) is the maximum permissible exposure level impulse or impact noise.

FALSE (140)

7bODisposable hearing protection devices can be reused with no hazard to you.

FALSE (not to be reused)

7bXA written hearing conservation program must be made available to you.


7cOMetal ladders can be used near electrical sources if it has rubber feet at the bottom.

FALSE (never metal)

7cXThe base of a ladder should be placed so it is one foot away from the structure for every four feet of height to where the ladder rests.


8aOTo clean your eye protection equipment when it becomes oily and dirty, you can use an abrasive soap.

FALSE (no abrasives)

8aXA car is a safe place to be in an electrical storm because it has rubber tires.

FALSE (better than in the open, but still not safe)

8bOA 30 pound fire extinguisher will normally last 18 to 25 seconds.


8bXHigh concentrations of methane will have no effect on the human body.

FALSE (not stoxic, but displaces oxygen)

8cONitrogen dioxide has an orangish, yellow color in high concentrations.

FALSE (brownish-red)

8cXThe word ‘damp’ as used in mining, is derived from the German word ‘damph’ meaning gas or air.


9aOHydrogen sulfide exposure rapidly deadens the person’s ability to smell it.


9aXModern explosives are safe enough to be handled by personnel without special training.

FALSE (training always required)

9bOSmoke tubes are suitable for measuring air velocities between 150 and 200 feet per minute.

FALSE (too high)

9bXDuring periods of high atmospheric pressure, one would anticipate leakage at mine seals.

FALSE (low pressure)

9cOExplosives and detonators can be transported on belts.


9cXTreat a victim for shock by administering warm drinks.

FALSE (administer nothing)

Secure an impaled object rather than removing it from the victim.


Most deaths in confined spaces are due to atmospheric hazards.


Good ventilation is even better than testing to ensure that a confined space is safe.