Eta Lambda Chapter
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
January 2006
Table of Contents
ARTICLE Subject Page
- Name _____4
- Headquarters _____4
- Purposes/Objectives _____4
- Membership, Fees, and Dues _____5
- Discipline _____5
- Officers, Election of Officers and Duties _____6
- Board of Directors and Duties ____12
- Standing Committees and Duties ____13
- Meetings ____16
- Removal of Officers, Committee Chairmen,
And Directors-at-Large ____17
- Parliamentary Authority ____17
- Amendments ____17
- Governance ____18
- Transference of Records ____18
- Maintenance of Records and Property ____18
- Fees and Dues ____19
- Election Procedures ____19
- Grievance Procedures ____20
- Removal of Officers, Committee Chairmen,
And Directors-at-Large ____20
- Amendments ____21
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We, the members of this organization, in order to:
§ promote a more perfect union among college men;
§ aid in and insist upon the personal progress of its members;
§ further brotherly love and fraternal spirit within the organization;
§ discountenance evil;
§ destroy all prejudices;
§ preserve the sanctity of the home, the personification of virtue and the chastity of women;
do enact and establish this constitution for the governance of its members.
of the
Eta Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Section 1. The Headquarters of the organization shall be located in the City of Atlanta, Georgia.
Section 1. The objectives/purposes of this organization shall be to:
encourage its members to achieve the maximum of their individual and collective potentials;
prepare its members for the enhancement of the cause of humanity, freedom and dignity of the individual;
encourage and require the highest and noblest form of manhood among its members;
aid downtrodden humanity in its efforts to achieve greater social, economic and intellectual levels;
promote a fraternal bond among its members which will strengthen each individual and the Chapter;
conduct the national programs of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; and
To do all other things necessary and appropriate for the advancement of these purposes and the welfare of its members.
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The membership in Eta Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is limited to the class of Alumni. A member in good standing is one who has fulfilled all of his financial and other obligations as specified herein to Eta Lambda Chapter and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Section 2. FEES AND DUES
The fees and dues for membership in the chapter, or for initiation into the chapter, shall be those prescribed by the By-Laws and/or policy of the Chapter.
Section 3.1 A male who has been initiated into a chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and presents himself for affiliation shall gain membership in Eta Lambda Chapter provided he: is not eligible for membership in a College Chapter; and is vouched for by a member in good standing.
Section 3.2 A member may secure Life Membership in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., by purchase of the same as prescribed in the By-Laws; however, Life Membership does not release or excuse a member from his financial and other obligations to the Chapter.
Section 3.3 Any male possessing an earned degree from a college or university which has been accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency is eligible for membership candidacy provided that he is of good character and his candidacy is sponsored by a member of the Chapter in good standing.
Section 3.4 A candidate who receives from the Chapter the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the Chapter members at a meeting duly called for balloting, or at a meeting where prior notice was given that balloting would be held, shall be eligible for intake into membership provided that, in addition:
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he meets, or has met, all requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and of Eta Lambda Chapter;
he meets, or has met, all requirements for intake as stated in the Ritual and Standing Orders;
he receives written approval from the Regional Vice President.
Section 3.5 Any member of the Fraternity who has been initiated but who did not earn the baccalaureate degree shall be eligible for membership in Eta Lambda chapter.
A candidate, upon passing all intake requirements, shall become a member of the Eta Lambda Chapter and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Section 1. The Chapter shall have the power to discipline its members for violations of rules and regulations of the Fraternity and/or conduct unbecoming a member. This discipline shall be carried out in a manner consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Fraternity.
Section 1. OFFICERS
Section 1.1 The officers of this Chapter shall be President, Vice-President, Vice President for Finance, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Associate Editor to the Sphinx, Historian, Intake Coordinator, Chaplain, Director of Education and Board-Member(s)-At-Large.
Section 1.2 The President may appoint a Chief-of-Staff, a Sergeant-at-Arms, a Parliamentarian, Representative(s) to the Pan Hellenic Council, and a Committee Director for each of the following chapter areas (a) MEMBERSHIP, (b) INTERNAL OPERATIONS, (c) COMMUNICATIONS, (d) COMMUNITY SERVICE, (e) HOUSING, (f) FUND RAISING and (e) NATIONAL PROGRAMS.
Section 2.1 The Chapter shall hold ANNUAL elections of officers at the regular meeting in May and successful candidates shall assume office at the regular meeting the following September.
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Section 2.2 The Term of Office shall be one (1) year. No officer may serve more than four (4) consecutive terms in the same office without a break in service.
Section 2.3 Candidates are elected to office by receiving a plurality of votes cast by secret ballot. Only members in good standing with the Chapter and General Organization shall vote in any election.
Section 2.4 Any brother in good standing with the Chapter is eligible to seek a position as a Chapter Officer.
Section 2.5 The Chapter shall conduct elections to fill vacancies in elected offices occurring during the fraternal year.
Section 3. DUTIES
Section 3.1 The President shall:
serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors;
preside over meetings of the Chapter and the Board of Directors.
faithfully execute the laws, rules and regulations of the Chapter and the Fraternity;
appoint all committees not herein provided for, except where objection is raised and sustained by majority vote of the members;
serve as ex-officio to all committees;
interpret the Constitution;
present in writing to the Chapter, at the beginning of his term of office, a proposed program for administration;
present in September a written Annual Report to the Chapter of activities for the preceding fraternal year;
represent the Chapter in all official matters, as required.
Section 3.2 The Vice President shall:
act as President during the President’s absence;
serve as Chairman of the Program Committee;
present for approval a written and detailed proposal of program activities for the fraternal year at the September meeting;
present a written Report for the past fraternal year’s program activities at the September meeting;
serve as overseer of all committees and insure their operation and viability.
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Section 3.3 The Vice President of Finance shall:
serve as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for all affiliated corporations and entities;
assist the President and fiscal officers of all affiliate corporations in fiscal matters;
receive all financial reports of the fraternity and affiliate entities and make recommendations if needed;
must be fiscally responsible and answers to the full body or the Board of Directors as appropriate;
maintains oversight over all fiscal officers in the fraternity or its affiliates and makes appropriate recommendations for removal from office for dereliction/or malfeasance in their responsibilities or duties.
Qualifications and Requirements for this office:
must have prior fiscal experience or have served in some fiscal position previously for the Fraternity or any of its affiliates;
must have served on one or more fiscal committees of the fraternity or its affiliates;
must have high moral character;
must have an understanding of fraternal fiscal policies;
must show fiscal responsibility in fraternal affairs.
Section 3.4 The Recording Secretary shall:
record and maintain an accurate and complete record of the minutes of all meetings of the Eta Lambda Chapter and the Board of Directors. This shall include proceedings of meetings as well as written records of meetings. He shall compile minutes and proceedings in a bound record book within five (5) days of their occurrence (the record book is the property of Eta Lambda Chapter). Minutes shall include a record of monies received by the Chapter during a meeting and a listing of Brothers in attendance. He shall retain reports of Chapter officers and committees delivered during meetings;
provide the Board of Directors with a copy of the minutes of Board of Directors and Chapter meetings at least five (5) days before the next monthly Board of Directors meeting;
sign all pass cards.
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Section 3.5 The Corresponding Secretary shall:
send notices of Board of Directors and Chapter meetings and of other occasions for which notices are needed;
serve as liaison with the General Organization regarding submission of grand taxes, initiation records and information;
develop and maintain a full and up-to-date roster of all Alpha men in the Atlanta community. This roster should include mailing addresses, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
conduct other correspondence for the Chapter as deemed necessary and as directed;
prepare a monthly newsletter and submit same to each brother in a timely manner.
Section 3.6 The Financial Secretary shall:
receive all funds of the Chapter, issue duplicate receipts for the same, and transmit funds to the Treasurer with a report indicating the source(s) of the funds;
report at each monthly meeting on funds received since the last meeting and give a copy of such report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the meeting minutes;
keep an individual record of each Brother’s financial standing. This record shall be kept current and the Financial Secretary shall provide Brothers with receipts for monies paid;
serve as Chairman of Budget and Finance Committee;
provide a list of “financial” Brothers for presentation at the election meeting as well as on other occasions;
be bonded.
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Section 3.7 The Treasurer shall:
receive funds from the Financial Secretary accompanied by a report indicating the source(s) of the funds;
deposit monies in a bank in the name of the Chapter for funds received;
disburse funds as appropriate upon an order properly signed by the President. Checks for disbursement shall be signed by the President and the Treasurer;
make monthly reports to the Chapter showing beginning balance, cash received and source, cash disbursed and for what purpose, and a new balance. Copies of monthly reports shall become part of the Chapter minutes.
serve as a member of the Budget and Finance Committee;
be bonded.
Section 3.8 The Historian shall:
maintain a current History of the Chapter. The History is to be kept by the Chapter and a duplicate copy filed with the Executive Director of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., whenever requested.
Section 3.9 The Associate Editor to the Sphinx shall:
act as a publicity agent for the Chapter;
report, on a regular basis, the activities of the Chapter to the Editor of the Sphinx and other news media, as necessary.
Section 3.10 The Chaplain shall:
conduct all religious activities of the Chapter, including the preparation and conduct of devotions of each meeting.
Section 3.11 The Parliamentarian shall:
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assist the presiding officer in the interpretation of the Constitution and By-Laws. (Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the official parliamentary guide for the conduct of meetings).
Section 3.12 The Sergeant-at-Arms shall:
preserve order during all meetings and maintain a guard at the entrance to the meeting site;
assist the President in documenting votes, when requested.
Section 3.13 The Membership Intake Coordinator shall:
execute the Intake Program in accordance with the Ritual, Standing Orders, and the new intake process approved by the General Organization;
have responsibility for preparing successful candidates for membership in the Chapter;
serve as Chairman of the Intake Committee.
Section 3.14 The Director of Educational Activities shall:
plan and direct the operation of the educational activities and scholarship programs of the Chapter;
serve as the medium of communication between the Regional and national bodies of the fraternity and the local education foundation.
Section 3.15 The Committee Director shall:
coordinate the activities of a group of Eta Lambda Committee Chairmen;
attend monthly Board of Directors Meetings
assure that all committees under his jurisdiction are holding meetings and that written committee reports are prepared for each Board and Chapter meeting;
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work with each committee chair to assist in strategic planning;
make written reports to each chapter meeting on his area(s) of responsibilities. (In most cases, a summary report will be made. In some cases, the Committee chair will be asked to make a brief report).
recommend to the President the removal of any non-performing committee chair.
uphold the principles of Eta Lambda Chapter and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of all elected officers, the immediate Past President, Chairmen of Standing Committees, and three (3) members elected at large.