Forthe people of Lixnaw, Irremore and Rathea 22ndDecember 2013
OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS: Lixnaw €1600 Irremore € 415 Rathea €200
CHRISTMAS EVE / Children’s Mass at 7.30pm & Midnight Mass / 7.30pm / 7.30pm
CHRISTMAS DAY / 9.30am & 11.15am / 11am / 10am
COLLECTION A collection will be taken up in Rathea over Christmas for the Grotto lights.
CHRISTMAS CANDLES FOR SALE THIS WEEKEND AND CHRISTMAS EVE: Special memento candles carrying a depiction of St. Michaels church and greetings from Lixnaw will be on sale at the porch. These are suitable for use over Christmas.
CHRISTMAS CONFESSIONS: Lixnaw - Sat. 21st after vigil mass - Sun. 22nd after 8.45am & 11.15am masses. & finally Mon 23rd at 8pm in Listowel Irremore:Sun. 22nd after 11am mass & Sun. evening 7 – 7.30pm. Listowel Mon 23rd at 8pm.
St Senans LottoJackpot € 1500 NO 3, 7, 8 20 € 30;;; Johnny Horgan, Ballyhorgan; billy Stack, Lixnaw; € 20 Jimmy Lawlor Abbeydorney; Thomas enright Leim Bottle of whiskey.S Galvin & G Trant Next weeks lotto € 1700 LIXNAW CLUBLOTTOJackpot € 1500 NO’s 4, 9, 24, 27 25 winners;;Brendan Mcelligott, The bridge; Finula O’connor, Lixnaw; Aidan & Patricia Behan, Ballymacquinn, Abbeydorney; Paddy Kennelly, Croughcroneen; 5 free tickets Tom Flaherty Stacks Mountain; Mike Quinn Bruree Road; Next draw Quilters Bar Sun €1700.
Something special happens at Christmas that can deepen our lives.
The stable was small and clean, and you would have to stoop to get into it.
Food was scarce and the place was damp, but there were smiles.
In the middle of the hardship men, women and children found reason to look at each other and the smile was the smile of love.
A smile which money cannot buy, nor poverty destroy.
This is the love of Bethleham which parents know and children know.
It’s the presence of God gently invading even the worst places
Christmas is for a day, Christ is for life.
Thanks to Anne for the comprehensive, informative and well presented weekly bulletin.
Thanks to Fr. Gerard, Bridie Daly and all the helpers who keep the show on the road at Irremore
Thanks to Anne Whyte and all the helpers who keep the boat afloat at Rathea
Thanks to the many many groups for their commitment at Lixnaw.
A happy, holy and peaceful Christmas to all of you