Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course (SKE)

Mathematics 24 week course (January 2012 – July 2012)

If you have been given a conditional offer based on completion of a two week subject knowledge enhancement course you can book your place below. Further course detailsvisit


Family Name
First Name
Previous Name
Gender / DD/MM/YY
Male Female
Your e-mail address
Permanent Address
Term Time Address
SKE Programme Title
Institution where offer has been received for ITT programme / Mathematics
Residential Information
Country Of Permanent Residence
If UK Please Give County/Borough
Country Of Birth
Nationality (as on passport)
If You Are A Non UK National Please Enter Your Passport Number And Include A Copy Of Your Passport
Have You Ever Lived Outside The UK/EU? / Yes No
If Yes Please State Location & Duration
Have You Entered The UK On A Visa
If Yes Enter Expiry Date &Visa Number
Have You Been Granted Indefinite Leave To Remain? If Yes Enter Date / Yes No
Highest Qualification
HESA Student ID number (This number will be on your undergraduate degree transcript or can be obtained from your previous university)
Please Enter Your Highest Level Of Education.e.g BSc/MSc
If This Award Was Taken In The UK Enter Institution Name
If Taken Elsewhere Please Enter Name & Country


The University encourages you to disclose any disability/medical condition which may affect your future studies. All offers are made on academic grounds only and the information you provide will be used to help Middlesex University provide appropriate support.

Please tick all that apply:

No Disability [ ]

Dyslexia [ ] Blind/Partially Sighted [ ] Deaf/Hearing impairment [ ] Wheelchair User/Mobility Difficulties [ ]

Mental Health Difficulties [ ] Unseen Disability [ ] Aspergers/Autistic Spectrum [ ] Disability not listed here [ ]

Please provide a summary of any special support or facilities you require (if any):

The University is committed to providing equal opportunities for all. To assist us with our confidential monitoring please choose one selection from the bold options A-F to indicate your ethnic group. Then tick the appropriate box immediately after this grouping to indicate your cultural background:

A. White [ ] British [ ] Irish [ ] Scottish [ ] Welsh [ ] Any other White background

B. Mixed [ ] White and Black Caribbean [ ] White and Black African [ ] White and Asian [ ] Any other Mixed background

C. Asian or Asian British [ ] Indian [ ] Pakistani [ ] Bangladeshi [ ] Any other Asian background

D. Black or Black British [ ] Caribbean [ ] African [ ] Any other Black background

E. Chinese [ ]

F. Other ethnic background [ ] Not known [ ] Information refused [ ]

Please return this form to:

Arts & Education


Middlesex University

1st Floor Fenella

The Burroughs




For further information about subject knowledge enhancement courses go to:

and select Enhancement short courses from the left hand menu.