Mrs. J Sobh1


Welcome to Biology!

Course objectives: Biology is an experimental life science that includes topics such as scientific process, ecology, cells and their chemistry, interactions of cells and organisms and their environment, diversity of living organisms, and energy transformation. As we explore these topics and build on content knowledge, students will be exposed to inquiry, effective reading and writing, and use of technology, to practice and master learned material.

Materials needed to bring to class every day:

  • Green Binder

A 1-inch 3-ring binder is recommended to hold the bell work, classwork, homework, notes, and lab data. This binder will be used throughout the semester. You will need five tabs labeled: Bellwork, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5(in respective order).

  • Please ensure you have lined paper placed in your binder.
  • School planners are to be brought to class daily
  • Pencil Pouch with Pencils, Pens,and colored pencils or crayons, highlighter

The student is expected to bring several pencils and pens as well as loose leaf paper to class to do course work. Focus cards will be signed if materials are not brought to class.

  • Textbook (A class set will be used)

We will be using Modern Biology by Holt. Your book is available online at You may also sign a book out to take home. The online book login information is as follows:

Login: bstudent294

Password: d4j5v


Labs are an important part of the course. Proper lab report write-ups are required. Appropriate behavior is also required for students to participate in lab activities. Part of the lab grade will be based on techniques and lab behavior.

Classwork and Homework

There will be several quizzes and tests during each card marking period. Each test will cover one unit. There will be a selected number of assignments including reading, research, problem solving, critical thinking and cooperative learning assignments. The assignments are designed to be used to study for the tests after they are completed. If the student understands the material from the assignments, then they will know enough information to pass the tests (not necessarily an A). To receive an A on tests, students must be able to apply the material to new situations.

Attendance/Make Up Assignments

Assignments will be listed on the board and on the blog daily. No late work will be accepted. If you are absent for an assignment, quiz or test, please arrange with the teacher to make it up. Remember absences COUNT! Please refer toyour planner for the attendance policy. For the retake policy, please refer to the School Wide Policy on Retakes. Makeup tests must be completed prior to the next unit test. Also, it is your responsibility to make up all missing bell works by asking me or a buddy for missed bell work tasks.


Select graded work will be placed in a portfolio to show how the students are progressing throughout the semester. The teacher will inform the students what to submit to the portfolio. Students are NOT to take their portfolios out of the classrooms for any reason at any time.


  • Assignment headers must be in MLA format.
  • On the top center line of the paper must be the title of the assignment indicating page number(s) and questions assigned when appropriate.
  • The upper left hand corner of the paper should include the student’s name, teacher’s name, subject, hour, and date.


All final grades are based on accumulated points. Please check Mistar for student grades.

Formative assessment will be 20%: bell work, homework, participation, classwork (binder).

Summative assessment will be 80%: lab activities, quizzes, writing prompts, tests, projects, final exam.

The Grading Scale

A …...93-100%C…….73-76%

A- ……90-92% C-……72-70%

B+…….87-89% D+… 67-69%

B………83-86%D….. 63-66%

B-……..80-82%D-..... 60-62%

C+…….77-79% E….. 59% or below

Cheating & Plagiarism

Plagiarism, cheating, gaining unauthorized access to or tampering with educational materials and/or records (including sharing homework) will not be tolerated. Any student(s) involved will be given a zero on the assignment and the incident will be reported to an administrator. The administrator will place it on your permanent record. Any students caught cheating will not be eligible to become valedictorian their senior year.

Behavior with Substitute

Students are expected to be on their best behavior when a substitute is in the room. Nobody is allowed to change seats or leave the room. If the substitute leaves any names of students not following the class expectations and/or misbehaving, a detention will be assigned. Focus cards will be signed twice.

Class Guidelines and Procedures (9th Grade Academy)

  1. Upon entering the class, please read the agenda on the board and follow the instructions accordingly. Students are expected to come to class each day. Students must be in their assigned seats when the bell rings and begin the bell work immediately. Tardy cards will be signed for students who arrive late to class and bell work will countas a zero for that day.
  2. Students are expected to follow common rules of classroom courtesy such as:raise hand before speaking, use appropriate language, follow directions the first time, stay seated, if the teacher is talking to another student or adult, please do not interrupt. If a student fails to follow the common rules of classroom, their focus card will be signed.
  3. No use of electronics in class. Examples: cell phone, ipod
  4. All students are expected to work up until the bell rings. Use your class time to the fullest. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell. DO NOT LINE UP AT THE DOOR.

Consequences of not following classroom guidelines and procedures:

Extra help:

I am available for extra help and make up work after school Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please let me know ahead of time if you plan on coming in after school for extra help or for makeup work.




Tentative plan of work-sequence

Unit / Chapter: Modern Biology / Days of Instruction and Order
Inquiry / Chapter 1 / 4 days & throughout year
Ecology / Chapters 18, 19, and 22 / 19 days
Biochemistry / Chapters 2 and 3 / 15 days
Cells and Viruses / Chapters 4, 24 / 10 days
Homeostasis: (Cell Transport) / Chapter 5 / 12 days
Energy Transformation / Chapter 6 and 7 / 15 days

Contact Information:

Mrs. J Sobh313-827-1400 Extension 23643; Room A123; E-mail:



Thank you for reading the 9thgrade biology course syllabus. I look forward to partnering with you in the education of your child. It is important that you be well informed and therefore an active participant in your son or daughter’s biology class. Please go over this information with your child and have them return the form below. Thank you.


Please sign below and have your son/daughter return this page (below the dotted line) to the teacher. This is their first homework assignment worth 20 formative points. Student must keep the rest of the syllabus inside their binder throughout the semester.

Student Name(Print):______Class Period: ______

Student Signature:______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______